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DualCoding Namespace Reference

Dual coding vision representations (Sketches and Shapes). More...


namespace  PilotTypes


class  UnaryShapeRootPred
 Unary predicates over ShapeRoot objects.
class  Lookout
 The Lookout accepts LookoutRequests to move the head and collect sensor information.
class  LookoutRequestBase
 Base class for requests to the Lookout.
class  LookoutPointRequest
 Take a picture of or measure a distance to a point in space.
class  LookoutScanRequest
class  LookoutTrackRequest
class  LookoutSearchRequest
 Search for an object and return when found.
class  MapBuilder
class  GazePoint
class  MapBuilderRequest
class  Pilot
 The Pilot is the top-level navigation engine for Tekkotsu.
class  PilotRequest
 Request to the Pilot for motion or navigation.
class  ShapeParticleDistributionPolicy
class  ShapeBasedParticleFilter
class  ShapeSLAMParticle
class  ShapeSLAMParticleEvaluator
class  ShapeSLAMSensorModel
class  ShapeSLAMParticleFilter
class  VisualOdometry
class  OpticalFlowOdometry
class  ImageProfileOdometry
class  AgentData
 Representation of the robot on the world map. More...
class  AprilTagData
class  BaseData
 Base class that all shape data classes inherit from, e.g., LineData, BlobData, etc. More...
class  BiColorMarkerData
 Marker shapes, described by a single point in space. More...
class  Shape< BiColorMarkerData >
class  BlobData
 Blob shapes, described by bounding boxes and an optional list of runs. More...
class  BrickData
class  CrossData
class  CylinderData
 Vertical standing cylinder. More...
class  DominoData
 Subclass of Brick that describes a Domino. More...
class  EllipseData
class  EndPoint
class  GraphicsData
 Graphical display of a collection of lines, ellipses, particles, and text objects. More...
class  LineData
 A line shape, with two endpoints, a length, orientation, etc. More...
class  LocalizationParticleData
 Shape represention of a localization particle. More...
class  MarkerData
 Marker shapes, described by a single point in space. More...
class  NaughtData
class  Point
class  PointData
class  PolygonData
class  PyramidData
class  Region
class  Shape< AgentData >
class  Shape< AprilTagData >
 Smart pointer to a AprilTagData object. More...
class  Shape< BlobData >
class  Shape< BrickData >
class  Shape< CrossData >
class  Shape< CylinderData >
class  Shape< DominoData >
class  Shape< EllipseData >
 Smart pointer to an EllipseData object. More...
class  BinaryShapeRootPred
 Binary predicates over ShapeRoot objects. More...
class  UnaryShapePred
 Unary predicates over Shape<T> objects. More...
class  BinaryShapePred
 Binary predicates over Shape<T> objects. More...
class  shortcircuit_and
 Classes for implementing shortcircuit And and Or predicates. Don't call directly; use AndPred and OrPred; use not1 for negation. More...
class  shortcircuit_or
class  IsType
class  IsColor
class  IsName
class  IsNamePrefix
class  IsLastMatch
class  IsLeftOf
class  IsLeftOfThis
class  IsRightOf
class  IsRightOfThis
class  IsAbove
class  IsAboveThis
class  IsBelow
class  IsBelowThis
class  Shape< GraphicsData >
 Smart pointer to a GraphicsData object. More...
class  Shape< LineData >
 Smart pointer to a LineData object. More...
class  Shape< LocalizationParticleData >
class  Shape< MarkerData >
class  Shape< NaughtData >
class  Shape< PointData >
class  Shape< PolygonData >
class  Shape< PyramidData >
class  ShapeRoot
 Parent class for all Shape<xxxData> objects. More...
class  Shape< SiftData >
 Smart pointer to a SiftData object. More...
class  Shape< SkeletonData >
 Smart pointer to a SkeletonData object. More...
class  ShapeSpace
 Holds a collection of diverse shapes such as LineData or EllipseData. More...
class  Shape< SphereData >
class  Shape< TargetData >
class  SiftData
class  Skeleton
class  SkeletonData
class  Sketch
 Smart pointers for referencing. More...
class  SketchData
 Holds the pixels for an individual sketch. More...
class  SketchDataRoot
 Parent class for SketchData<T> More...
class  SketchIndices
 Table of indices of sketch elements; parent of the Region class. More...
class  SketchPool
 Manages a pool of SketchData<T> instances. More...
class  SketchPoolRoot
 Non-templated parent class of SketchPool<T>. More...
class  SketchRoot
 Parent class for all Sketch<T> More...
class  SketchSpace
 Holds a collection of sketches of various types. More...
class  SphereData
class  TargetData
class  ViewerConnection
class  VisualRoutinesBehavior
 Base class from which visual-routines based behaviors (which all share a common SketchSpace) inherit. More...
class  VisualRoutinesStateNode
 Base class from which visual-routines based state nodes (which all share a common SketchSpace) inherit. More...
class  VRmixin
 Mix-in for the BehaviorBase or StateNode class to give access to VisualRoutinesBehavior variables. More...


