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File List

Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
Aibo3DControllerBehavior.cc [code]
Aibo3DControllerBehavior.h [code]Defines Aibo3DControllerBehavior, which listens to commands from the Aibo3D gui and shows current state
APIExample.cpp [code]
ArmController.cc [code]Implements ArmController, listens to control commands coming in from the command port for remotely controlling the arm
ArmController.h [code]Describes ArmController, listens to control commands coming in from the command port for remotely controlling the head
ArmMC.cc [code]
ArmMC.h [code]
ArmNode.h [code]Defines ArmNode, a simple MCNode that runs an ArmMC motion command and throws a status event upon completion
AStar.h [code]
attributes.h [code]Defines variants of the __attribute__ macros to provide better portability
AutoGetupBehavior.cc [code]Defines AutoGetupBehavior, a little background behavior to keep the robot on its feet
BallDetectionGenerator.cc [code]Implements BallDetectionGenerator, which uses segmented color region information to detect round objects
BallDetectionGenerator.h [code]Describes BallDetectionGenerator, which uses segmented color region information to detect round objects
Base64.cc [code]Describes base64 namespace, which holds some functions for encoding and decoding base64 data C_Base64 - a simple base64 encoder and decoder
Base64.h [code]Describes base64 namespace, which holds some functions for encoding and decoding base64 data C_Base64 - a simple base64 encoder and decoder
BatteryCheckControl.cc [code]Implements BatteryCheckControl, which will spew a power report to stdout upon activation
BatteryCheckControl.h [code]Describes BatteryCheckControl, which will spew a power report to stdout upon activation
BatteryMonitorBehavior.cc [code]
BatteryMonitorBehavior.h [code]Defines BatteryMonitorBehavior, a background behavior to trigger BatteryMonitorMC to warn when the power is low
BehaviorActivatorControl.h [code]Defines BehaviorActivatorControl, which can either start, stop, or toggle a behavior when activated
BehaviorBase.cc [code]Implements BehaviorBase from which all Behaviors should inherit
BehaviorBase.h [code]Describes BehaviorBase from which all Behaviors should inherit
BehaviorReportControl.cc [code]Defines BehaviorReportControl, which reads the set of currently instantiated behaviors and sends a report to sout
BehaviorSwitchControl.cc [code]Implements BehaviorSwitchControlBase - a control for turning behaviors on and off
BehaviorSwitchControl.h [code]Describes BehaviorSwitchControl<BEH> and its common superclass BehaviorSwitchControlBase - a control for turning behaviors on and off
BioloidInfo.h [code]Defines some capabilities common to generic bioloid/dynamixel based robots
BoundingBox.cc [code]
BoundingBox.h [code]
Buffer.cc [code]Describes Buffer, a general memory management data structure, featuring position, limit, and capacity marks
Buffer.h [code]Describes Buffer, a general memory management data structure, featuring position, limit, and capacity marks
BufferedImageGenerator.cc [code]Implements BufferedImageGenerator, which receives camera frames as they are loaded by the simulator -- or eventually other sources
BufferedImageGenerator.h [code]Describes BufferedImageGenerator, which receives camera frames as they are loaded by the simulator -- or eventually other sources
CallbackThread.h [code]
Calliope3Components.h [code]
Calliope3Info.h [code]Defines some capabilities of the Calliope robot, based on the iRobot Create
CalliopeComponents.h [code]
CalliopeInfo.h [code]Defines some capabilities of the Calliope robot, based on the iRobot Create
CalliopeUInfo.h [code]Defines some capabilities of the CalliopeU robot
CameraBehavior.cc [code]Implements CameraBehavior, for taking pictures
CameraBehavior.h [code]Describes CameraBehavior, for taking pictures
CameraCalibrationBehavior.cc [code]
CameraCalibrationBehavior.h [code]
CameraData.h [code]
CameraStreamBehavior.cc [code]Defines CameraStreamBehavior, which is the base class for camera streaming communication classes, handles upstream communication
CameraStreamBehavior.h [code]Defines CameraStreamBehavior, which is the base class for camera streaming communication classes, handles upstream communication
CBracketGrasperPredicate.h [code]
CDTGenerator.cc [code]Implements CDTGenerator, which generates SegmentedColorFilterBankEvents with images provided from the system
CDTGenerator.h [code]Describes CDTGenerator, which generates SegmentedColorFilterBankEvents with images provided from the system
CharPtrHash.cc [code]
CharPtrHash.h [code]
Chiara2Info.h [code]Defines some capabilities of the Chiara hexapod robots
ChiaraInfo.h [code]Defines some capabilities of the Chiara hexapod robots
Cloneable.h [code]Defines Cloneable, and interfacing for cloning objects -- needed for making copies with polymorphism (operator= doesn't work as virtual)
CMPackWalkMC.cc [code]
CMPackWalkMC.h [code]Describes CMPackWalkMC, a MotionCommand for walking around
cmv_region.h [code]Region and connected component support for CMVision
cmv_threshold.h [code]Color threshold support for CMVision
cmv_types.h [code]Base types for CMVision
cmvision.h [code]Main user include file for CMVision
colors.cc [code]
colors.h [code]Color definitions for CMVision
common.h [code]
CommonERSInfo.h [code]Defines some capabilities common to all Aibo robots
CommonInfo.h [code]Defines items shared between robot models, like camera specifications
CompareTrans.h [code]Defines CompareTrans, which causes a transition if a value (through a pointer) goes above a given value
CompletionTrans.cc [code]
