This text is
dumped from the online help in version 2.3.
Additional commands for navigation through the menus are described in Level
2: Console.
Mode Switch: Contains the "major"
applications - mutually exclusive
Hello World: A little demo of text
Alan's Behavior: Lifts the
left/right front legs higher as more pressure
is applied to the front/back head buttons
Follow Head: Walks whereever you
point the head - press the chin button
to loosen the head, release to lock it
Stare at Pink Ball: Tracks any
pink objects seen by the vision system
Simple Chase Ball:
Chase Ball: Follows ball with head
and walks whereever the head is
Sound Test: Plays different sounds
when buttons are pressed. Holding the
chin button queues the sounds.
Look at Sound: Looking for Sound
Behavior Class
State Machine Demos: More fully
developed demo applications
-WalkToTarget: Class
WalkToTarget: walks towards a visual target until
it gets "close"
Bandit State Machine: Plays
k-armed bandit with a computer
Explore State Machine:
Pace Targets State Machine:
Kinematics Demos: Showcases some
of the newly developed kinematics code
Kinematic Sample 1: Uses
kinematics to mirror leg positions (note that
it mirrors the paw position - not necessarily the joint angles used to
Kinematic Sample 2: Uses
kinematics to make the back toe (Toe{LR}BkPaw)
touch the lower thigh (Lower{LeftBackL,RightBackR}FrThigh)
Stare at Paw (pre-2.2): Uses
kinematics to track the paw which last
received a button press with the camera
New Stare at Paw: Uses
kinematics to track the paw which last received a
button press with the camera
Ground Plane Test: Reports the
location of the center of the camera
image on the ground plane
Wall Test: Measures the relative
angle of surrounding walls
Background Behaviors: Background
daemons and monitors
#Flash IP Address: Class
FlashIPAddrBehavior: Displays IP address by
flashing a series of numbers on the LED face panel; Hold down ChinBut
HeadBut to trigger any time while running
Simple Chase Ball:
Stare at Ball: Tracks any pink
objects seen by the vision system
Head Level: Uses the internal
accelerometers to attempt to keep the head
Wag Tail:
Relax: Sets PID parameters for all
applicable joints to 0, allowing the
joints to move freely, reducing noise and power consumption
Camera: Push head button to save a
ASCIIVision: streams
low-resolution ASCII-art of the camera image to sout
Debugging Tests: Stress tests
Motion Stress Test: uses a
separate MotionCommand for each of several
joints to test for region leaks
Crash Test: A little demo of
blocking output before a crash after output
#33 (yes, this crashes the AIBO)
Freeze Test: A little demo of a
Main process infinite loop freeze (yes,
this hangs the AIBO)
System Daemons: Provide some
common sensor or event processing
Auto Getup: Monitors gravity's
influence on the accelerometers - if it
seems the robot has fallen over, it runs appropriate getup script
#World State Vel Daemon: Class
WorldStateVelDaemon: Keeps the
WorldState's velocity fields up to date
#Battery Monitor: Class
BatteryMonitorBehavior: Reports the current
battery status, and starts flicks the ears to warn when it gets too low
TekkotsuMon: Servers for GUIs
Head Remote Control: Listens to
head control commands coming in from port
Walk Remote Control: Listens to
walk control commands coming in from port
View WMVars: Brings up the
WatchableMemory GUI on port 10061 (connects to
WMMonitorBehavior, this just launches the GUI)
#Watchable Memory Monitor: Class
WMMonitorBehavior: Bidirectional control
communication with WMMonitor on port 10061
Aibo 3D: Listens to aibo3d control
commands coming in from port 10051
World State Serializer: Sends
sensor information to port 10031 and
current pid values to port 10032
Raw Cam Server: Forwards images
from camera over port 10012
Seg Cam Server: Forwards segmented
images from camera over port 10012
#EStopControllerBehavior: Class
EStopControllerBehavior: Listens to estop
commands coming in from port 10053
-Microphone Server: Class
Microphone Server: Microphone Server
-Speaker Server: Class Speaker
Server: Speaker Server
Status Reports: Displays information
about the runtime environment on the
Behavior Report: Generates a
summary of currently instantiated behaviors
Battery Check: Reports % power
remaining, and gives details on console
Profiler Check: Reports time spent
in all of the profiled sections in all
Event Logger: Allows you to
see/log all of the un-trapped events as they
are generated
[ ] unknownEGID: Show/hide
events from unknownEGID
[ ] aiEGID: Show/hide events
from aiEGID
[ ] audioEGID: Show/hide events
from audioEGID
[ ] buttonEGID: Show/hide events
from buttonEGID
[ ] erouterEGID: Show/hide
events from erouterEGID
[ ] estopEGID: Show/hide events
from estopEGID
[ ] locomotionEGID: Show/hide
events from locomotionEGID
[ ] micOSndEGID: Show/hide
events from micOSndEGID
[ ] micRawEGID: Show/hide events
from micRawEGID
[ ] micFFTEGID: Show/hide events
from micFFTEGID
[ ] motmanEGID: Show/hide
events from motmanEGID
[ ] powerEGID: Show/hide events
from powerEGID
[ ] sensorEGID: Show/hide
events from sensorEGID
[ ] stateMachineEGID: Show/hide
events from stateMachineEGID
[ ] testmsgEGID: Show/hide
events from testmsgEGID
[ ] timerEGID: Show/hide events
from timerEGID
[ ] visOFbkEGID: Show/hide
events from visOFbkEGID
[ ] visRawCameraEGID: Show/hide
events from visRawCameraEGID
[ ] visInterleaveEGID:
Show/hide events from visInterleaveEGID
[ ] visJPEGEGID: Show/hide
events from visJPEGEGID
[ ] visSegmentEGID: Show/hide
events from visSegmentEGID
[ ] visRLEEGID: Show/hide
events from visRLEEGID
[ ] visRegionEGID: Show/hide
events from visRegionEGID
[ ] visObjEGID: Show/hide
events from visObjEGID
[ ] wmVarEGID: Show/hide events
from wmVarEGID
[ ] worldModelEGID: Show/hide
events from worldModelEGID
Verbosity (0): Controls
verbosity level: 0=name,type;
1=0+duration,timestamp; 2=1+magnitude; 3=2+subclass info
[X] Console Output: If
selected, outputs events to the console
[ ] File Output: Please enter
the filename to log to (in /ms/...)
