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00001 //-*-c++-*-
00002 #ifndef INCLUDED_EchoBehavior_h_
00003 #define INCLUDED_EchoBehavior_h_
00005 #include "Behaviors/BehaviorBase.h"
00006 #include "Events/EventRouter.h"
00008 //! Waits for a connection, echos any data received back to the sender
00009 class EchoBehavior : public BehaviorBase {
00010 public:
00011   static EchoBehavior * theOne; //!< the singleton object (only one of these objects can be active at a time or they would conflict over ports)
00012   static unsigned short port; //!< the port to listen on for incoming UDP and TCP connections
00013   static int server_callbackT(char *buf, int bytes); //!< called by wireless when there's new data
00014   static int client_callbackT(char *buf, int bytes); //!< called by wireless when there's new data
00015   static int server_callbackU(char *buf, int bytes); //!< called by wireless when there's new data
00016   static int client_callbackU(char *buf, int bytes); //!< called by wireless when there's new data
00018   //! constructor
00019   EchoBehavior()
00020     : BehaviorBase("EchoBehavior")
00021   {
00022       theOne=this;
00023       bzero((char*)route,sizeof(route));
00024       for(unsigned int i=0; i<NUM_ROUTE; i++) {
00025         sockets[i]=NULL;
00026         socks[i]=-1;
00027         route[i][i]=true;       
00028       }
00029   }
00030   //! destructor
00031   ~EchoBehavior() { theOne=NULL; }
00033   virtual void doStart();
00034   virtual void doStop();  
00035   virtual void doEvent();
00037   static std::string getClassDescription() {
00038     char tmp[20];
00039     sprintf(tmp,"%d",port);
00040     return std::string("Waits for a connection, echos any data received back to the sender, using port ")+tmp;
00041   }
00042   virtual std::string getDescription() const { return getClassDescription(); }
00044 protected:
00045   //! indicates one of the available data sinks: combinations of client/server and TCP/UDP
00046   enum routeIndex_t {
00047     STCP=0,  //!< server TCP
00048     SUDP, //!< server UDP
00049     CTCP, //!< client TCP
00050     CUDP, //!< client UDP
00051     NUM_ROUTE //!< total number of different connections available
00052   };
00053   static const char * const routeNames[NUM_ROUTE]; //!< a user-readable name for each incoming or outgoing route
00055   class Socket * sockets[NUM_ROUTE]; //!< an array of sockets, one for each incoming or outgoing route
00056   int socks[NUM_ROUTE]; //!< the system socket number for each of #sockets, used to detect when a socket has been closed
00057   bool route[NUM_ROUTE][NUM_ROUTE]; //!< a table of bools indicating how data should be echoed -- if route[from][to] is set, route it
00058   void setupNetwork(); //!< initialize server ports
00059   void teardownNetwork(); //!< close open connections
00060   void processCallback(routeIndex_t src, char * buf, int bytes); //!< called by one of the wireless callbacks to do processing
00061   void intersect(unsigned char& bits, std::string arg); //!< unsets bits of @a bits which aren't represented by @a arg
00063 private:
00064   // Providing declarations for these functions will avoid a compiler warning if
00065   // you have any class members which are pointers.  However, as it is, an error
00066   // will result if you inadvertantly cause a call to either (which is probably
00067   // a good thing, unless you really intended to copy/assign a behavior, in
00068   // which case simply provide implementations for the functions)
00069   EchoBehavior(const EchoBehavior&); //!< don't call (copy constructor)
00070   EchoBehavior& operator=(const EchoBehavior&); //!< don't call (assignment operator)
00071 };
00073 /*! @file
00074  * @brief Defines EchoBehavior, which waits for a connection, echos any data received back to the sender
00075  * @author Ethan Tira-Thompson (ejt) (Creator)
00076  */
00078 #endif

Tekkotsu v5.1CVS
Generated Mon May 9 04:58:38 2016 by Doxygen 1.6.3