CompletionTrans.h [code]Defines Completiontrans, which causes a transition if all sources have signalled completion
Config.cc [code]Implements Config, which provides global access to system configuration information
Config.h [code]Describes Config, which provides global access to system configuration information
ConfigurationEditor.cc [code]
ConfigurationEditor.h [code]Defines ConfigurationEditor, which provides interactive editing and loading/saving of a plist::Collection
ConnectionMadeTrans.h [code]Defines ConnectionMadeTrans, which causes a transition as soon as a connection is made
ControlBase.cc [code]Implements ControlBase from which all items in the control system should inherit
ControlBase.h [code]Defines ControlBase from which all items in the control system should inherit
Controller.cc [code]Implements Controller class, a behavior that should be started whenever the emergency stop goes on to provide menus for robot control
Controller.h [code]Describes Controller class, a behavior that should be started whenever the emergency stop goes on to provide menus for robot control
CreateInfo.h [code]Defines some capabilities of the iRobot Create robots
CreateMotionModel.cc [code]
CreateMotionModel.h [code]
DataEvent.cc [code]
DataEvent.h [code]Defines DataEvent, for passing around data (or pointers to data)
DeadReckoningBehavior.h [code]Defines DeadReckoningBehavior, which subscribes to LocomotionEvents and attempts to track robot movement over time using a fairly generic HolonomicMotionModel
debuget.h [code]Defines several debugging functions and macros, including ASSERT (and variations)
DepthCam.cc [code]Implements DepthCam, which forwards images from camera over wireless
DepthCam.h [code]Describes RawCam, which forwards images from camera over wireless
Draw.cc [code]
Draw.h [code]Describes Draw, which provides a simple interface to draw images
DriverMessaging.cc [code]
DriverMessaging.h [code]
DummySocket.h [code]Defines Tekkotsu wireless DummySocket class
DumpFileControl.h [code]Defines DumpFileControl, which when activated, plays a sound selected from the memory stick
DynamicInfo.cc [code]Defines RobotInfo namespace for 'dynamic' models, gives some information about the robot's capabilities, such as joint counts, offsets, names and PID values
DynamicInfo.h [code]Defines RobotInfo namespace for 'dynamic' models, gives some information about the robot's capabilities, such as joint counts, offsets, names and PID values
DynamicMotionSequence.h [code]Uses STL's vector for dynamic memory allocation - don't use this as a motion command, pointers in shared memory regions can be invalid in other processes
DynamicMotionSequenceNode.h [code]
DynamicRobotState.h [code]
EchoBehavior.cc [code]
EchoBehavior.h [code]Defines EchoBehavior, which waits for a connection, echos any data received back to the sender
Edge.cc [code]
Edge.h [code]
EmergencyStopMC.cc [code]Implements EmergencyStopMC, overrides all joints, allows modelling, blinks tail
EmergencyStopMC.h [code]Describes EmergencyStopMC, overrides all joints, allows modelling, blinks tail
entry.h [code]
ERS210Info.h [code]Defines RobotInfo namespace for ERS-210 models, gives some information about the robot's capabilities, such as joint counts, offsets, names and PID values
ERS220Info.h [code]Defines RobotInfo namespace for ERS-220 models, gives some information about the robot's capabilities, such as joint counts, offsets, names and PID values
ERS2xxInfo.h [code]Defines RobotInfo namespace for ERS-2xx series of robots, such as joint counts, offsets, names and PID values
ERS7Info.h [code]Defines RobotInfo namespace for ERS-7 models, gives some information about the robot's capabilities, such as joint counts, offsets, names and PID values
EStopController.cc [code]Implements EStopController, listens to commands coming in from the command port for remotely controlling toggling the estop
EStopController.h [code]Describes EStopController, listens to control commands coming in from the command port for remotely toggling the estop
EventBase.cc [code]Implements EventBase, the basic class for sending events around the system
EventBase.h [code]Describes EventBase, the basic class for sending events around the system
EventCallback.h [code]EventCallback listens for a specified event and then forwards to the specified callback
EventGeneratorBase.cc [code]
EventGeneratorBase.h [code]
EventListener.h [code]Defines EventListener class, an interface for anything that wants to receive events
EventLogger.cc [code]Describes EventLogger, which allows logging of events to the console or a file
EventLogger.h [code]Describes EventLogger, which allows logging of events to the console or a file
EventProxy.cc [code]
EventProxy.h [code]
EventRouter.cc [code]Implements EventRouter class, for distribution and trapping of events to listeners
EventRouter.h [code]Describes EventRouter class, for distribution and trapping of events to listeners
EventTrans.h [code]Defines EventTrans, which causes a transition if an event of the specified type occurs
EventTranslator.cc [code]Implements EventTranslator, which receives events from EventRouters in non-Main processes and adds them into a SharedQueue for Main to pick up
EventTranslator.h [code]Describes EventTranslator and IPCEventTranslator, which receives events from EventRouters in non-Main processes and adds them into a SharedQueue for Main to pick up
EventTrapper.h [code]Defines EventTrapper class, an interface for anything that wants to trap events
