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Namespace List

Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
AStarHolds data structures for search context, results, and implementation of A★ path planning algorithm, see AStar::astar
base64Holds some functions for encoding and decoding base64 data
BioloidInfoDeclares configuration of generic bioloid/dynamixel based robots, such as number of joints, LEDs, etc
Calliope2SPInfoCalliope with 2DOF arm, Sony Playstation camera on pan/tilt, AX-S1 sensors
Calliope3ComponentsContains information about a Calliope robot, such as number of joints, LEDs, etc
Calliope3InfoCalliope with 2DOF arm and Microsof LifeCam camera on pan/tilt
Calliope5KPInfoCalliope with 5DOF arm, Kinect camera on pan/tilt, without AX-S1 sensors
Calliope5SPInfoCalliope with 5DOF arm, Sony Playstation camera on pan/tilt, AX-S1 sensors
CalliopeComponentsContains information about a Calliope robot, such as number of joints, LEDs, etc
CalliopeInfoBasic Calliope with no arm, fixed netbook camera, without AX-S1 sensors
CalliopeLPInfoCalliope with no arm, Logitech camera on pan/tilt, AX-S1 sensors
CalliopeSPInfoCalliope with no arm, Sony Playstation camera on pan/tilt, AX-S1 sensors
CalliopeUInfoContains information about the CalliopeU, such as number of joints, LEDs, etc
Camera75DOFParameters for a 75° diagonal field of view, 4:3 aspect ratio camera, like Logitech QuickCam Pro 9000 or Communicate Deluxe
CameraGeneric60Parameters for a 60° horizontal field of view, 4:3 aspect ratio camera
CameraKinectParameters for Microsoft Kinect
CameraLifeCamParameters for a 66° camera, like the Microsoft LifeCam, with a 16:9 aspect ratio
CameraSTXParameters for a 42° by 31.5° camera, like Logitech Communicate STX, note that these specifications indicate either a mistake or non-square pixels..
Chiara2InfoContains information about an Chiara hexapod robot, such as number of joints, LEDs, etc
ChiaraInfoContains information about an Chiara hexapod robot, such as number of joints, LEDs, etc
CMVisionFor more information on the CMVision package, visit http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~jbruce/cmvision/
CreateInfoContains information about an iRobot Create, such as number of joints, LEDs, etc
debugetSome debugging functions and ASSERT macros (although the macros don't respect the namespace scoping...)
DriverMessagingFunctions and data structures for sending messages from "user land" (behavior in Main, or motion commands in Motion) to drivers in the hardware abstraction layer
DynamicInfoDeclares symbols for the 'Dynamic' robot model, used for tools which are model agnostic
ERS210InfoContains information about the ERS-210 Robot, such as number of joints, PID defaults, timing information, etc
ERS220InfoContains information about the ERS-220 Robot, such as number of joints, PID defaults, timing information, etc
ERS2xxInfoContains information about the ERS-2xx series of robot, such as number of joints, PID defaults, timing information, etc
ERS7InfoContains information about the ERS-7 Robot, such as number of joints, PID defaults, timing information, etc
fmatFixed-size matrix routines for high performance with small allocations
HandEyeInfoDeclares configuration of the HandEye planar arm robot, such as number of joints, LEDs, etc
HandEyeZInfoDeclares configuration of the modified HandEye planar arm robot, such as number of joints, LEDs, etc
image_utilProvides a variety of straightforward calls to compress or decompress images in JPEG or PNG formats
KHR2InfoContains information about an KHR2 humanoid robot, such as number of joints, LEDs, etc
LynxArm6InfoDeclares configuration of the 6-DOF PUMA style arm from Lynx Motion, such as number of joints, LEDs, etc
MantisArmInfoContains information about an Mantis Arm robot, such as number of joints, LEDs, etc
MantisInfoContains information about a Mantis robot, such as number of joints, LEDs, etc
MantisLegInfoContains information about an Mantis Leg robot, such as number of joints, LEDs, etc
mathutilsVariety of handy mathematical functions, many of which are templated
PanTiltInfoDeclares configuration of a pan/tilt camera “robot”, such as number of joints, LEDs, etc
plistA collection of classes to implement the Propery List data storage format, a XML standard used by Apple and others
PowerSrcIDHolds source ID types for power events; see EventBase, see PowerSourceID_t
ProcessIDHolds information to identify currently running process
project_get_timeIf we're running locally, these will let users in "project" space control time for simulation
ProjectInterfaceA collection of the global variables which should be set by a project to use the Tekkotsu framework
QBotPlusInfoDeclares configuration of the QwerkBot+, such as number of joints, LEDs, etc
QwerkInfoDeclares configuration of the generic Qwerk target, such as number of joints, LEDs, etc
Regis1InfoDeclares configuration of the Regis robot prototype, such as number of joints, LEDs, etc
RobotInfoContains information about the robot, such as number of joints, PID defaults, timing information, etc
SensorSrcIDHolds source ID types for sensor events; see EventBase, see SensorSourceID_t
stacktraceHolds the C-style interface for the stack trace routines
stdSTL namespace
string_utilSome common string processing functions, for std::string
TentacleInfoDeclares configuration of the tentacle planar arm, such as number of joints, LEDs, etc
VLVisionLab namespace
WiiMoteInfoContains information about the WiiMote remote control

Tekkotsu v5.1CVS
Generated Mon May 9 04:59:19 2016 by Doxygen 1.6.3