typedef std::string MarkerType_t
typedef std::vector< Shape
< MarkerData > >(* 
MarkerExtractFn_t )(const Sketch< uchar > &, const MapBuilderRequest &)
typedef unsigned int XnSkeletonJoint
typedef unsigned char uchar
typedef unsigned int skindex
typedef unsigned char cmap_t


enum  ReferenceFrameType_t { unspecified, camcentric, egocentric, allocentric }
enum  ShapeType_t {
  unknownDataType = 0, lineDataType, ellipseDataType, pointDataType,
  agentDataType, sphereDataType, polygonDataType, blobDataType,
  brickDataType, pyramidDataType, localizationParticleDataType, targetDataType,
  markerDataType, cylinderDataType, siftDataType, aprilTagDataType,
  graphicsDataType, dominoDataType, naughtDataType, crossDataType,
  skeletonDataType, numDataTypes
enum  SketchType_t {
  sketchUnknown = 0, sketchBool, sketchUchar, sketchUsint,
  sketchUint, sketchFloat, sketchYUV
enum  ColorMapType_t { segMap = 0, grayMap = 1, jetMap = 2, jetMapScaled = 3 }


 DATASTUFF_CC (AprilTagData)
 DATASTUFF_CC (BiColorMarkerData)
Point findEdgePoint (Point start, Point end, Sketch< bool > &rendering)
int findRadialDistancesFromPoint (Point center, float radius, Sketch< bool > &rendering, float distances[], std::vector< Point > &points)
void takeDerivative (float x[], float dx[], int len)
void applyGaussian (float x[], float gx[], int len)
void drawHist (float distances[], unsigned int len, Sketch< bool > &parent)
float getBoundingQuadrilateralScore (BlobData &blob, vector< Point > &corners, Sketch< bool > edgeImage, int &borderCount, ShapeSpace &space)
float getQuadrilateralArea (vector< Point > &corners)
float getBoundingQuadrilateralInteriorPointRatio (BlobData &blob, vector< Point > &corners, ShapeSpace &space)
int countBorderPixelFit (BlobData &blob, const vector< Point > &corners, Sketch< bool > edges, ShapeSpace &space)
int pickMove (vector< float > scores, float weight)
 DATASTUFF_CC (CylinderData)
 DATASTUFF_CC (DominoData)
int round (float x)
 DATASTUFF_CC (EllipseData)
 DATASTUFF_CC (GraphicsData)
 DATASTUFF_CC (LocalizationParticleData)
 DATASTUFF_CC (MarkerData)
 DATASTUFF_CC (NaughtData)
PointleftMost (Point &pt1, Point &pt2)
PointrightMost (Point &pt1, Point &pt2)
PointtopMost (Point &pt1, Point &pt2)
PointbottomMost (Point &pt1, Point &pt2)
const PointleftMost (const Point &pt1, const Point &pt2)
const PointrightMost (const Point &pt1, const Point &pt2)
const PointtopMost (const Point &pt1, const Point &pt2)
const PointbottomMost (const Point &pt1, const Point &pt2)
 DATASTUFF_CC (PolygonData)
 DATASTUFF_CC (PyramidData)
 SHAPESTUFF_CC (CylinderData)
 SHAPESTUFF_CC (EllipseData)
ShapeRoot find_shape (const std::vector< ShapeRoot > &vec, const std::string &name)
 Return the first ShapeRoot with the specified name, else return an invalid ShapeRoot.
template<typename PredType >
ShapeRoot find_if (const std::vector< ShapeRoot > &vec, PredType pred)
 Find a ShapeRoot satisfying pred.
template<class T , typename PredType >
Shape< Tfind_if (const std::vector< ShapeRoot > &vec, PredType pred)
 Find a Shape<T> in a vector of ShapeRoot satisfying pred.
template<class T , typename PredType >
Shape< Tfind_if (const std::vector< Shape< T > > &vec, PredType pred)
 Find a Shape<T> satisfying pred.
template<class T >
Shape< Tfind_if (const std::vector< ShapeRoot > &vec)
 Find a Shape<T> in a vector of ShapeRoot.
template<class T >
std::vector< Shape< T > > select_type (std::vector< ShapeRoot > &vec)
 Select the Shape<T> elements from a vector of ShapeRoots.
template<class T , typename PredType >
std::vector< Shape< T > > subset (const std::vector< Shape< T > > &vec, PredType pred)
 Find all elements in a vector of Shape<T> satisfying pred.
template<typename PredType >
std::vector< ShapeRootsubset (const std::vector< ShapeRoot > &vec, PredType pred)
