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00001 //-*-c++-*-
00002 #ifndef INCLUDED_CameraSourceQTKit_h_
00003 #define INCLUDED_CameraSourceQTKit_h_
00005 #include "local/DataSource.h"
00006 #include "Shared/plistCollections.h"
00007 #include <QTKit/QTKit.h>
00008 #include <CoreVideo/CVPixelBuffer.h> // for kCVPixelFormatTypes
00009 #include <QuickTime/ImageCompression.h> // for kComponentVideoUnsigned
00011 @class CameraSourceQTKitDelegate;
00013 //! This interfaces with a specific camera through the QTKit API, which is the only capture interface which supports 64-bit on OS X
00014 class CameraSourceQTKit : public DataSource, public virtual plist::Dictionary {
00015 public:
00017   //! If true, will attempt to use Apple's Grand Central Dispatch to do block processing... this parallelizes image processing, may slightly increase total CPU usage but reduces per-frame wall time
00018   plist::Primitive<bool> parallel;
00020   //! If true, upsamples color channels horizontally to match Y channel, otherwise downsamples everything to common resolution (y/4, u,v/2); set to true to use full resolution of camera (either as the “full” layer or if you are accessing the “double” layer), set to false if you are using half-resolution as the resolution of the “full” layer
00021   plist::Primitive<bool> highRes;
00023   //! Controls the resolution layer at which the image should be processed.\n 0 indicates "automatic" mode (picks layer closest to image's resolution), positive numbers indicate the resolution layer directly.\n Negative values are relative to the number of layers marked available by the vision setup, so that typically -1 would correspond to the "double" layer, and -2 would correspond to the "full" layer.
00024   plist::Primitive<int> layer;
00026   //! Conversion formats supported for requesting camera output
00027   enum PixelFormat_t {
00028     TYPE_UNKNOWN=0, //!< should avoid requesting any format, see what the camera's “native” format is
00029     TYPE_YUVS = kComponentVideoUnsigned, //!< the native format for iSight camera on 2010 Macbook Pros, 10.6.3
00030     TYPE_2VUY = kCVPixelFormatType_422YpCbCr8, //!< alternative supported format of 2010 iSight camera on 10.6.3, byte reordering of #TYPE_YUVS
00031     TYPE_GRAY = kCVPixelFormatType_8IndexedGray_WhiteIsZero //!< alternative supported format of 2010 iSight camera on 10.6.3, Y channel only
00032   };
00034   //! If non-empty, requests the camera convert to the specified format (a four character code aka FourCC)
00035   plist::NamedEnumeration<PixelFormat_t> format;
00037   //! constructor
00038   CameraSourceQTKit(const std::string& srcName, QTCaptureDevice* capDevice)
00039     : DataSource(), parallel(true), highRes(false), layer(0), format(TYPE_UNKNOWN), name(srcName), device(capDevice), session(NULL), delegate(NULL), frame(0), lastTime(0), duration(0), oneFrame(false), frameLock(), frameCond()
00040   {
00041     init();
00042   }
00044   //! destructor
00045   ~CameraSourceQTKit();
00047   virtual unsigned int nextTimestamp() { return static_cast<unsigned int>((lastTime+duration)*1000); }
00048   virtual const std::string& nextName() { return name; }
00050   virtual void registerSource();
00051   virtual void deregisterSource();
00052   virtual bool advance();
00054   //! called from #delegate with each frame
00055   void processImage(CVImageBufferRef videoFrame, QTSampleBuffer* sampleBuffer);
00057 protected:
00058   void init(); //!< general initialization: add configuration entries, retain #device and create #delegate
00059   void doFreeze();
00060   void doUnfreeze();
00062   //! Returns the four-character-code as a string for display
00063   static std::string CC2Str(unsigned int fourcc);
00065   //! returns the display string as a four-character-code
00066   static unsigned int Str2CC(const std::string& fourcc);
00069   //! yuyv ordering, upsample by duplicating u and v columns
00070   /*! Uses CCIR601 range (e.g. Y ∈ [16,235] ) */
00071   void process_yuvs_U(const unsigned char * s, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight);
00073   //! yuyv ordering, downsample to common resolution (y/4, u,v/2)
00074   /*! Uses CCIR601 range (e.g. Y ∈ [16,235] ) */
00075   void process_yuvs_D(const unsigned char * s, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight);
00078   //! uyvy ordering, upsample by duplicating u and v columns
00079   /*! Uses CCIR601 range (e.g. Y ∈ [16,235] ) */
00080   void process_2vuy_D(const unsigned char * s, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight);
00082   //! uyvy ordering, downsample to common resolution (y/4, u,v/2)
00083   /*! Uses CCIR601 range (e.g. Y ∈ [16,235] ) */
00084   void process_2vuy_U(const unsigned char * s, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight);
00087   //! Grayscale, white is 0
00088   /*! Need to convert to CCIR601 (y = (255-g)·219/255+16) and fill in u=v=128 
00089    *  You might think compressing the Y range would lower quality, but inspecting data from iSight indicates it originates as CCIR601,
00090    *  with this setting showing gaps in the histogram as it was stretched to full range, so really this is just resetting */
00091   void process_grayscale_zerowhite(const unsigned char * s, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight);
00093   std::string name;
00094   QTCaptureDevice* const device; //!< the camera associated with this instance
00095   QTCaptureSession* session; //!< the capture session created in registerSource (thus non-NULL if registered), used to start/stop capture when frozen
00096   CameraSourceQTKitDelegate* delegate; //!< receives per-frame callbacks from the #session, forwards calls to processImage()
00098   unsigned int frame; //!< a frame index counter
00099   float lastTime; //!< time in seconds of ideal frame arrival time, if drifts more than a frame duration, reset via get_time()
00100   float duration; //!< the frame duration encoded in the captured frame meta-data
00101   bool oneFrame; //!< set to true by advance(), indicates capture should stop once a frame is sent
00102   Thread::Lock frameLock; //!< held by advance() when waiting for a frame
00103   Thread::Condition frameCond; //!< condition to wake up advance when a frame has been sent
00105 private:
00106   CameraSourceQTKit(const CameraSourceQTKit&); //!< do not copy
00107   CameraSourceQTKit& operator=(const CameraSourceQTKit&); //!< do not assign
00108 };
00110 @interface CameraSourceQTKitDelegate : NSObject {
00111 @public
00112   CameraSourceQTKit * target;
00113 }
00114 -(CameraSourceQTKitDelegate*) initWithTarget:(CameraSourceQTKit*)tgt;
00115 @end
00119 /*! @file
00120  * @brief 
00121  * @author Ethan Tira-Thompson (ejt) (Creator)
00122  */
00124 #endif

Tekkotsu Hardware Abstraction Layer 5.1CVS
Generated Mon May 9 05:01:38 2016 by Doxygen 1.6.3