Sensor Observer: Allows you to
see/log the sensor data
[ ] Console Output: If selected,
outputs events to the console
[ ] File Output: Please enter
the filename to log to (in /ms/...)
Real-Time View: Please enter
the filename to log to (in /ms/...)
Real-Time Update Period: Please
the filename to log to (in /ms/...)
Sensors:: Toggles logging of
various sensors
Buttons:: Toggles logging of
various buttons
[...]Outputs:: Toggles logging of
various outputs' positions
[...]Duties:: Toggles logging of
various PID joint's duty cycles
[...]#Free Memory Report: Reports size
of free memory, and monitors for low
memory warning
Toggle: Toggles the behavior's
Free Mem: unknown:
Report Frequency (-1): Controls
how often to generate free memory
reports (in milliseconds)
Low Memory Threshold (256):
Controls when to start warning about low
memory (in KB)
Monitor Frequency (1000):
Controls how often to check for low memory (in
Network Status: Displays current
network status such as wireless signal
File Access: Access/load files on
the memory stick
Load Posture: Loads a posture from
user-selected file
Save Posture: Saves current
posture to filename read from user
Posture Editor: Allows you to
load, save, and numerically edit the posture
Load Posture: Select a posture
to open
Save Posture: Please enter the
filename to save to (in /ms/data/motion)
Weights: Set the weights for outputs
Run Motion Sequence: Runs a motion
sequence from a user-specified file
Play Sound: Plays a sound from a
user specified sound file
WaypointWalkControl: Allows
interactive control and execution of a set of
Execute: Begin running waypoint
[ ] Loop Waypoints: When last
waypoint is reached, start over
Add Egocentric Waypoint: Appends
a new egocentric waypoint (heading and
location relative) at the end of the list
Add Offset Waypoint: Appends a
new offset waypoint (location relative)
at the end of the list
Add Absolute Waypoint: Appends a
new absolute waypoint at the end of the
Load Waypoints: Reads a path
from a file
Save Waypoints: Writes the
current path to a file
Drift Error Correction: Enter 3
numbers 'x y a' reprenting current error
Walk Edit: Edit the walk parameters
-WalkControllerBehavior: Class
WalkControllerBehavior: Listens to walk
control commands coming in from port 10050
Slow Motion (1): Please enter a
new value for Slow Motion
Body: Edit the walk parameters
Body Height (105): Please
enter a new value for Body Height
Body Angle (0.20944): Please
enter a new value for Body Angle
Hop (0): Please enter a new
value for Hop
Sway (0): Please enter a new
value for Sway
Period (670): Please enter a
new value for Period
Use Diff Drive (0): Please
enter a new value for Use Diff Drive
Sag (0): Please enter a new
value for Sag
Neutral: Edit the walk parameters
NeuLeg[xFL] (120): Please
enter a new value for NeuLeg[xFL]
NeuLeg[xFR] (120): Please
enter a new value for NeuLeg[xFR]
NeuLeg[xBL] (-90): Please
enter a new value for NeuLeg[xBL]
NeuLeg[xBR] (-90): Please
enter a new value for NeuLeg[xBR]
NeuLeg[yFL] (80): Please enter
a new value for NeuLeg[yFL]
NeuLeg[yFR] (-80): Please
enter a new value for NeuLeg[yFR]
NeuLeg[yBL] (70): Please enter
a new value for NeuLeg[yBL]
NeuLeg[yBR] (-70): Please
enter a new value for NeuLeg[yBR]
NeuLeg[zFL] (0): Please enter
a new value for NeuLeg[zFL]
NeuLeg[zFR] (0): Please enter
a new value for NeuLeg[zFR]
NeuLeg[zBL] (0): Please enter
a new value for NeuLeg[zBL]
NeuLeg[zBR] (0): Please enter
a new value for NeuLeg[zBR]
lift_vel: Edit the walk
liftLeg[xFL] (0): Please enter
a new value for liftLeg[xFL]
liftLeg[xFR] (0): Please enter
a new value for liftLeg[xFR]
liftLeg[xBL] (0): Please enter
a new value for liftLeg[xBL]