 Find all elements in a vector of ShapeRoot satisfying pred.
template<class T , typename PredType >
std::vector< Tsubset (const std::vector< ShapeRoot > &vec, PredType pred)
 Find all elements of type T in a vector of ShapeRoot satisfying pred.
template<class T , typename ComparisonType >
Shape< Tmax_element (const std::vector< Shape< T > > &vec, ComparisonType comp)
template<typename ComparisonType >
ShapeRoot max_element (const std::vector< ShapeRoot > &vec, ComparisonType comp)
template<class T , typename ComparisonType >
Shape< Tmin_element (const std::vector< Shape< T > > &vec, ComparisonType comp)
template<typename ComparisonType >
ShapeRoot min_element (const std::vector< ShapeRoot > &vec, ComparisonType comp)
template<class T , typename PredType >
std::vector< Shape< T > > stable_sort (const std::vector< Shape< T > > &vec, const PredType &pred)
template<typename PredType >
std::vector< ShapeRootstable_sort (const std::vector< ShapeRoot > &vec, const PredType &pred)
 SHAPESTUFF_CC (GraphicsData)
 SHAPESTUFF_CC (LocalizationParticleData)
 SHAPESTUFF_CC (PolygonData)
 SHAPESTUFF_CC (PyramidData)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ShapeRoot &r)
const char * data_name (int data_type)
 DATASTUFF_CC (SkeletonData)
 DEF_MATHOPS_CC (bool, uchar, uchar) DEF_MATHOPS_CC(bool
uint DEF_MATHOPS_CC (bool, float, float) DEF_MATHOPS_CC(uchar
uint uchar DEF_MATHOPS_CC (uchar, uchar, uchar) DEF_MATHOPS_CC(uchar
uint uchar uint DEF_MATHOPS_CC (uchar, float, float) DEF_MATHOPS_CC(usint
uint uchar uint usint DEF_MATHOPS_CC (usint, uchar, usint) DEF_MATHOPS_CC(usint
uint uchar uint usint usint DEF_MATHOPS_CC (usint, float, float) DEF_MATHOPS_CC(uint
uint uchar uint usint usint uint DEF_MATHOPS_CC (uint, uchar, uint) DEF_MATHOPS_CC(uint
uint uchar uint usint usint
uint uint 
DEF_MATHOPS_CC (uint, float, float) DEF_MATHOPS_CC(float
uint uchar uint usint usint
uint uint float 
DEF_MATHOPS_CC (float, uchar, float) DEF_MATHOPS_CC(float
uint uchar uint usint usint
uint uint float float 
Sketch< bool > & operator&= (Sketch< bool > &arg1, Sketch< bool > const &arg2)
Sketch< bool > & operator|= (Sketch< bool > &arg1, Sketch< bool > const &arg2)
Sketch< bool > & operator^= (Sketch< bool > &arg1, Sketch< bool > const &arg2)
template<class A , class B >
void copyPixels (Sketch< A > &dest, const Sketch< B > &src)
 utility function used by type conversion operators
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const SketchIndices &s)
 prints out SketchIndices for debugging
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const SketchRoot &r)
 DATASTUFF_CC (SphereData)
void setup_brightness_lut (uchar **bp, int thresh, int form)
void susan_principle (uchar *in, int *r, uchar *bp, int max_no, int x_size, int y_size)
void susan_thin (int *r, uchar *mid, int x_size, int y_size)
void susan_edges_internal (uchar *in, int *r, uchar *mid, uchar *bp, int max_no, int x_size, int y_size)
void edge_draw (uchar *in, uchar *mid, int x_size, int y_size, int drawing_mode)
void susan_principle (uchar *in, int *r, uchar **bp, int max_no, int x_size, int y_size)
 DATASTUFF_CC (TargetData)
template<ReferenceFrameType_t _refFrameType, int const init_id, size_t const _width, size_t const _height>
static SketchSpacecreateStaticSkS (const std::string &_name)
 static function allows us to specify intialization order because static within a function isn't created until the function is called
float distSq (const fmat::Column< 4 > &vec)
template<typename T >
void deleteAll (std::queue< T * > &q)
 Utility function for deleting queues of pointers to Lookout or MapBuilder requests.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const NavigationStep &step)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const NavigationPlan &plan)