Factories.h [code]Defines a variety of factory templates which can be used with FamilyFactory. This is not (and couldn't be) an exhaustive list of Factory configurations. It provides some commonly used configurations, and should give you some examples and ideas how to create your own for more complex cases
FailsafeThread.h [code]Describes FailsafeThread, which enforces a timeout on another thread
FamilyFactory.h [code]
FFPlanner.cc [code]
FFPlanner.h [code]
FFPlanNode.cc [code]
FFPlanNode.h [code]
FileBrowserControl.cc [code]Implements FileBrowserControl, which displays the contents of a directory
FileBrowserControl.h [code]Describes FileBrowserControl, which displays the contents of a directory
FileInputControl.h [code]Defines FileInputControl, which allows the user to browse files and select one, which is then stored in a string
FilterBankEvent.h [code]Defines FilterBankEvent, an event for distributing raw image data
FilterBankGenerator.cc [code]Implements abstract base class for generators of FilterBankEvent's
FilterBankGenerator.h [code]Describes abstract base class for generators of FilterBankEvent's
FlashIPAddrBehavior.cc [code]Implements FlashIPAddrBehavior, which displays IP address by flashing a series of numbers on the LED face panel
FlashIPAddrBehavior.h [code]Describes FlashIPAddrBehavior, which displays IP address by flashing a series of numbers on the LED face panel
FloatImage.cc [code]
FloatImage.h [code]
fmat.cc [code]
fmat.h [code]
fmatCore.h [code]Defines fmat namespace, for fixed-dimension matrix computation
fmatSpatial.h [code]Provides data structures and algorithms for spatial operations
FreeMemReportControl.cc [code]Implements FreeMemReportControl, which gives reports on free memory size at various (configurable) rates
FreeMemReportControl.h [code]Describes FreeMemReportControl, which gives reports on free memory size at various (configurable) rates
GaitedFootstepMC.cc [code]Implements GaitedFootstepMC, which executes a series of footsteps, probably generated by applying astar() to a GaitedFootsteps domain
GaitedFootstepMC.h [code]Defines GaitedFootstepMC, which executes a series of footsteps, probably generated by applying astar() to a GaitedFootsteps domain
GaitedFootsteps.cc [code]
GaitedFootsteps.h [code]
Gamepad.h [code]
GamepadController.cc [code]Implements GamepadController, listens for gamepad inputs and posts events appropriately
GamepadController.h [code]Describes GamepadController, listens to inputs and fires events appropriately
Gaussian.cc [code]
Gaussian.h [code]
GeneralFncs.h [code]
GeneralMacros.h [code]
GenericRRT.h [code]
get_time.cc [code]Implementation of get_time(), a simple way to get the current time since boot in milliseconds
get_time.h [code]Prototype for get_time(), a simple way to get the current time since boot in milliseconds
GJK.h [code]
GLine2D.cc [code]
GLine2D.h [code]
GLineSegment2D.cc [code]
GLineSegment2D.h [code]
Graphics.cc [code]
Graphics.h [code]
Grasper.cc [code]
Grasper.h [code]
GrasperEvent.h [code]
GrasperNode.cc [code]
GrasperNode.h [code]
GrasperRequest.cc [code]
GrasperRequest.h [code]
GrasperTrans.h [code]
GrayModel.cc [code]
GrayModel.h [code]
GreedySampler.cc [code]
GreedySampler.h [code]
Gridder.h [code]
GridWorld.cc [code]
GridWorld.h [code]
GripperVisualMonitorTask.cc [code]
GripperVisualMonitorTask.h [code]
GroupNode.h [code]Defines GroupNode, which allows a group of StateNodes to be activated together
HandEyeGripper.h [code]
HandEyeInfo.h [code]Defines some capabilities of the HandEye planar arm robot
HandEyeZInfo.h [code]Defines some capabilities of the modified HandEye planar arm robot
Hashtable.h [code]
HeadController.cc [code]Implements HeadController, listens to control commands coming in from the command port for remotely controlling the head
HeadController.h [code]Describes HeadController, listens to control commands coming in from the command port for remotely controlling the head
HeadPointerMC.cc [code]Implements HeadPointerMC, a class for various ways to control where the head is looking
HeadPointerMC.h [code]Describes HeadPointerMC, a class for various ways to control where the head is looking
HeadPointerNode.h [code]Defines HeadPointerNode, a simple StateNode that runs a HeadPointerMC motion command and throws a status event upon completion
HelpControl.cc [code]Implements HelpControl, which recurses through the menu system and outputs the name and description of each item
HelpControl.h [code]Describes HelpControl, which recurses through the menu system and outputs the name and description of each item
HolonomicMotionModel.cc [code]
HolonomicMotionModel.h [code]Defines HolonomicMotionModel, which can model the path of a holonomic robot
Homography.h [code]
Homography33.cc [code]
Homography33.h [code]
HoughHash.cc [code]
HoughHash.h [code]
IKCalliope.cc [code]
IKCalliope.h [code]
IKGradientSolver.cc [code]Implements IKGradientSolver, which performs gradient descent on the joints to find a solution
IKGradientSolver.h [code]Describes IKGradientSolver, which performs gradient descent on the joints to find a solution
IKMantis.cc [code]
IKMantis.h [code]
IKSolver.h [code]Defines IKSolver interface, which provides an abstract interface to inverse kinematic solvers
IKThreeLink.cc [code]
IKThreeLink.h [code]
ImageBuffer.cc [code]
ImageBuffer.h [code]
ImageUtil.cc [code]
ImageUtil.h [code]
InstanceTracker.h [code]
InterleavedYUVGenerator.cc [code]Implements InterleavedYUVGenerator, which generates FilterBankEvents containing raw camera images with interleaved pixels (YUVYUVYUV... instead of YYY...UUU...VVV...)
InterleavedYUVGenerator.h [code]Describes InterleavedYUVGenerator, which generates FilterBankEvents containing raw camera images with interleaved pixels (YUVYUVYUV... instead of YYY...UUU...VVV...)