liftLeg[xBR] (0): Please enter
a new value for liftLeg[xBR]
liftLeg[yFL] (0): Please enter
a new value for liftLeg[yFL]
liftLeg[yFR] (0): Please enter
a new value for liftLeg[yFR]
liftLeg[yBL] (0): Please enter
a new value for liftLeg[yBL]
liftLeg[yBR] (0): Please enter
a new value for liftLeg[yBR]
liftLeg[zFL] (100): Please
enter a new value for liftLeg[zFL]
liftLeg[zFR] (100): Please
enter a new value for liftLeg[zFR]
liftLeg[zBL] (200): Please
enter a new value for liftLeg[zBL]
liftLeg[zBR] (200): Please
enter a new value for liftLeg[zBR]
down_vel: Edit the walk
downLeg[xFL] (0): Please enter
a new value for downLeg[xFL]
downLeg[xFR] (0): Please enter
a new value for downLeg[xFR]
downLeg[xBL] (0): Please enter
a new value for downLeg[xBL]
downLeg[xBR] (0): Please enter
a new value for downLeg[xBR]
downLeg[yFL] (0): Please enter
a new value for downLeg[yFL]
downLeg[yFR] (0): Please enter
a new value for downLeg[yFR]
downLeg[yBL] (0): Please enter
a new value for downLeg[yBL]
downLeg[yBR] (0): Please enter
a new value for downLeg[yBR]
downLeg[zFL] (-100): Please
enter a new value for downLeg[zFL]
downLeg[zFR] (-100): Please
enter a new value for downLeg[zFR]
downLeg[zBL] (-100): Please
enter a new value for downLeg[zBL]
downLeg[zBR] (-100): Please
enter a new value for downLeg[zBR]
lift_time: Edit the walk
liftimeLeg[FL] (0): Please
enter a new value for liftimeLeg[FL]
liftimeLeg[FR] (0.5): Please
enter a new value for liftimeLeg[FR]
liftimeLeg[BL] (0.5): Please
enter a new value for liftimeLeg[BL]
liftimeLeg[BR] (0): Please
enter a new value for liftimeLeg[BR]
down_time: Edit the walk
downimeLeg[FL] (0.5): Please
enter a new value for downimeLeg[FL]
downimeLeg[FR] (1): Please
enter a new value for downimeLeg[FR]
downimeLeg[BL] (1): Please
enter a new value for downimeLeg[BL]
downimeLeg[BR] (0.5): Please
enter a new value for downimeLeg[BR]
calibration: Edit the walk
Interactive Calibration: Leads
you through the process of calibrating
the current walk
Load Data Set: Load data
files - select any file from the set, all
will be loaded
Save Data Set: Saves current
data (/ms)
Take Measurements: Begins
the data gathering process
Clear Data: Clear the
current data and start over
Load Calibration...:
forward max_accel (0): Please
enter a new value for forward max_accel
reverse max_accel (0): Please
enter a new value for reverse max_accel
strafe max_accel (0): Please
enter a new value for strafe max_accel
rotate max_accel (0): Please
enter a new value for rotate max_accel
forward max_vel (160): Please
enter a new value for forward max_vel
reverse max_vel (156): Please
enter a new value for reverse max_vel
strafe max_vel (103): Please
enter a new value for strafe max_vel
rotate max_vel (2.03): Please
enter a new value for rotate max_vel
Load Walk: Loads a set of walk
parameters from a file specified by user
Save Walk: Saves Walk
parameters to filename read from user
Files: Dumps a user specified file
to the console
Vision Pipeline: Start/Stop stages
of the vision pipeline
#RawCameraGenerator: Class
RawCameraGenerator: RawCameraGenerator
#InterleavedYUVGenerator: Class
#ColorJPEGGenerator: Class
JPEGGenerator: ColorJPEGGenerator
#GrayscaleJPEGGenerator: Class
JPEGGenerator: GrayscaleJPEGGenerator
#SegmentedColorGenerator: Class
#RLEGenerator: Class RLEGenerator:
#RegionGenerator: Class
RegionGenerator: RegionGenerator
#PinkBallDetectionGenerator: Class
#BlueBallDetectionGenerator: Class
#HandBallDetectionGenerator: Class
Shutdown?: Confirms decision to
reboot or shut down
Shutdown: Turns the Aibo off
Reboot: Reboots the Aibo
Help: Recurses through the menu
system and outputs the name and description
of each item