template<typename PredType1 , typename PredType2 >
shortcircuit_and< PredType1,
PredType2 > 
AndPred (PredType1 p1, PredType2 p2)
 Conjunction of two predicates; p2 is called only if p1 returns true.
template<typename PredType1 , typename PredType2 >
shortcircuit_or< PredType1,
PredType2 > 
OrPred (PredType1 p1, PredType2 p2)
 Disjunction of two predicates; p2 is called only if p1 returns false.


const std::string SketchTypeNames [] = {"unknown","bool","uchar","usint","uint","float"}
static const unsigned int DIALOG_BUFFER_SIZE = 20000
static const unsigned int SKETCH_BUFFER_SIZE = (unsigned int)(1.5*(1<<20))
static const unsigned int CAM_LAYER = ProjectInterface::fullLayer
 the full resolution layer in the filter bank
static const unsigned int CAM_CHANNEL = 0
 corresponds to appropriate thresholding listed in tekkotsu.xml
static const unsigned int WORLD_WIDTH = 225
static const unsigned int WORLD_HEIGHT = 225
static const unsigned short CAM_DIALOG_PORT = 5800
static const unsigned short CAM_SKETCH_PORT = 5801
static const unsigned short LOCAL_DIALOG_PORT = 5802
static const unsigned short LOCAL_SKETCH_PORT = 5803
static const unsigned short WORLD_DIALOG_PORT = 5804
static const unsigned short WORLD_SKETCH_PORT = 5805

typedef unsigned short int usint
 non-member math operators
typedef unsigned int uint
 non-member math operators
uint bool
 non-member math operators
 DEF_MATHOPS_H (bool, uchar, uchar) DEF_MATHOPS_H(bool
 non-member math operators
uint DEF_MATHOPS_H (bool, float, float) DEF_MATHOPS_H(uchar
 non-member math operators
uint uchar DEF_MATHOPS_H (uchar, uchar, uchar) DEF_MATHOPS_H(uchar
 non-member math operators
uint uchar uint DEF_MATHOPS_H (uchar, float, float) DEF_MATHOPS_H(usint
 non-member math operators
uint uchar uint usint DEF_MATHOPS_H (usint, uchar, usint) DEF_MATHOPS_H(usint
 non-member math operators
uint uchar uint usint usint DEF_MATHOPS_H (usint, float, float) DEF_MATHOPS_H(uint
 non-member math operators
uint uchar uint usint usint uint DEF_MATHOPS_H (uint, uchar, uint) DEF_MATHOPS_H(uint
 non-member math operators
uint uchar uint usint usint
uint uint 
DEF_MATHOPS_H (uint, float, float) DEF_MATHOPS_H(float
 non-member math operators
uint uchar uint usint usint
uint uint float 
DEF_MATHOPS_H (float, uchar, float) DEF_MATHOPS_H(float
 non-member math operators
uint uchar uint usint usint
uint uint float float 
DEF_MATHOPS_H (float, float, float) DEF_MATHOPS_INT_H(uchar) DEF_MATHOPS_INT_H(usint) DEF_MATHOPS_INT_H(uint) DEF_MATHOPS_INT_H(float) DEF_MATHBOOL_INT_H(+) DEF_MATHBOOL_INT_H(-) DEF_MATHBOOL_INT_H(*) DEF_MATHBOOL_INT_H(/) template< class T > Sketch< T > &Sketch< T >
 non-member math operators

Detailed Description

Dual coding vision representations (Sketches and Shapes).