InverseMarkScope.h [code]Defines InverseMarkScope, which provides a way to mark a resource as unused for the duration of the instance's scope (cancels a MarkScope for a portion)
JPEGGenerator.cc [code]Implements JPEGGenerator, which generates FilterBankEvents containing JPEG compressed images
JPEGGenerator.h [code]Describes JPEGGenerator, which generates FilterBankEvents containing JPEG compressed images
KDTree.cc [code]
KDTree.h [code]
keygroup.cc [code]
keygroup.h [code]
keypoint.cc [code]
keypoint.h [code]
keypointpair.cc [code]
keypointpair.h [code]
KHR2Info.h [code]Defines some capabilities of the KHR2 humanoid robots
KinematicJoint.cc [code]Implements KinematicJoint, which manages parameters defining the position and type of motion produced by an actuator (i.e. forward kinematics)
KinematicJoint.h [code]Describes KinematicJoint, which manages parameters defining the position and type of motion produced by an actuator (i.e. forward kinematics)
Kinematics.cc [code]
Kinematics.h [code]Describes Kinematics, which provides access to the mathematical functionality of the roboop package using Tekkotsu data structures
KnowledgeBase.cc [code]
KnowledgeBase.h [code]
KodeActionCreators.cc [code]
KodeConditionCreators.cc [code]
KodeCreator.cc [code]
KoduAction.h [code]
KoduActionDoNothing.h [code]
KoduActionDrop.cc [code]
KoduActionDrop.h [code]
KoduActionGive.cc [code]
KoduActionGive.h [code]
KoduActionGrab.cc [code]
KoduActionGrab.h [code]
KoduActionMotion.cc [code]
KoduActionMotion.h [code]
KoduActionPageSwitch.cc [code]
KoduActionPageSwitch.h [code]
KoduActionPlay.cc [code]
KoduActionPlay.h [code]
KoduActionSay.cc [code]
KoduActionSay.h [code]
KoduActionScore.cc [code]
KoduActionScore.h [code]
KoduAgent.cc [code]
KoduAgent.h [code]
KoduCondition.h [code]
KoduConditionAlways.h [code]
KoduConditionBump.cc [code]
KoduConditionBump.h [code]
KoduConditionGamepad.cc [code]
KoduConditionGamepad.h [code]
KoduConditionGot.cc [code]
KoduConditionGot.h [code]
KoduConditionHear.cc [code]
KoduConditionHear.h [code]
KoduConditionScored.cc [code]
KoduConditionScored.h [code]
KoduConditionSee.cc [code]
KoduConditionSee.h [code]
KoduConditionTimer.cc [code]
KoduConditionTimer.h [code]
KoduConfig.cc [code]
KoduConfig.h [code]Kodu configuration class
KoduDiscover.cc [code]
KoduDiscover.h [code]
KoduEventBase.cc [code]Events involved with the Kodu Interpreter
KoduEventBase.h [code]Events involved with the Kodu Interpreter
KoduGenerators.cc [code]
KoduGenerators.h [code]
KoduGiveEvent.cc [code]Kodu gives something to another robot
KoduGiveEvent.h [code]Kodu gives something to another character
KoduIncludes.h [code]
KoduInterpreter.h [code]
KoduObject.cc [code]
KoduObject.h [code]
KoduPage.cc [code]
KoduPage.h [code]
KoduPrimitive.h [code]
KoduRule.h [code]
KoduSayEvent.cc [code]Kodu says something in the world
KoduSayEvent.h [code]Kodu says something in the world
KoduState.cc [code]
KoduState.h [code]
KoduWorld.cc [code]
KoduWorld.h [code]
least_squares.cc [code]
least_squares.h [code]
LedEngine.cc [code]Implements LedEngine, which provides basic LED effects to anything that inherits or instantiates it
LedEngine.h [code]Describes LedEngine, which provides basic LED effects to anything that inherits or instantiates it
LedMC.h [code]Defines LedMC, which provides a basic MotionCommand wrapper to LedEngine
LedNode.h [code]Defines LedNode and LedActivate, StateNodes that run a LedMC motion command and post a status event upon completion
LGmixin.cc [code]
LGmixin.h [code]
LGNode.h [code]
libgen_emu.cc [code]
libgen_emu.h [code]
ListMemBuf.h [code]Defines ListMemBuf, which provides some degree of dynamic allocation of a templated type from a buffer of set size
LoadCalibration.h [code]Defines LoadCalibration, which will load calibration parameters from a text file into a forward and backward matrix
LoadPostureControl.h [code]Defines LoadPostureControl, which presents a file selection submenu, and then loads the specified posture
LoadSave.cc [code]Implements LoadSave, inherit from this to use a standard interface for loading and saving
LoadSave.h [code]Describes LoadSave, inherit from this to use a standard interface for loading and saving
LoadWalkControl.h [code]Defines LoadWalkControl, which when activated, loads a set of walk parameters from a file read from cin
LocalizationParticle.h [code]
LocomotionEvent.cc [code]Implements LocomotionEvent, which gives updates regarding the current movement of the robot through the world
LocomotionEvent.h [code]Describes LocomotionEvent, which gives updates regarding the current movement of the robot through the world
LogNode.cc [code]
LogNode.h [code]Defines LogNode, which logs data to disk as a series of image and/or sensor files
LookAtMarkers.h [code]
Lookout.cc [code]
Lookout.h [code]
LookoutEvents.cc [code]
LookoutEvents.h [code]
LookoutRequests.cc [code]
LookoutRequests.h [code]
LostTargetTrans.h [code]Defines LostTargetTrans, which causes a transition if the target has not been seen minframe times within delay milliseconds
LynxArm6Info.h [code]Defines some capabilities of the 6-DOF PUMA style arm from Lynx Motion
MantisArmInfo.h [code]Defines some capabilities of the Mantis arm Robots
MantisInfo.h [code]Defines some capabilities of the Mantis robots
MantisLegInfo.h [code]Defines some capabilities of the Mantis leg robots
MapBuilder.cc [code]
MapBuilder.h [code]
MapBuilderNode.h [code]
MapBuilderRequest.cc [code]
MapBuilderRequest.h [code]
MarkScope.h [code]Defines MarkScope, which provides a way to mark a resource as used for the duration of the instance's scope
MaryClient.cc [code]
MaryClient.h [code]
matchinfo.h [code]
MathUtil.cc [code]
MathUtil.h [code]
mathutils.h [code]
