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Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include <iostream>
00002 #include <sstream> // for ostringstream
00004 #include "SketchSpace.h"
00005 #include "ShapeRoot.h"
00006 #include "ShapeSpace.h"
00007 #include "Sketch.h"
00008 #include "BaseData.h"
00009 #include "ViewerConnection.h"
00010 #include "Vision/colors.h" // for rgb and yuv structs
00012 using namespace std;
00014 namespace DualCoding {
00016 SketchSpace::SketchSpace(std::string const _name,  ReferenceFrameType_t _refFrameType,
00017        int const init_id, size_t const _width, size_t const _height) :
00018   name(_name), width(_width), height(_height), numPixels(_width*_height),
00019   Tmat(fmat::Transform()),  Tmatinv(fmat::Transform()),
00020   idCounter(1), refreshCounter(1),
00021   dualSpace(new ShapeSpace(this,init_id,_name,_refFrameType)),
00022   boolPool(this,"bool"), ucharPool(this,"uchar"), 
00023   usintPool(this,"usint"), uintPool(this,"uint"), floatPool(this,"float"), yuvPool(this,"yuv"),
00024   dummy(numPixels), idx(NULL),
00025   idxN(NULL), idxS(NULL), idxE(NULL), idxW(NULL), 
00026   idxNE(NULL), idxNW(NULL), idxSE(NULL), idxSW(NULL),
00027   viewer(new ViewerConnection)
00028 {
00029 }
00031 void SketchSpace::requireIdx() {
00032   if ( idx == NULL ) {
00033     idx = new Sketch<skindex>(*this, "idx");
00034     uint i = 0;
00035     for (size_t y = 0; y < height; y++)
00036       for (size_t x = 0; x < width; x++)
00037   setIdx(*idx, x, y, i++);
00038   }
00039 }
00041 void SketchSpace::requireIdx4way() {
00042   if ( idxN == NULL) {
00043     idxN = new Sketch<skindex>(*this,"idN");
00044     idxS = new Sketch<skindex>(*this,"idS");
00045     idxE = new Sketch<skindex>(*this,"idE");
00046     idxW = new Sketch<skindex>(*this,"idW");
00047     int i = 0;
00048     for (size_t y = 0; y < height; y++) {
00049       for (size_t x = 0; x < width; x++) {
00050       setIdx(*idxN, x, y, i-width);
00051       setIdx(*idxS, x, y, i+width);
00052       setIdx(*idxW, x, y, i-1);
00053       setIdx(*idxE, x, y, i+1);
00054       i++;
00055       }
00056     }
00057   }
00058 }
00060 void SketchSpace::requireIdx8way() {
00061   requireIdx4way();
00062   if ( idxNE == NULL) {
00063     idxNE = new Sketch<skindex>(*this,"idNE");
00064     idxNW = new Sketch<skindex>(*this,"idNW");
00065     idxSE = new Sketch<skindex>(*this,"idSE");
00066     idxSW = new Sketch<skindex>(*this,"idSW");
00067     int i = 0;
00068     for (size_t y = 0; y < height; y++) {
00069       for (size_t x = 0; x < width; x++) {
00070       setIdx(*idxNE, x, y, i-width+1);
00071       setIdx(*idxNW, x, y, i-width-1);
00072       setIdx(*idxSE, x, y, i+width+1);
00073       setIdx(*idxSW, x, y, i+width-1);
00074       i++;
00075       }
00076     }
00077   }
00078 }
00080 void SketchSpace::freeIndexes() {
00081   delete idx;
00082   idx=NULL;
00083   delete idxN; delete idxS; delete idxE; delete idxW; 
00084   idxN=idxS=idxE=idxW=NULL;
00085   delete idxNE; delete idxNW; delete idxSE; delete idxSW;
00086   idxNE=idxNW=idxSE=idxSW=NULL;
00087 }
00090 void SketchSpace::resize(const size_t new_width, const size_t new_height) {
00091   // delete all the old stuff
00092   freeIndexes();
00093   boolPool.deleteElements();
00094   ucharPool.deleteElements();
00095   usintPool.deleteElements();
00096   uintPool.deleteElements();
00097   floatPool.deleteElements();
00098   yuvPool.deleteElements();
00099   // now set the new dimensions
00100   width = new_width;
00101   height = new_height;
00102   numPixels = new_width * new_height;
00103   dummy = numPixels;
00104 }
00106 SketchSpace::~SketchSpace() { 
00107   delete dualSpace;
00108   //printf("Destroying SketchSpace %s at 0x%p\n",name.c_str(),this);
00109   freeIndexes();
00110   delete viewer;
00111 }
00114 void SketchSpace::dumpSpace() const {
00115   boolPool.dumpPool();
00116   ucharPool.dumpPool();
00117   usintPool.dumpPool();
00118   uintPool.dumpPool();
00119   floatPool.dumpPool();
00120   yuvPool.dumpPool();
00121 }
00123 void SketchSpace::clear(bool clearRetained) {
00124   boolPool.clear(clearRetained);
00125   ucharPool.clear(clearRetained);
00126   usintPool.clear(clearRetained);
00127   uintPool.clear(clearRetained);
00128   floatPool.clear(clearRetained);
00129   yuvPool.clear(clearRetained);
00130 }
00132 void SketchSpace::setTmat(const fmat::Transform &mat) {
00133   Tmat = mat;
00134   Tmatinv = mat.inverse();
00135   // Drop all cached renderings since they're no longer valid.  Note that
00136   // any user-created rendering sketches will still exist.