For tutorial, see http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/Tekkotsu/Tutorial/vr-intro.shtml

Typedef Documentation

typedef unsigned char cmap_t

Definition at line 32 of file VRmixin.h.

typedef std::vector<Shape<MarkerData> >(* MarkerExtractFn_t)(const Sketch< uchar > &, const MapBuilderRequest &)

Definition at line 26 of file MarkerData.h.

typedef std::string MarkerType_t

Definition at line 23 of file MarkerData.h.

typedef unsigned int skindex

Definition at line 16 of file SketchTypes.h.

typedef unsigned char uchar

Definition at line 9 of file SketchTypes.h.

non-member math operators

Definition at line 11 of file SketchTypes.h.

non-member math operators

Definition at line 10 of file SketchTypes.h.

typedef unsigned int XnSkeletonJoint

Definition at line 19 of file SkeletonData.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation


Definition at line 31 of file SketchTypes.h.


Definition at line 7 of file ShapeTypes.h.

NOTE: If any of these type numbers are changed, the corresponding type number must be changed in SketchGUI.java and possibly elsewhere!


Definition at line 16 of file ShapeTypes.h.


Definition at line 19 of file SketchTypes.h.

Function Documentation

shortcircuit_and<PredType1,PredType2> DualCoding::AndPred ( PredType1  p1,
PredType2  p2 

Conjunction of two predicates; p2 is called only if p1 returns true.

Templated functions can pick up type information from their arguments, but templated class constructors cannot; they expect type info to be supplied explicitly as template arguments in <>. So we define AndPred() and OrPred() templated functions to pick up the type info and pass it on to the shortcircuit_and and shortcircuit_or constructors as explicit template arguments. The built-in function adaptors not1 and not2 already use this trick for negation.

Definition at line 160 of file ShapeFuns.h.

Referenced by find_if(), and subset().

void applyGaussian ( float  x[],
float  gx[],
int  len 
const Point& DualCoding::bottomMost ( const Point &  pt1,
const Point &  pt2 

Definition at line 164 of file Point.h.

Point& DualCoding::bottomMost ( Point &  pt1,
Point &  pt2 

Definition at line 160 of file Point.h.

void DualCoding::copyPixels ( Sketch< A > &  dest,
const Sketch< B > &  src 
int countBorderPixelFit ( BlobData &  blob,
const vector< Point > &  corners,
Sketch< bool >  edges,
ShapeSpace &  space 
static SketchSpace& DualCoding::createStaticSkS ( const std::string &  _name  )  [static]

static function allows us to specify intialization order because static within a function isn't created until the function is called

Definition at line 38 of file VRmixin.cc.

const char * data_name ( int  data_type  ) 
DualCoding::DATASTUFF_CC ( TargetData   ) 
DualCoding::DATASTUFF_CC ( SphereData   ) 
DualCoding::DATASTUFF_CC ( SkeletonData   ) 
DualCoding::DATASTUFF_CC ( SiftData   ) 
DualCoding::DATASTUFF_CC ( PyramidData   ) 
DualCoding::DATASTUFF_CC ( PolygonData   ) 
DualCoding::DATASTUFF_CC ( PointData   ) 
DualCoding::DATASTUFF_CC ( NaughtData   ) 
DualCoding::DATASTUFF_CC ( MarkerData   ) 
DualCoding::DATASTUFF_CC ( LocalizationParticleData   ) 
DualCoding::DATASTUFF_CC ( LineData   ) 
DualCoding::DATASTUFF_CC ( GraphicsData   ) 
DualCoding::DATASTUFF_CC ( EllipseData   ) 
DualCoding::DATASTUFF_CC ( DominoData   ) 
DualCoding::DATASTUFF_CC ( CylinderData   ) 
DualCoding::DATASTUFF_CC ( CrossData   ) 
DualCoding::DATASTUFF_CC ( BrickData   ) 
DualCoding::DATASTUFF_CC ( BlobData   ) 
DualCoding::DATASTUFF_CC ( BiColorMarkerData   ) 
DualCoding::DATASTUFF_CC ( AprilTagData   ) 
DualCoding::DATASTUFF_CC ( AgentData   ) 
uint uchar uint usint usint uint uint float float DualCoding::DEF_MATHOPS_CC ( float  ,
float  ,
Type Constraints

Definition at line 61 of file Sketch.cc.