MCNode.cc [code]Implement's MCNode's default name and description strings (the class is templated, so everything else has to go in the header)
MCNode.h [code]Defines MCNode, which provides generic wrapper for any MotionCommand
MCValueEditControl.h [code]Defines MCValueEditControl, which allows you to modify a value in memory, much like ValueEditControl, but will check out a MotionCommand first to maintain proper mutual exclusion
Measures.cc [code]
Measures.h [code]
MessageQueue.cc [code]Defines MessageQueue, which provides mechanisms for sending shared memory regions between processes
MessageQueue.h [code]Defines MessageQueue, which provides mechanisms for sending shared memory regions between processes
MessageQueueStatusThread.cc [code]
MessageQueueStatusThread.h [code]
MessageReceiver.cc [code]
MessageReceiver.h [code]
MicrophoneServer.cc [code]
MicrophoneServer.h [code]
MMAccessor.h [code]Defines MMAccessor, allows convenient ways to check MotionCommands in and out of the MotionManager
MoCapEvent.cc [code]Implements MoCapEvent, an event for communicating localization information
MoCapEvent.h [code]Describes MoCapEvent, an event for communicating localization information
MoCapLogger.cc [code]Implements MoCapLogger, which provides display and logging of mocap data
MoCapLogger.h [code]Describes MoCapLogger, which provides display and logging of mocap data
model.cc [code]
model.h [code]
MotionCommand.cc [code]Empty
MotionCommand.h [code]Defines the MotionCommand class, used for creating motions of arbitrary complexity
MotionManager.cc [code]Implements MotionManager, simplifies sharing of MotionCommand's and provides mutual exclusion to their access
MotionManager.h [code]Describes MotionManager, simplifies sharing of MotionCommand's and provides mutual exclusion to their access
MotionManagerMsg.h [code]Defines MotionManagerMsg, a small header used by MotionManager for sending messages between processes
MotionNodes.h [code]
MotionPtr.h [code]
MotionReport.cc [code]Defines MotionReport, which DESCRIPTION
MotionSequenceEngine.cc [code]Implements MotionSequenceEngine, abstract code for smoothly transitioning between a sequence of postures
MotionSequenceEngine.h [code]Describes MotionSequenceEngine, abstract code for smoothly transitioning between a sequence of postures
MotionSequenceMC.h [code]Describes MotionSequenceEngine and defines MotionSequenceMC, handy little (or not so little) classes for switching between a sequence of postures
MotionSequenceNode.h [code]Describes MotionSequenceNode, a StateNode for playing a MotionSequence (and looping it if desired)
MotorControllers.cc [code]
MotorControllers.h [code]
MutexLock.cc [code]Defines MutexLock, a software only mutual exclusion lock
MutexLock.h [code]Defines MutexLock, a software only mutual exclusion lock
netstream.cc [code]
netstream.h [code]
NetworkBuffer.h [code]
NetworkStatusControl.cc [code]Defines NetworkStatusControl, which will display current network status such as wireless signal strength
NullControl.h [code]Defines NullControl, which does absolutely nothing (handy for fake items in a menu)
NullTrans.h [code]Defines NullTrans, which causes a transition as soon as the source node finishes starting up
object.cc [code]
object.h [code]
ObjectKeeper.cc [code]
ObjectKeeper.h [code]
ODataFormats.h [code]Defines several data structures for compatability with OPEN-R
OFbkImage.h [code]
OpticalFlow.cc [code]
OpticalFlow.h [code]
OutputCmd.cc [code]Implements OutputCmd, holds information needed to control a single output
OutputCmd.h [code]Describes OutputCmd, holds information needed to control a single output
OutputNode.h [code]Defines OutputNode, a very simple StateNode that outputs its name to a given ostream upon activation, handy for debugging
OutputPID.h [code]Describes OutputPID, holds information needed to control a single output
PanTiltInfo.h [code]Defines some capabilities of a simple pan-tilt camera “robot”
ParsedPage.cc [code]
ParsedPage.h [code]
ParsedPhrase.cc [code]
ParsedPhrase.h [code]
ParsedRule.cc [code]
ParsedRule.h [code]
Parser.cc [code]
Parser.h [code]
ParserKeywords.cc [code]
ParticleFilter.h [code]
AprilTags/pch.h [code]
SIFT/pch.h [code]
PerceptionSearch.cc [code]
PerceptionSearch.h [code]
PerceptualTaskBase.cc [code]
PerceptualTaskBase.h [code]
PGMImg.cc [code]
PGMImg.h [code]
PhysicsBody.cc [code]
PhysicsBody.h [code]
PhysicsWorld.cc [code]
PhysicsWorld.h [code]
PIDMC.h [code]Defines PIDMC, a nice little MotionCommand for manually manipulating the PID values
PIDNode.h [code]
Pilot.cc [code]
Pilot.h [code]
PilotEvent.h [code]
PilotNode.cc [code]
PilotNode.h [code]
PilotRequest.cc [code]
PilotRequest.h [code]
PilotTrans.cc [code]
PilotTrans.h [code]
PilotTypes.cc [code]
PilotTypes.h [code]
PitchDetector.cc [code]Implements PitchDetector, which generates a PitchEvent whenever a notable frequency is detected using FFT
PitchDetector.h [code]Defines PitchDetector, which generates a PitchEvent whenever a notable frequency is detected using FFT
PitchEvent.cc [code]Implements PitchEvent, which provides information about a tone detected from the microphone(s)
PitchEvent.h [code]Describes PitchEvent, which provides information about a tone detected from the microphone(s)
PlanarThreeLinkArm.cc [code]
PlanarThreeLinkArm.h [code]
PlannerObstacles.cc [code]
PlannerObstacles.h [code]
PlannerObstaclesShapeConversions.cc [code]
PlaySoundControl.h [code]Defines PlaySoundControl, which when activated, plays a sound file
plist.cc [code]
plist.h [code]Provides the plist namespace, a collection of classes to implement the Propery List data storage format, a XML standard used by Apple and others
plistBase.cc [code]
plistBase.h [code]
plistCollections.cc [code]
plistCollections.h [code]
plistPrimitives.cc [code]
plistPrimitives.h [code]
plistSpecialty.cc [code]
