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00001 //-*-c++-*-
00002 #ifndef INCLUDED_SSC32Driver_h_
00003 #define INCLUDED_SSC32Driver_h_
00005 #include "local/DeviceDriver.h"
00006 #include "local/MotionHook.h"
00007 #include "local/DataSource.h"
00008 #include "local/CommPort.h"
00009 #include "Shared/plist.h"
00010 #include "Shared/plistSpecialty.h"
00011 #include "IPC/CallbackThread.h"
00012 #include <iostream>
00014 //! description of SSC32Driver
00015 class SSC32Driver : public virtual DeviceDriver, public MotionHook, public DataSource, public virtual plist::PrimitiveListener {
00016 public:
00017   static const unsigned int NUM_SERVO=32;
00018   static const unsigned int NUM_INPUT=4;
00019   static const int UNUSED=-1;
00021   explicit SSC32Driver(const std::string& name)
00022     : DeviceDriver(autoRegisterSSC32Driver,name), MotionHook(), DataSource(),
00023     servos(NUM_SERVO,static_cast<unsigned int>(UNUSED)), inputs(NUM_INPUT,UNUSED),
00024     minPW(NUM_SERVO,500), maxPW(NUM_SERVO,2500), buttonMode(NUM_INPUT,false),
00025     sparse(false), commName(), queryServos(false), killSignalDelayed(NUM_SERVO, false), poller(&SSC32Driver::advance,*this,TimeET(0L),
00026     TimeET(1.0/(*sensorFramerate)),true,CallbackPollThread::IGNORE_RETURN),
00027     motionActive(false), sensorsActive(false), lastSensorTime(), frameNumber(0), timeLastChanged()
00028   {
00029     for(unsigned int i=0; i<NumOutputs && i<NUM_SERVO; ++i) {
00030       servos[i]=i;
00031       timeLastChanged[i] = 0;
00032     }
00033     for(unsigned int i=0; i<NumSensors && i<NUM_INPUT; ++i)
00034       inputs[i]=i;
00035     addEntry("OutputMap",servos,"For each of the SSC32's servo pins, lists the output index it should take its values from; -1 to mark unused");
00036     addEntry("InputMap",inputs,"For each of the SSC32's input pins, lists the sensor index it should send its value to; -1 to mark unused");
00037     addEntry("MinPulseWidth",minPW,"The low end of the servo's legal pulse width range (may correspond to unreachable position, use RobotInfo's outputRange[] to limit motion, not this)"); 
00038     addEntry("MaxPulseWidth",maxPW,"The high end of the servo's legal pulse width range (may correspond to unreachable position, use RobotInfo's outputRange[] to limit motion, not this)");  
00039     addEntry("ButtonMode",buttonMode,"Controls interpretation of the input pin.\nFalse means directly measure voltage, true means test for high (1),\nhigh now but low was detected in interval (0.5), or low (0).\nButton mode implies interpreting inputMap value as a button index instead of sensor index.");
00040     addEntry("SparseUpdates",sparse,"If true, only send servo positions to SSC when they change, instead of all servos on every update (don't use a lossy transport like UDP if you turn this on!)");
00041     addEntry("CommPort",commName,"The name of the comm port where output will be sent");
00042     addEntry("QueryServos",queryServos,"If set to true, will attempt to query the servo positions with each sensor update.\nThis may decrease the sampling frequency");
00043     addEntry("KillSignalDelayed", killSignalDelayed, "If set to true, the corresponding SSC output will be sent a LOW command 1 second after ceasing to change value.\n This will turn on SparseUpdates as well as QueryServos.\n");
00044   }
00045   virtual ~SSC32Driver() {}
00047   virtual std::string getClassName() const { return autoRegisterSSC32Driver; }
00049   virtual MotionHook* getMotionSink() { return dynamic_cast<MotionHook*>(this); }
00050   virtual void getSensorSources(std::map<std::string,DataSource*>& sources) {
00051     sources.clear();
00052     sources["Sensors"]=dynamic_cast<DataSource*>(this);
00053   }
00055   virtual void motionStarting();
00056   virtual bool isConnected();
00057   virtual void motionStopping();
00058   virtual void motionCheck(const float outputs[][NumOutputs]);
00060   virtual unsigned int nextTimestamp();
00061   virtual const std::string& nextName() { return instanceName; }
00062   virtual void registerSource();
00063   virtual void deregisterSource();
00064   virtual void enteringRealtime(const plist::Primitive<double>& simTimeScale) { DataSource::enteringRealtime(simTimeScale); }
00065   virtual void leavingRealtime(bool isFullSpeed) { DataSource::leavingRealtime(isFullSpeed); }
00066   virtual bool advance();
00068   virtual void plistValueChanged(const plist::PrimitiveBase& pl);
00070   plist::ArrayOf<plist::OutputSelector> servos;
00071   plist::ArrayOf<plist::Primitive<int> > inputs;
00072   plist::ArrayOf<plist::Primitive<unsigned int> > minPW;
00073   plist::ArrayOf<plist::Primitive<unsigned int> > maxPW;
00074   plist::ArrayOf<plist::Primitive<bool> > buttonMode;
00075   plist::Primitive<bool> sparse;
00076   plist::Primitive<std::string> commName;
00077   plist::Primitive<bool> queryServos;
00078   plist::ArrayOf<plist::Primitive<bool> > killSignalDelayed;
00080 protected:
00081   void doFreeze();
00082   void doUnfreeze();
00084   //! forwards call to DataSource::providingOutput() if the index is valid
00085   void provideOutput(unsigned int idx) { if(idx<NumOutputs) providingOutput(idx); }
00086   //! forwards call to DataSource::ignoringOutput() if the index is valid
00087   void ignoreOutput(unsigned int idx) { if(idx<NumOutputs) ignoringOutput(idx); }
00089   //! converts the value @a v from radians into the specified servo's pulse width range
00090   virtual void setServo(std::ostream& ss, unsigned int servoIdx, float v);
00091   //! converts the value @a pw from specified servo's pulse width range into radians
00092   virtual float getServo(unsigned int servoIdx, unsigned int pw);
00093   //! converts the value @a s from specified input's signal to voltage
00094   virtual float getAnalog(unsigned int inputIdx, unsigned char s);
00095   //! converts the value @a cur and @a latch to the output format (0 if low, 0.5 if high but has been low, 1 if consistent high)
00096   virtual float getDigital(unsigned int inputIdx, unsigned char cur, unsigned char latch);
00097   //int modeCheck(const float outputs[][NumOutputs]);
00098   //float angleCalibration(unsigned int servoIdx, int mode, float v);
00100   CallbackPollThread poller;
00103   bool motionActive;
00104   bool sensorsActive;
00105   unsigned int lastSensorTime;
00106   unsigned int frameNumber;
00107   unsigned int timeLastChanged[NUM_SERVO];
00108 private:
00109   //! holds the class name, set via registration with the DeviceDriver registry
00110   static const std::string autoRegisterSSC32Driver;
00111 };
00113 /*! @file
00114  * @brief 
00115  * @author Ethan Tira-Thompson (ejt) (Creator)
00116  */
00118 #endif

Tekkotsu Hardware Abstraction Layer 5.1CVS
Generated Mon May 9 05:01:39 2016 by Doxygen 1.6.3