uint uchar uint usint usint uint uint float DualCoding::DEF_MATHOPS_CC ( float  ,
uchar  ,
Type Constraints
uint uchar uint usint usint uint uint DualCoding::DEF_MATHOPS_CC ( uint  ,
float  ,
Type Constraints
uint uchar uint usint usint uint DualCoding::DEF_MATHOPS_CC ( uint  ,
uchar  ,
Type Constraints
uint uchar uint usint usint DualCoding::DEF_MATHOPS_CC ( usint  ,
float  ,
Type Constraints
uint uchar uint usint DualCoding::DEF_MATHOPS_CC ( usint  ,
uchar  ,
Type Constraints
uint uchar uint DualCoding::DEF_MATHOPS_CC ( uchar  ,
float  ,
Type Constraints
uint uchar DualCoding::DEF_MATHOPS_CC ( uchar  ,
uchar  ,
Type Constraints
uint DualCoding::DEF_MATHOPS_CC ( bool  ,
float  ,
Type Constraints
DualCoding::DEF_MATHOPS_CC ( bool  ,
uchar  ,
uint uchar uint usint usint uint uint float float DualCoding::DEF_MATHOPS_H ( float  ,
float  ,

non-member math operators

Type Constraints

Definition at line 359 of file Sketch.h.

uint uchar uint usint usint uint uint float DualCoding::DEF_MATHOPS_H ( float  ,
uchar  ,

non-member math operators

Type Constraints
uint uchar uint usint usint uint uint DualCoding::DEF_MATHOPS_H ( uint  ,
float  ,

non-member math operators

Type Constraints
uint uchar uint usint usint uint DualCoding::DEF_MATHOPS_H ( uint  ,
uchar  ,

non-member math operators

Type Constraints
uint uchar uint usint usint DualCoding::DEF_MATHOPS_H ( usint  ,
float  ,

non-member math operators

Type Constraints
uint uchar uint usint DualCoding::DEF_MATHOPS_H ( usint  ,
uchar  ,

non-member math operators

Type Constraints
uint uchar uint DualCoding::DEF_MATHOPS_H ( uchar  ,
float  ,

non-member math operators

Type Constraints
uint uchar DualCoding::DEF_MATHOPS_H ( uchar  ,
uchar  ,

non-member math operators

Type Constraints
uint DualCoding::DEF_MATHOPS_H ( bool  ,
float  ,

non-member math operators

Type Constraints
DualCoding::DEF_MATHOPS_H ( bool  ,
uchar  ,

non-member math operators

void DualCoding::deleteAll ( std::queue< T * > &  q  ) 

Utility function for deleting queues of pointers to Lookout or MapBuilder requests.

Definition at line 291 of file MapBuilder.h.

float DualCoding::distSq ( const fmat::Column< 4 > &  vec  ) 

Definition at line 42 of file MapBuilder.cc.

void drawHist ( float  distances[],
unsigned int  len,
Sketch< bool > &  parent 
void edge_draw ( uchar in,
uchar mid,
int  x_size,
int  y_size,
int  drawing_mode 

Referenced by susan_principle().

Shape<T> DualCoding::find_if ( const std::vector< ShapeRoot > &  vec  ) 

Find a Shape<T> in a vector of ShapeRoot.

Definition at line 253 of file ShapeFuns.h.

Shape<T> DualCoding::find_if ( const std::vector< Shape< T > > &  vec,
PredType  pred 

Find a Shape<T> satisfying pred.

Definition at line 243 of file ShapeFuns.h.

Shape<T> DualCoding::find_if ( const std::vector< ShapeRoot > &  vec,
PredType  pred 

Find a Shape<T> in a vector of ShapeRoot satisfying pred.

Definition at line 232 of file ShapeFuns.h.

ShapeRoot DualCoding::find_if ( const std::vector< ShapeRoot > &  vec,
PredType  pred 

Find a ShapeRoot satisfying pred.

Definition at line 222 of file ShapeFuns.h.

Referenced by find_if().

Shape< T > find_shape ( const std::vector< ShapeRoot > &  vec,
const std::string &  name 

Return the first ShapeRoot with the specified name, else return an invalid ShapeRoot.

Definition at line 266 of file ShapeFuns.h.

