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CMPackWalkMC Member List

This is the complete list of members for CMPackWalkMC, including all inherited members.
acc_styleCMPackWalkMC [protected]
AccelerationStyle_t enum nameCMPackWalkMC
angle_deltaCMPackWalkMC [protected]
applyCalibration(const float mat[3][11], const vector3d &in, vector3d &out)CMPackWalkMC [protected, static]
autopruneMotionCommand [protected]
body_angleCMPackWalkMC [protected]
body_locCMPackWalkMC [protected]
byteswap(T &dstc, const T &srcc)LoadSave [protected, static]
checkCreator(const char *creator, const char buf[], unsigned int len, bool isLoading=true) const LoadSave [virtual]
checkCreator(const char *creator, FILE *f, bool isLoading=true) const LoadSave [virtual]
checkCreatorInc(const char *creator, const char *&buf, unsigned int &len, bool isLoading=true) const LoadSave [virtual]
checkCreatorIncT(const char *creator, const char *&buf, unsigned int &len, bool isLoading=true) const LoadSave [virtual]
checkInc(int res, const char *&buf, unsigned int &len)LoadSave [static]
checkInc(int res, const char *&buf, unsigned int &len, const char *msg,...) __attribute__((format(printfLoadSave [static]
checkInc(int res, char *&buf, unsigned int &len)LoadSave [static]
checkInc(int res, char *&buf, unsigned int &len, const char *msg,...) __attribute__((format(printfLoadSave [static]
checkIncT(int res, const char *&buf, unsigned int &len, const char *msg="LoadSave::check underflow",...) __attribute__((format(printfLoadSave [static]
checkIncT(int res, char *&buf, unsigned int &len, const char *msg="LoadSave::check underflow",...) __attribute__((format(printfLoadSave [static]
chkAdvance(int res, const char **buf, unsigned int *len, const char *msg,...) ATTR_deprecated __attribute__((format(printfLoadSave [static]
cmdsCMPackWalkMC [protected]
CMPackWalkMC(const char *pfile=NULL)CMPackWalkMC
cpCMPackWalkMC [protected]
creatorSize(const char creator[]) const LoadSave [virtual]
CycleOffsetCMPackWalkMC [protected]
decode(LoadSave &x, const char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
decode(LoadSave &x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
decode(double &x, const char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
decode(double &x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
decode(float &x, const char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
decode(float &x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
decode(long long &x, const char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
decode(long long &x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
decode(unsigned long long &x, const char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
decode(unsigned long long &x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
decode(long &x, const char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
decode(long &x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
decode(unsigned long &x, const char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
decode(unsigned long &x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
decode(int &x, const char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
decode(int &x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
decode(unsigned int &x, const char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
decode(unsigned int &x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
decode(short &x, const char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
decode(short &x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
decode(unsigned short &x, const char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
decode(unsigned short &x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
decode(std::string &x, const char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
decode(std::string &x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
decode(char *&x, const char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
decode(char *&x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
decode(char &x, const char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
decode(char &x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
decode(unsigned char &x, const char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
decode(unsigned char &x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
decode(bool &x, const char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
decode(bool &x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
decodeInc(T &value, const char *&buf, unsigned int &cap)LoadSave [static]
decodeInc(T &value, const char *&buf, unsigned int &cap, const char *msg,...) __attribute__((format(printfLoadSave [static]
decodeInc(T &value, char *&buf, unsigned int &cap)LoadSave [static]
decodeInc(T &value, char *&buf, unsigned int &cap, const char *msg,...) __attribute__((format(printfLoadSave [static]
decodeIncT(T &value, const char *&buf, unsigned int &cap, const char *msg="LoadSave::decode underflow",...) __attribute__((format(printfLoadSave [static]
decodeIncT(T &value, char *&buf, unsigned int &cap, const char *msg="LoadSave::decode underflow",...) __attribute__((format(printfLoadSave [static]
DEFAULT_ACCEL enum valueCMPackWalkMC
dirtyCMPackWalkMC [protected]
doStart()MotionCommand [protected, virtual]
doStop()MotionCommand [protected, virtual]
downPosCMPackWalkMC [protected]
encode(const LoadSave &x, char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
encode(const LoadSave &x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
encode(const double x, char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
encode(const double x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
encode(const float x, char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
encode(const float x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
encode(const long long x, char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
encode(const long long x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
encode(const unsigned long long x, char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
encode(const unsigned long long x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
encode(const long x, char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
encode(const long x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