plistSpecialty.h [code]
PNGGenerator.cc [code]Implements PNGGenerator, which generates FilterBankEvents containing PNG compressed images
PNGGenerator.h [code]Describes PNGGenerator, which generates FilterBankEvents containing PNG compressed images
PollThread.cc [code]
PollThread.h [code]
PosOrientState.cc [code]
PosOrientState.h [code]
PostMachine.h [code]
PostureEditor.cc [code]Describes PostureEditor, which allows numeric control of joints and LEDs
PostureEditor.h [code]Describes PostureEditor, which allows numeric control of joints and LEDs
PostureEngine.cc [code]Implements PostureEngine, a base class for managing the values and weights of all the outputs
PostureEngine.h [code]Describes PostureEngine, a base class for managing the values and weights of all the outputs
PostureMC.cc [code]Implements PostureMC, a MotionCommand shell for PostureEngine
PostureMC.h [code]Describes PostureMC, a MotionCommand shell for PostureEngine
PostureNode.cc [code]
PostureNode.h [code]Defines PostureNode, a simple StateNode that runs a PostureMC motion command
PQueue.h [code]
ProcessID.cc [code]Declares the static ProcessID::ID, that's all
ProcessID.h [code]Defines ProcessID - simple little global for checking which process is currently running, kind of. (see ProcessID::getID() )
Profiler.cc [code]Implements Profiler, which managers a hierarchy of timers for profiling time spent in code
Profiler.h [code]Describes Profiler, which managers a hierarchy of timers for profiling time spent in code
ProfilerCheckControl.cc [code]Defines ProfilerCheckControl, which causes the WorldState::mainProfile and WorldState::motionProfile to display reports to sout
ProjectInterface.cc [code]Provides instantiation of the non-required members of ProjectInterface
ProjectInterface.h [code]Defines ProjectInterface namespace - a collection of the global variables which should be set by a project to use the Tekkotsu framework
QBotPlusInfo.h [code]Defines some capabilities of the QwerkBot+, a QwerkBot with wheels and a pan/tilt camera
Quad.cc [code]
Quad.h [code]
QwerkInfo.h [code]Defines some capabilities of a generic "Qwerk" based robot
RandomTrans.cc [code]
RandomTrans.h [code]
RawCam.cc [code]Implements RawCam, which forwards images from camera over wireless
RawCam.h [code]Describes RawCam, which forwards images from camera over wireless
RawCameraGenerator.cc [code]Implements RawCameraGenerator, which generates FilterBankEvents containing raw camera images
RawCameraGenerator.h [code]Describes RawCameraGenerator, which generates FilterBankEvents containing raw camera images
RawImage.cc [code]
RawImage.h [code]
RawImagePyramid.cc [code]
RawImagePyramid.h [code]
RCRegion.cc [code]Implements RCRegion, which provides compatability with the OPEN-R type of the same name
RCRegion.h [code]Describes RCRegion, which provides compatability with the OPEN-R type of the same name
RebootControl.cc [code]Implements RebootControl, which causes the aibo to reboot (very short - one function separated out to limit recompile of the OPENR headers)
RebootControl.h [code]Defines RebootControl, which causes the aibo to reboot
RecordMotionNode.h [code]Defines RecordMotionNode, which DESCRIPTION
RecordRange.cc [code]Defines RecordRange, a small utility which disables all joint power and records the maximum and minimum positions
ReferenceCounter.h [code]Defines the ReferenceCounter base class, which allows for automatic memory deallocation
RegionCam.cc [code]Implements RegionCam, which forwards the regions from RegionGenerator over wireless
RegionCam.h [code]Implements RegionCam, which forwards the regions from RegionGenerator over wireless
RegionGenerator.cc [code]Implements RegionGenerator, which connects regions of CMVision format runs in RLEGenerator
RegionGenerator.h [code]Describes RegionGenerator, which connects regions of CMVision format runs in RLEGenerator
RegionRegistry.h [code]Defines RegionRegistry, which keeps track of currently available shared memory regions
Regis1Info.h [code]Defines some capabilities of the Regis robot prototype
RelaxBehavior.cc [code]Defines RelaxBehavior, which sets all the PIDs to zero for the tail and legs servos
RemoteControllerMC.h [code]Describes RemoteControllerMC, a class used for setting all outputs to a certain set of values (not the gains, just the joint positions)
RemoteEvents.cc [code]
RemoteEvents.h [code]
RemoteRouter.cc [code]
RemoteRouter.h [code]
RemoteState.cc [code]
RemoteState.h [code]
ResetServos.cc [code]
Resource.cc [code]Implements Resource (and EmptyResource), which provides a generic interface for resources which need to keep track of when they are in use, such as mutex locks
Resource.h [code]Describes Resource (and EmptyResource), which provides a generic interface for resources which need to keep track of when they are in use, such as mutex locks
ResourceAccessor.h [code]Describes ResourceAccessor, a variation of MarkScope which allows you to forward access to the resource via the '->' operator, smart-pointer style
RLEGenerator.cc [code]Implements RLEGenerator, which generates RLE compressed FilterBankEvents (generally from indexed color images from, say, SegmentedColorGenerator)
RLEGenerator.h [code]Describes RLEGenerator, which generates RLE compressed FilterBankEvents (generally from indexed color images from, say, SegmentedColorGenerator)
RobotInfo.cc [code]
RobotInfo.h [code]Checks the define's to load the appropriate header and namespace
RunSequenceControl.h [code]Defines RunSequenceControl, which when activated, loads and runs a motion sequence from a file name read from cin (stored in ms/data/motion)
SavePostureControl.h [code]Defines SavePostureControl, which when activated, saves the current position to a file name read from user (default is /ms/data/motion...)