Point findEdgePoint ( Point  start,
Point  end,
Sketch< bool > &  rendering 
int findRadialDistancesFromPoint ( Point  center,
float  radius,
Sketch< bool > &  rendering,
float  distances[],
std::vector< Point > &  points 
float getBoundingQuadrilateralInteriorPointRatio ( BlobData &  blob,
vector< Point > &  corners,
ShapeSpace &  space 
float getBoundingQuadrilateralScore ( BlobData &  blob,
vector< Point > &  corners,
Sketch< bool >  edgeImage,
int &  borderCount,
ShapeSpace &  space 
float getQuadrilateralArea ( vector< Point > &  corners  ) 
const Point& DualCoding::leftMost ( const Point &  pt1,
const Point &  pt2 

Definition at line 161 of file Point.h.

Point& DualCoding::leftMost ( Point &  pt1,
Point &  pt2 

Definition at line 157 of file Point.h.

ShapeRoot DualCoding::max_element ( const std::vector< ShapeRoot > &  vec,
ComparisonType  comp 

Definition at line 327 of file ShapeFuns.h.

Shape<T> DualCoding::max_element ( const std::vector< Shape< T > > &  vec,
ComparisonType  comp 

Definition at line 318 of file ShapeFuns.h.

Referenced by max_element(), and min_element().

ShapeRoot DualCoding::min_element ( const std::vector< ShapeRoot > &  vec,
ComparisonType  comp 

Definition at line 342 of file ShapeFuns.h.

Shape<T> DualCoding::min_element ( const std::vector< Shape< T > > &  vec,
ComparisonType  comp 

Definition at line 336 of file ShapeFuns.h.

Sketch<bool>& DualCoding::operator&= ( Sketch< bool > &  arg1,
Sketch< bool > const &  arg2 

Definition at line 132 of file Sketch.cc.

std::ostream& DualCoding::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const NavigationPlan plan 
std::ostream& DualCoding::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const NavigationStep step 
std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const SketchRoot &  r 
std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const SketchIndices &  s 

prints out SketchIndices for debugging

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const ShapeRoot &  r 
Sketch< bool > & operator^= ( Sketch< bool > &  arg1,
Sketch< bool > const &  arg2 
Sketch< bool > & operator|= ( Sketch< bool > &  arg1,
Sketch< bool > const &  arg2 
shortcircuit_or<PredType1,PredType2> DualCoding::OrPred ( PredType1  p1,
PredType2  p2 

Disjunction of two predicates; p2 is called only if p1 returns false.

Definition at line 166 of file ShapeFuns.h.

int pickMove ( vector< float scores,
float  weight 
const Point& DualCoding::rightMost ( const Point &  pt1,
const Point &  pt2 

Definition at line 162 of file Point.h.

Point& DualCoding::rightMost ( Point &  pt1,
Point &  pt2 

Definition at line 158 of file Point.h.

int DualCoding::round ( float  x  ) 
std::vector<Shape<T> > DualCoding::select_type ( std::vector< ShapeRoot > &  vec  ) 

Select the Shape<T> elements from a vector of ShapeRoots.

Definition at line 276 of file ShapeFuns.h.

void setup_brightness_lut ( uchar **  bp,
int  thresh,
int  form 

Referenced by susan_principle().

DualCoding::SHAPESTUFF_CC ( TargetData   ) 
DualCoding::SHAPESTUFF_CC ( SphereData   ) 
DualCoding::SHAPESTUFF_CC ( SiftData   ) 
DualCoding::SHAPESTUFF_CC ( PyramidData   ) 
DualCoding::SHAPESTUFF_CC ( PolygonData   ) 
DualCoding::SHAPESTUFF_CC ( NaughtData   ) 
DualCoding::SHAPESTUFF_CC ( LocalizationParticleData   ) 
DualCoding::SHAPESTUFF_CC ( LineData   ) 
DualCoding::SHAPESTUFF_CC ( GraphicsData   ) 
DualCoding::SHAPESTUFF_CC ( EllipseData   ) 
DualCoding::SHAPESTUFF_CC ( DominoData   ) 
DualCoding::SHAPESTUFF_CC ( CylinderData   ) 
DualCoding::SHAPESTUFF_CC ( CrossData   ) 
DualCoding::SHAPESTUFF_CC ( BrickData   ) 
DualCoding::SHAPESTUFF_CC ( BlobData   ) 
DualCoding::SHAPESTUFF_CC ( AgentData   ) 
std::vector<ShapeRoot> DualCoding::stable_sort ( const std::vector< ShapeRoot > &  vec,
const PredType &  pred 

Definition at line 354 of file ShapeFuns.h.

std::vector<Shape<T> > DualCoding::stable_sort ( const std::vector< Shape< T > > &  vec,
const PredType &  pred 

Definition at line 347 of file ShapeFuns.h.

