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File List

Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
BufferSource.cc [code]
BufferSource.h [code]
CameraDriverPtGrey.cc [code]
CameraDriverPtGrey.h [code]
CameraDriverQTKit.h [code]
CameraDriverQTKit.mm [code]
CameraDriverQTSG.cc [code]Implements CameraDriverQTSG, which provides camera capture through QuickTime and the Sequence Grabber, now deprecated. See the alternative CameraDriverQTKit implementation
CameraDriverQTSG.h [code]Describes CameraDriverQTSG, which provides camera capture through QuickTime and the Sequence Grabber, now deprecated. See the alternative CameraDriverQTKit implementation
CameraDriverV4L1.cc [code]
CameraDriverV4L1.h [code]
CameraDriverV4L2.cc [code]
CameraDriverV4L2.h [code]
CameraSourceQTKit.h [code]
CameraSourceQTKit.mm [code]
CameraSourceQTSG.cc [code]Describes CameraSourceQTSG, which interfaces with a specific camera through QuickTime and the Sequence Grabber, which is deprecated. See the alternative CameraSourceQTKit implementation
CameraSourceQTSG.h [code]Describes CameraSourceQTSG, which interfaces with a specific camera through QuickTime and the Sequence Grabber, which is deprecated. See the alternative CameraSourceQTKit implementation
CommPort.h [code]
CreateCommands.h [code]
CreateDriver.cc [code]
CreateDriver.h [code]
DataSource.cc [code]
DataSource.h [code]Defines DataSource, an abstract base class for simulator data sources
DataStreamDriver.cc [code]
DataStreamDriver.h [code]Describes DataStreamDriver, a generic base class for drivers which are receiving a stream of data through a comm port, also providing an interface to be used as a data source in another driver
DeviceDriver.h [code]
Dynamixel.cc [code]
Dynamixel.h [code]
DynamixelProtocol.cc [code]
DynamixelProtocol.h [code]
EntryPoint.h [code]
ExecutableCommPort.cc [code]
ExecutableCommPort.h [code]
FileSystemCommPort.cc [code]
FileSystemCommPort.h [code]Describes FileDescriptorMotionHook, which provides a file descriptor interface for hardware "drivers"
FileSystemDataSource.cc [code]
FileSystemDataSource.h [code]
FileSystemImageSource.cc [code]
FileSystemImageSource.h [code]
FileSystemSensorSource.h [code]
ImageStreamDriver.cc [code]
ImageStreamDriver.h [code]
IPCMotionHook.cc [code]
IPCMotionHook.h [code]
KinectDriver.cc [code]
KinectDriver.h [code]Driver that interfaces with OpenNI for Kinect
KobukiDriver.cc [code]
KobukiDriver.h [code]
LoggedDataDriver.cc [code]
LoggedDataDriver.h [code]
Main.cc [code]
Main.h [code]Defines Main, which DESCRIPTION
minisim.h [code]
MirageComm.h [code]
MirageDriver.cc [code]
MirageDriver.h [code]
Motion.cc [code]
Motion.h [code]Defines Motion, which DESCRIPTION
MotionExecThread.cc [code]
MotionExecThread.h [code]
MotionHook.h [code]Describes MotionHook, an interface for connections to remote hosts and hardware devices which should be polled with output values
NetworkCommPort.cc [code]
NetworkCommPort.h [code]
PListSensorDriver.cc [code]
PListSensorDriver.h [code]Describes PListSensorDriver, which accepts a stream of plist packets, each containing dictionaries for output, button, and sensor values
Process.cc [code]
Process.h [code]
RedirectionCommPort.cc [code]
RedirectionCommPort.h [code]
SensorStateAccessor.cc [code]Implements SensorStateAccessor, not a real DataSource, but an interface for the HAL command line to support set/print of values
SensorStateAccessor.h [code]Describes SensorStateAccessor, not a real DataSource, but an interface for the HAL command line to support set/print of values
SerialCommPort.cc [code]
SerialCommPort.h [code]Describes SerialCommPort, which provides CommPort interface to serial port devices -- essentially just a FileSystemCommPort, but can apply terminal IO settings
SharedGlobals.cc [code]A class to hold various simulator parameters which need to be accessed from multiple processes
SharedGlobals.h [code]A class to hold various simulator parameters which need to be accessed from multiple processes
sim.cc [code]
sim.h [code]
SimConfig.h [code]Provides the root dictionary of the simulator configuration, items from SharedGlobals and LoadFileThreads are added as entries in this dictionary
Simulator.cc [code]
Simulator.h [code]Defines Simulator, which DESCRIPTION
SkewlZoneDriver.cc [code]
SkewlZoneDriver.h [code]Implements SkewlZoneDriver, based on SSC32Driver, ported to support SkewlZone interface by Jason Tennyson and Aaron Parker
SoundPlay.cc [code]
SoundPlay.h [code]Defines SoundPlay, which DESCRIPTION
SoundPlayThread.cc [code]
SoundPlayThread.h [code]
SSC32Driver.cc [code]
SSC32Driver.h [code]
TimerExecThread.cc [code]
TimerExecThread.h [code]
WiiMoteDriver.cc [code]
WiiMoteDriver.h [code]

Tekkotsu Hardware Abstraction Layer 5.1CVS
Generated Mon May 9 05:01:43 2016 by Doxygen 1.6.3