SaveWalkControl.h [code]Defines SaveWalkControl, which when activated, saves walk parameters to a file specified from cin
ScoreKeeper.cc [code]
ScoreKeeper.h [code]
SegCam.cc [code]Implements SegCam, which forwards segmented images from camera over wireless
SegCam.h [code]Describes SegCam, which forwards segmented images from camera over wireless
Segment.cc [code]
Segment.h [code]
SegmentedColorFilterBankEvent.h [code]Defines SegmentedColorFilterBankEvent, an event provides some additional color information over its superclass for image banks made up of indexed colors
SegmentedColorGenerator.cc [code]Implements SegmentedColorGenerator, which generates FilterBankEvents indexed color images based on a color threshold file
SegmentedColorGenerator.h [code]Describes SegmentedColorGenerator, which generates FilterBankEvents indexed color images based on a color threshold file
SemaphoreManager.cc [code]Implements SemaphoreManager, which initializes, manages, and releases a set of System V style semaphores
SemaphoreManager.h [code]Defines SemaphoreManager, which initializes, manages, and releases a set of System V style semaphores
SensorInfo.cc [code]
SensorInfo.h [code]
SensorMonitorBehavior.cc [code]
SensorObserverControl.cc [code]Describes SensorObserverControl, which allows logging of sensor information to the console or file
SensorObserverControl.h [code]Describes SensorObserverControl which allows logging of sensor information to the console or file
ShapeBasedParticleFilter.cc [code]
ShapeBasedParticleFilter.h [code]
ShapeLandmarks.cc [code]
ShapeLandmarks.h [code]
ShapeSensorModel.cc [code]
ShapeSensorModel.h [code]
ShapeSLAMParticleFilter.cc [code]
ShapeSLAMParticleFilter.h [code]
ShapeSpacePlanner2DR.h [code]
ShapeSpacePlanner3DR.h [code]
ShapeSpacePlannerBase.cc [code]
ShapeSpacePlannerBase.h [code]
ShapeSpacePlannerXY.cc [code]
ShapeSpacePlannerXY.h [code]
ShapeSpacePlannerXYTheta.cc [code]
ShapeSpacePlannerXYTheta.h [code]
SharedObject.cc [code]
SharedObject.h [code]Defines SharedObject, a wrapper for objects in order to facilitate sending them between processes
ShutdownControl.cc [code]Implements ShutdownControl, which causes the aibo to shutdown (very short - one function separated out to limit recompile of the OPENR headers)
ShutdownControl.h [code]Describes ShutdownControl, which initiates the shutdown sequence
sift-driver.cc [code]
sift-driver.hpp [code]
sift.cc [code]
sift.hpp [code]
sift.ipp [code]SIFT class - inline functions and members
SIFTImage.cc [code]
SIFTImage.h [code]
SiftMatch.cc [code]
SiftMatch.h [code]
SiftTekkotsu.cc [code]
SiftTekkotsu.h [code]
SignalTrans.h [code]
SimulatorAdvanceFrameControl.cc [code]Defines SimulatorAdvanceFrameControl, which requests the next camera frame and sensor data, for use when running in simulation
SineMC.h [code]Defines SineMC, which DESCRIPTION
SmoothCompareTrans.h [code]Defines SmoothCompareTrans, subclass of CompareTrans, which provides monitoring of exponentially weighted averages to a threshold
Socket.cc [code]Implements Tekkotsu wireless Socket class, also sout and serr
Socket.h [code]Defines Tekkotsu wireless Socket class, also sout and serr
SocketListener.h [code]
SoundManager.cc [code]Implements SoundManager, which provides sound effects and caching services, as well as mixing buffers for the SoundPlay process
SoundManager.h [code]Describes SoundManager, which provides sound effects and caching services, as well as mixing buffers for the SoundPlay process
SoundManagerMsg.h [code]Defines SoundManagerMsg, a small header used by SoundManager for sending messages between processes
SoundNode.h [code]Defines SoundNode, a simple StateNode that plays a sound and throws a status event upon completion
SpeakerServer.cc [code]
SpeakerServer.h [code]
SpeechNode.h [code]Defines SpeechNode, a simple StateNode that speaks a string and posts a status event upon completion
StackTrace.cc [code]Implements functionality for performing stack traces
StackTrace.h [code]Describes functionality for performing stack traces
StateMachine.h [code]
StateNode.cc [code]Describes StateNode, which is both a state machine controller as well as a node within a state machine itself
StateNode.h [code]Describes StateNode, which is both a state machine controller as well as a node within a state machine itself
string_util.cc [code]Implements some useful functions for string manipulation in the string_util namespace
string_util.h [code]Describes some useful functions for string manipulation in the string_util namespace
StringInputControl.cc [code]Implements StringInputControl, which prompts for and stores a string from the user
StringInputControl.h [code]Defines StringInputControl, which prompts for and stores a string from the user
TagDetection.cc [code]
TagDetection.h [code]
TagDetector.cc [code]
TagDetector.h [code]
TagFamily.cc [code]
TagFamily.h [code]
TailWagMC.h [code]Defines TailWagMC, which will wag the tail on a ERS-210 robot
TailWagNode.h [code]Defines TailWagNode, a simple StateNode that runs a TailWagMC motion command
TentacleInfo.h [code]Defines some capabilities of the tentacle planar arm
TextMsgEvent.cc [code]Implements TextMsgEvent, which extends EventBase to also include actual message text
TextMsgEvent.h [code]Describes TextMsgEvent, which extends EventBase to also include actual message text
TextMsgTrans.h [code]Defines TextMsgTrans, which fires when a matching string is received
Thread.cc [code]Describes the Thread class and its AutoThread templated subclass
Thread.h [code]Describes the Thread class and its AutoThread templated subclass
ThreadedMessageQueue.h [code]Describes ThreadedMessageQueue, which
TimeET.cc [code]Implements TimeET, a nice class for handling time values with high precision (but all that's in the .cc is implementation of struct timezone TimeET::tz)
TimeET.h [code]Describes TimeET, a nice class for handling time values with high precision
TimeOutTrans.h [code]Defines TimeOutTrans, which causes a transition after a specified amount of time has passed
TimerEvent.cc [code]
TimerEvent.h [code]
ToggleControl.h [code]
ToggleHeadLightBehavior.cc [code]Defines ToggleHeadLightBehavior, which will open or close the head light on an ERS-220
Token.cc [code]
Token.h [code]
