Videos and Screenshots

Our more recent videos have been uploaded to YouTube.
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Older Videos

Regis Prototype

Video of our “Regis” prototype running a demonstration we showed at AAAI-07 in Vancouver. For more information, see the Regis page.

MPEG-4 High-res (.mp4, 12.7MB)
MPEG-4 Low-res (.mp4, 7.5MB)
YouTube (Flash)

AiboCam Videos

Generated by streaming video over a wireless connection to a PC, where the individual frames are saved to disk and then compressed into video format.

Raw: 625 KB, 16 seconds (40 KB/s)
- MPEG-4 (.mp4)
- Quicktime (.mov)
- AVI (.avi)

(shot on a Sony Aibo ERS-210A)

Segmented: 1.2 MB, 16 seconds (81 KB/s)
- MPEG-4 (.mp4)
- Quicktime (.mov)
- AVI (.avi)

(shot on a Sony Aibo ERS-210A)
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k-Armed Bandit (where k=2)

The Aibo plays on a laptop simulating a gambling machine. This utilizes state machine, force feedback, and vision:

4.3 MB, 70 seconds
- MPEG-4 (.mp4)
- Quicktime (.mov)
- AVI (.avi)

(shot on a Minolta DiMage 7i, edited in iMovie)
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Showcases the walking abilities included with the framework.  The walking algorithms are ported from CMU's RoboSoccer team.  The low walking style is both fast and allows the ball to be dribbled. It also lowers the center of gravity, which makes it harder to knock over.  Notice how the gait transitions smoothly, without stumbling.  However, it is optimized for level, even terrain, and may not perform as well elsewhere.

walkingThumb5.4 MB, 90 seconds
- MPEG-4 (.mp4)
- Quicktime (.mov)
AVI (.avi)

(shot on a Minolta DiMage 7i, edited in iMovie)

paceGaitThumb3.1 MB, 51 seconds
- MPEG-4 (.mp4)
- Quicktime (.mov)
AVI (.avi)

(shot on a Minolta DiMage 7i, edited in iMovie)
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Maze Exploration

A project by one of the Pennsylvania Governor's School for the Sciences 2004 team projects, this video shows the AIBO centering between walls, aligning to the walls, and exploring a maze.  Final report is available, The Sony AIBO: Using IR for Maze Navigation, by Kyle Lawton and Elizabeth Shrecengost, advised by Ethan Tira-Thompson and Zhan Shi.

MazeExploreThumb3.8 MB, 62 seconds
- MPEG-4 (.mp4)
- Quicktime (.mov)
- AVI (.avi)

(shot on a Canon S410)
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Head Leveler Demo

Uses the Aibo's accelerometers to keep the head in a constant orientation, regardless of the angle the body. Pressing the head buttons releases the neck joints and allows the head to be positioned where it should be held.

headLevelThumb2.5 MB, 41 seconds
- MPEG-4 (.mp4)
- Quicktime (.mov)
- AVI (.avi)

(shot on a Minolta DiMage 7i)
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Software-Based Camera Stabilization

Using Y-channel (intensity) images streamed over wireless and recorded on a PC.  Post processing in MATLAB allows rapid test and development of vision algorithms.  In this case, we try to stabilize the camera in software by registering each new image to the one before it.  Unfortunately, the computational cost of this example appears to be too high to actually implement on the AIBO itself. (Might be possible, but difficult)  The current walking target velocity is also logged and used to predict "intentional" rotational displacement between images.

stabilization2Thumb3.2 MB, 43 seconds
- MPEG-4 (.mp4)
- Quicktime (.mov)

(shot on a Sony Aibo ERS-210A)

stabilizationThumb82 seconds
- MPEG-4 (.mp4, 6.2 MB)
- Quicktime (.mov, 5.2 MB)

(shot on a Sony Aibo ERS-210A)
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Emergency Stop Demo

Demonstrates the default startup mode.  A simple double-tap on the back button at any time will enable or disable this mode.  The tail light pulses blue/red to signal this mode, and the joints remain pliable, for both safety and allowing the robot to be posed manually.

This example shows the ERS-210, but the ERS-220 and ERS-7 all use unique LEDs, so they have different signaling patterns.

emergencyStopThumb2.5 MB, 41 seconds
- MPEG-4 (.mp4)
- Quicktime (.mov)
- AVI (.avi)

(shot on a Minolta DiMage 7i, edited in iMovie)

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TD-learning XOR:

The Aibo learns that a single ball predicts reward, but both balls predict no reward.  This uses our internal AI module (under development), object recognition, and (simple) gesture recognition.

XORThumb4.0 MB, 65 seconds
- MPEG-4 (.mp4)
- Quicktime (.mov)
- AVI (.avi)

(shot  on a DV camera, edited in iMovie)
The paper that describes the research aspects of this demo can be found here.
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The following screenshots are from the Java and MATLAB tools which are bundled with Tekkotsu.  Click on a name to get a description of the tool, or click on the thumbnail for a larger image.
Notice these screenshots are taken on a variety of platforms.

Java Tools

Walk Remote Control
Head Pointer
Watchable Memory
Watchable Memory


NOTE: The MATLAB tools are currently broken in version 1.5.  There is a work around: copy all of the * files from tools/mon/org/tekkotsu/mon/ to tools/mon (with the MATLAB .m files)
Vision Monitor
MATLAB Vision Monitor
Walk Remote Control
Joint Graphs
Joint History Graph
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Regis Prototype
AiboCam Videos
k-Armed Bandit
Maze Exploration
Head Leveler
Camera Stabilization
Emergency Stop
TD-Learning XOR



Other Media

Tekkotsu Handout