encode(const unsigned long x, char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
encode(const unsigned long x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
encode(const int x, char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
encode(const int x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
encode(const unsigned int x, char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
encode(const unsigned int x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
encode(const short x, char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
encode(const short x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
encode(const unsigned short x, char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
encode(const unsigned short x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
encode(const std::string &x, char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
encode(const std::string &x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
encode(const char *x, char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
encode(const char *x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
encode(const char x, char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
encode(const char x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
encode(const unsigned char x, char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
encode(const unsigned char x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
encode(const bool x, char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
encode(const bool x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
encodeInc(const T &value, char *&buf, unsigned int &cap)LoadSave [static]
encodeInc(const T &value, char *&buf, unsigned int &cap, const char *msg,...) __attribute__((format(printfLoadSave [static]
encodeIncT(const T &value, char *&buf, unsigned int &cap, const char *msg="LoadSave::encode overflow",...) __attribute__((format(printfLoadSave [static]
getAccelerationStyle() const CMPackWalkMC [virtual]
getAutoPrune()MotionCommand [virtual]
getBinSize() const CMPackWalkMC [virtual]
getCurVelocity() const CMPackWalkMC
getID() const MotionManagerMsg
getLegPosition(LegOrder_t i) const CMPackWalkMC
getMaxAVel() const CMPackWalkMC
getMaxXVel() const CMPackWalkMC
getMaxYVel() const CMPackWalkMC
getPaused() const CMPackWalkMC
getRemainingSteps() const CMPackWalkMC
getSerializedSize(const LoadSave &x)LoadSave [static]
getSerializedSize(const std::string &x)LoadSave [static]
getSerializedSize(const char *x)LoadSave [static]
getSerializedSize(const void *)LoadSave [static]
getSerializedSize(const bool &)LoadSave [static]
getSerializedSize(const T &x)LoadSave [static]
getSerializedSize()LoadSave [static]
getStepThreshold() const CMPackWalkMC
INF_ACCEL enum valueCMPackWalkMC
init(const char *pfile)CMPackWalkMC [protected]
interpolate(double a, double b, double x)MotionCommand [protected, static]
interpolate(float a, float b, float x)MotionCommand [protected, static]
interpolate(const OutputCmd &a, const OutputCmd &b, float x, OutputCmd &r)MotionCommand [protected, static]
invalid_MC_IDMotionManagerMsg [static]
isActive() const MotionCommand [virtual]
isAlive()CMPackWalkMC [virtual]
isDirty()CMPackWalkMC [virtual]
isPausedCMPackWalkMC [protected]
last_cycleCMPackWalkMC [protected]
last_target_vel_xyaCMPackWalkMC [protected]
legposCMPackWalkMC [protected]
legwCMPackWalkMC [protected]
liftPosCMPackWalkMC [protected]
loadBuffer(const char buf[], unsigned int len, const char *filename=NULL)CMPackWalkMC [virtual]
loadFile(const char *filename)CMPackWalkMC [virtual]
LoadFile(const char *filename) ATTR_deprecatedLoadSave [virtual]
loadFileStream(FILE *f, const char *filename=NULL)LoadSave [virtual]
max_accel_xyaCMPackWalkMC [static]
MAX_DACMPackWalkMC [static]
MAX_DXCMPackWalkMC [static]
MAX_DYCMPackWalkMC [static]
MC_ID typedefMotionManagerMsg
NewCycleOffsetCMPackWalkMC [protected]
pos_deltaCMPackWalkMC [protected]
postEvent(const EventBase &event)MotionCommand [protected]
queueMotionCommand [protected]
saveBuffer(char buf[], unsigned int len) const CMPackWalkMC [virtual]
saveCreator(const char *creator, char buf[], unsigned int len) const LoadSave [virtual]
saveCreator(const char *creator, FILE *f) const LoadSave [virtual]
saveCreatorInc(const char *creator, char *&buf, unsigned int &len) const LoadSave [virtual]
saveCreatorIncT(const char *creator, char *&buf, unsigned int &len) const LoadSave [virtual]
saveFile(const char *filename) const CMPackWalkMC [virtual]
SaveFile(const char *filename) const ATTR_deprecatedLoadSave [virtual]
saveFileStream(FILE *f) const LoadSave [virtual]
saveStream(std::ostream &os) const LoadSave [virtual]
setAccelerationStyle(AccelerationStyle_t acc)CMPackWalkMC [virtual]
setAngle(double a)CMPackWalkMC
setAutoPrune(bool ap)MotionCommand [virtual]
setDirty()CMPackWalkMC [virtual]
setHeight(double h)CMPackWalkMC
setHop(double h)CMPackWalkMC
setPaused(bool p)CMPackWalkMC
setPeriod(long p)CMPackWalkMC
setSlowMo(float p)CMPackWalkMC
setStepThreshold(float st)CMPackWalkMC
setSway(double h)CMPackWalkMC
setTargetDisplacement(double dx, double dy, double da, double time)CMPackWalkMC
setTargetDisplacement(double dx, double dy, double da, double vx, double vy, double va)CMPackWalkMC
setTargetVelocity(double dx, double dy, double da)CMPackWalkMC
setTargetVelocity(double dx, double dy, double da, double time)CMPackWalkMC
setTranslator(EventTranslator *q)MotionCommand
shouldPrune()MotionCommand [virtual]
slowmoCMPackWalkMC [protected]
spline typedefCMPackWalkMC
splinepath typedefCMPackWalkMC
start()CMPackWalkMC [virtual]
startedMotionCommand [protected]
step_countCMPackWalkMC [protected]
step_thresholdCMPackWalkMC [protected]
stop()CMPackWalkMC [virtual]
stringpadLoadSave [static]
target_disp_xyaCMPackWalkMC [protected]
target_vel_xyaCMPackWalkMC [protected]
timeCMPackWalkMC [protected]
TimeOffsetCMPackWalkMC [protected]
TimeStepCMPackWalkMC [protected]
travelTimeCMPackWalkMC [protected]
updateOutputs()CMPackWalkMC [virtual]
vel_xyaCMPackWalkMC [protected]
wpCMPackWalkMC [protected]
zeroVelocities()CMPackWalkMC [virtual]
~LoadSave()LoadSave [virtual]
~MotionCommand()MotionCommand [virtual]
~MotionManagerMsg()MotionManagerMsg [virtual]

Tekkotsu v5.1CVS
Generated Mon May 9 04:59:05 2016 by Doxygen 1.6.3