Tokenize.cc [code]
TokenParser.cc [code]
TokenParserKeywords.cc [code]
TorqueCalibrate.cc [code]
TorqueCalibrate.h [code]Defines TorqueCalibrate, which provides an interface for making measurements to correlate PID duty cycle and actual force output for each of the motors
TrackNode.cc [code]
TrackNode.h [code]
Transition.cc [code]Implements Transition, represents a transition between StateNodes
Transition.h [code]Describes Transition, represents a transition between StateNodes
UnionFindSimple.cc [code]
UnionFindSimple.h [code]
UPennWalkControllerBehavior.cc [code]Implements UPennWalkControllerBehavior, listens to mecha control commands coming in from the command port for remotely controlling the walk
UPennWalkControllerBehavior.h [code]Describes UPennWalkControllerBehavior, listens to control commands coming in from the command port for remotely controlling the walk
UPennWalkMC.cc [code]Defines UPennWalkMC, which uses the UPennalizers' 2004 RoboCup code to compute walking gaits
UPennWalkMC.h [code]Defines UPennWalkMC, which uses the UPennalizers' 2004 RoboCup code to compute walking gaits
ValueEditControl.h [code]Defines ValueEditControl class, which will allow modification of a value through a pointer
ValueSetControl.h [code]Defines ValueSetControl class, which will assign a value through a pointer upon activation
ViewWMVarsBehavior.cc [code]Defines ViewWMVarsBehavior, simply launches the Watchable Memory GUI, which should connect to the already-running WMMonitorBehavior
VisionObjectEvent.cc [code]Implements VisionObjectEvent, which provides information about objects recognized in the camera image
VisionObjectEvent.h [code]Describes VisionObjectEvent, which provides information about objects recognized in the camera image
VisualBumpDetectionTask.cc [code]
VisualBumpDetectionTask.h [code]
VisualLocalizationTask.cc [code]
VisualLocalizationTask.h [code]
VisualNavErrMonTask.cc [code]
VisualNavErrMonTask.h [code]
VisualOdometry.cc [code]
VisualOdometry.h [code]
VisualTargetCloseTrans.h [code]Defines VisualTargetCloseTrans, which causes a transition when a visual object is "close"
VisualTargetTrans.h [code]Defines VisualTargetTrans, which causes a transition when a visual object has been seen for at least 6 camera frames
WalkCalibration.cc [code]
WalkCalibration.h [code]Describes WalkCalibration, which allows interactive calibration of a walk engine
WalkController.cc [code]Implements WalkController, listens to mecha control commands coming in from the command port for remotely controlling the walk
WalkController.h [code]Describes WalkController, listens to control commands coming in from the command port for remotely controlling the walk
WalkEdit.cc [code]Implements WalkEdit, which provides an editor for the CMPack-based Aibo walk engine
WalkEdit.h [code]Describes WalkEdit, which provides an editor for the CMPack-based Aibo walk engine
WalkMC.h [code]Describes WalkMC, a wrapper for the appropriate locomotion mechanism for the current robot (including wheels)
WalkNode.cc [code]
WalkNode.h [code]
WalkToTargetNode.cc [code]Implements WalkToTargetNode, a state node for walking towards a visual target
WalkToTargetNode.h [code]Describes WalkToTargetNode, a state node for walking towards a visual target
WAV.cc [code]Allows you to load WAV files from the memory stick
WAV.h [code]Allows you to load WAV files from the memory stick
WaypointEngine.cc [code]Defines WaypointEngine, which provides computation and management of a desired path through a series of waypoints
WaypointEngine.h [code]Defines WaypointEngine, which provides computation and management of a desired path through a series of waypoints
WaypointList.cc [code]
WaypointList.h [code]
WaypointWalkControl.cc [code]Implements WaypointWalkControl, which allows interactive control and execution of a set of waypoints
WaypointWalkControl.h [code]Describes WaypointWalkControl, which allows interactive control and execution of a set of waypoints
WaypointWalkMC.h [code]Defines WaypointWalk, which combines a WaypointEngine with a WalkMC so you can walk between a set of waypoints
WaypointWalkNode.h [code]Describes WaypointEngineNode, a StateNode for doing a waypoint walk; use the template parameter to specify a custom waypoint walk MC, or use the WaypointWalkNode typedef to accept the "default" walk
WheeledWalkMC.cc [code]
WheeledWalkMC.h [code]Defines WheeledWalkMC, which provides a 'WalkMC' implementation for wheeled robots (diff-drive or theoretically holonomic configurations as well)
WiiMoteInfo.h [code]Defines some capabilities of the WiiMote
Wireless.cc [code]Interacts with the system to provide networking services
Wireless.h [code]Interacts with the system to provide networking services
WMclass.cc [code]
WMclass.h [code]Watchable memory. Variables are monitored and changes are announced
WMMonitorBehavior.cc [code]Defines WMMonitorBehavior, which listens to commands from the Aibo3D gui and shows current state
WMMonitorBehavior.h [code]Defines WMMonitorBehavior, which listens to commands from the Aibo3D gui and shows current state
WorldState.cc [code]Implements WorldState, maintains information about the robot's environment, namely sensors and power status
WorldState.h [code]Describes WorldState, maintains information about the robot's environment, namely sensors and power status
WorldStateSerializerBehavior.cc [code]Implements WorldStateSerializer, which copies WorldState into a buffer for transmission over the network
WorldStateSerializerBehavior.h [code]Describes WorldStateSerializerBehavior, which copies WorldState into a buffer for transmission over the network
WorldStateVelDaemon.cc [code]Defines WorldStateVelDaemon, which listens for LocomotionEvents and updates the velocity fields of WorldState
XMLLoadSave.cc [code]
XMLLoadSave.h [code]
XWalkEdit.h [code]
XWalkMC.cc [code]
XWalkMC.h [code]Defines XWalkMC, which DESCRIPTION
XWalkParameters.cc [code]Implements XWalkParameters, which provide configuration settings for XWalkMC
XWalkParameters.h [code]Defines XWalkParameters, which provide configuration settings for XWalkMC
XYWeight.h [code]
zignor.cc [code]
zignor.h [code]
zigrandom.cc [code]
zigrandom.h [code]

Tekkotsu v5.1CVS
Generated Mon May 9 04:59:30 2016 by Doxygen 1.6.3