Referenced by BrickData::findBricks(), and stable_sort().

std::vector<T> DualCoding::subset ( const std::vector< ShapeRoot > &  vec,
PredType  pred 

Find all elements of type T in a vector of ShapeRoot satisfying pred.

Definition at line 308 of file ShapeFuns.h.

std::vector<ShapeRoot> DualCoding::subset ( const std::vector< ShapeRoot > &  vec,
PredType  pred 

Find all elements in a vector of ShapeRoot satisfying pred.

Definition at line 298 of file ShapeFuns.h.

std::vector<Shape<T> > DualCoding::subset ( const std::vector< Shape< T > > &  vec,
PredType  pred 

Find all elements in a vector of Shape<T> satisfying pred.

Definition at line 288 of file ShapeFuns.h.

void susan_edges_internal ( uchar in,
int *  r,
uchar mid,
uchar bp,
int  max_no,
int  x_size,
int  y_size 

Referenced by susan_principle().

void DualCoding::susan_principle ( uchar in,
int *  r,
uchar **  bp,
int  max_no,
int  x_size,
int  y_size 
void DualCoding::susan_principle ( uchar in,
int *  r,
uchar bp,
int  max_no,
int  x_size,
int  y_size 

Definition at line 49 of file susan.cc.

void susan_thin ( int *  r,
uchar mid,
int  x_size,
int  y_size 

Referenced by susan_principle().

void takeDerivative ( float  x[],
float  dx[],
int  len 
const Point& DualCoding::topMost ( const Point &  pt1,
const Point &  pt2 

Definition at line 163 of file Point.h.

Point& DualCoding::topMost ( Point &  pt1,
Point &  pt2 

Definition at line 159 of file Point.h.

Variable Documentation

non-member math operators

Definition at line 43 of file Sketch.cc.

const unsigned int CAM_CHANNEL = 0 [static]

corresponds to appropriate thresholding listed in tekkotsu.xml

Definition at line 21 of file ViewerConnection.h.

Referenced by VRmixin::getBlobsFromRegionGenerator(), SketchDataRoot::saveBuffer(), and VRmixin::sketchFromSeg().

const unsigned short CAM_DIALOG_PORT = 5800 [static]

Definition at line 25 of file ViewerConnection.h.

Referenced by VRmixin::VRmixin().

const unsigned short CAM_SKETCH_PORT = 5801 [static]

Definition at line 26 of file ViewerConnection.h.

Referenced by VRmixin::VRmixin().

const unsigned int DIALOG_BUFFER_SIZE = 20000 [static]

Definition at line 12 of file ViewerConnection.h.

Referenced by VRmixin::VRmixin(), and ViewerConnection::writeBigString().

const unsigned short LOCAL_DIALOG_PORT = 5802 [static]

Definition at line 27 of file ViewerConnection.h.

Referenced by VRmixin::VRmixin().

const unsigned short LOCAL_SKETCH_PORT = 5803 [static]

Definition at line 28 of file ViewerConnection.h.

Referenced by VRmixin::VRmixin().

const unsigned int SKETCH_BUFFER_SIZE = (unsigned int)(1.5*(1<<20)) [static]

Definition at line 17 of file ViewerConnection.h.

Referenced by VRmixin::encodeSketch(), and VRmixin::VRmixin().

const std::string SketchTypeNames[] = {"unknown","bool","uchar","usint","uint","float"}

Definition at line 29 of file SketchTypes.h.

const unsigned short WORLD_DIALOG_PORT = 5804 [static]

Definition at line 29 of file ViewerConnection.h.

Referenced by VRmixin::VRmixin().

const unsigned int WORLD_HEIGHT = 225 [static]

Definition at line 23 of file ViewerConnection.h.

const unsigned short WORLD_SKETCH_PORT = 5805 [static]

Definition at line 30 of file ViewerConnection.h.

Referenced by VRmixin::VRmixin().

const unsigned int WORLD_WIDTH = 225 [static]

Definition at line 22 of file ViewerConnection.h.

DualCoding 5.1CVS
Generated Mon May 9 04:56:30 2016 by Doxygen 1.6.3