Core Reference - Classes, functions,
files that comprise Tekkotsu
DualCoding Reference - namespace reference for the DualCoding section of Tekkotsu
Quick Reference sheets (PDF) -
We have integrated software packages developed by other groups:
- ROBOOP - kinematics
- NEWMAT - matrix calculation package, provides some MATLAB-like functionality
- CMVision - color segmentation, run length encoding, and region analysis
- CMPack'02 Walk - CMU's 2002 RoboCup walk engine
- UPennWalk - walking code
We also provide several packages as precompiled MIPS libraries for linking
when developing for the AIBO. When doing local compilation, the host
machine's libraries will be used instead.
OPEN-R documentation
OPEN-R message board (English)
OPEN-R message board (Japanese)