00137   for ( std::vector<ShapeRoot>::iterator it = dualSpace->allShapes().begin();
00138     it != dualSpace->allShapes().end(); it++ )
00139     (*it)->deleteRendering();
00140 }
00142 void SketchSpace::setTmat(float scale, float tx, float ty) {
00143   // scale must not be 0 (fmat::Transform doesn't store scale factor, would have to use full Matrix<4,4>)
00144   setTmat(fmat::Transform(fmat::Matrix<3,3>::identity() * scale, fmat::pack(tx,ty,0.f)));
00145 }
00147 void SketchSpace::setTmat(const BoundingBox2D &b) {
00148   float const scale = b.getDimensions().min();
00149   setTmat(scale, -b.min[0], -b.min[1]);
00150 }    
00152 void SketchSpace::applyTmat(fmat::Column<3> &vec) {
00153   vec = Tmat * vec;
00154 }
00156 void SketchSpace::applyTmatinv(fmat::Column<3> &vec) {
00157   vec = Tmatinv * vec;
00158 }
00160 void SketchSpace::setIdx(Sketch<skindex>& indices, int const x, int const y, int const indexval) {
00161   int const indexval_x = indexval % width;
00162   int const indexval_y = indexval / width;
00163   indices(x,y) = (indexval_x < 0 || indexval_y < 0 || indexval_x >= (int)width || indexval_y >= (int)height
00164       || abs(indexval_x-x)+1 == (int)width) // loop-around check
00165     ? dummy : indexval;
00166 }
00168 std::string SketchSpace::getTmatForGUI() {
00169   std::ostringstream tmat_stream;
00170   tmat_stream << "tmat" << endl;
00171   for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
00172     for (int j=0; j<4; j++)
00173       tmat_stream << " " << Tmat(i,j);
00174   tmat_stream << endl;
00175   return tmat_stream.str();
00176 }
00178 std::string SketchSpace::getSketchListForGUI() {
00179   bumpRefreshCounter();
00180   std::string sketchlist;
00181   sketchlist += boolPool.getSketchListForGUI();
00182   sketchlist += ucharPool.getSketchListForGUI();
00183   sketchlist += usintPool.getSketchListForGUI();
00184   sketchlist += uintPool.getSketchListForGUI();
00185   sketchlist += floatPool.getSketchListForGUI();
00186   sketchlist += yuvPool.getSketchListForGUI();
00187   return sketchlist;  
00188 }
00190 SketchDataRoot* SketchSpace::retrieveSketch(int const id) {
00191   SketchDataRoot* sketchp;
00192   // Try each pool in turn until we find it.
00193   sketchp = boolPool.retrieveSketch(id);
00194   if ( sketchp ) return sketchp;
00195   sketchp = ucharPool.retrieveSketch(id);
00196   if ( sketchp ) return sketchp;
00197   sketchp = usintPool.retrieveSketch(id);
00198   if ( sketchp ) return sketchp;
00199   sketchp = uintPool.retrieveSketch(id);
00200   if ( sketchp ) return sketchp;
00201   sketchp = floatPool.retrieveSketch(id);
00202   if ( sketchp ) return sketchp;
00203   sketchp = yuvPool.retrieveSketch(id);
00204   return sketchp;
00205 }
00207 } // namespace

DualCoding 5.1CVS
Generated Mon May 9 04:56:28 2016 by Doxygen 1.6.3