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ERS2xxInfo Namespace Reference

Contains information about the ERS-2xx series of robot, such as number of joints, PID defaults, timing information, etc. More...


class  ERS2xxCapabilities
 provides polymorphic robot capability detection/mapping More...


enum  LEDOffset_t {
  FaceFrontLeftLEDOffset = LEDOffset, FaceFrontRightLEDOffset, FaceCenterLeftLEDOffset, FaceCenterRightLEDOffset,
  FaceBackLeftLEDOffset, FaceBackRightLEDOffset, ModeLEDOffset, BackLeft1LEDOffset,
  BackLeft2LEDOffset, BackLeft3LEDOffset, BackRight3LEDOffset, BackRight2LEDOffset,
  BackRight1LEDOffset, TailLeftLEDOffset, TailCenterLEDOffset, TailRightLEDOffset,
  FaceFrontBLEDOffset, FaceFrontALEDOffset, FaceFrontCLEDOffset, RetractableHeadLEDOffset,
  TlBluLEDOffset, TlRedLEDOffset, BotLLEDOffset = FaceFrontLeftLEDOffset, BotRLEDOffset = FaceFrontRightLEDOffset,
  MidLLEDOffset = FaceCenterLeftLEDOffset, MidRLEDOffset = FaceCenterRightLEDOffset, TopLLEDOffset = FaceBackLeftLEDOffset, TopRLEDOffset = FaceBackRightLEDOffset,
  TopBrLEDOffset = ModeLEDOffset

The offsets of the individual LEDs on the head and tail. Note that left/right are robot's point of view. See also LEDBitMask_t.



const char *const TargetName = "ERS-2xx"
 the name of the model, to be used for logging and remote GUIs
const unsigned int FrameTime = 8
 time between frames in the motion system (milliseconds)
const unsigned int NumFrames = 4
 the number of frames per buffer (don't forget also double buffered)
const unsigned int SlowFrameTime = 128
 time between frames for the ears (which move slower for some reason, don't want to mix with other outputs) (milliseconds)
const unsigned int NumSlowFrames = 1
 the number of frames per buffer being sent to ears (double buffered as well)
const unsigned int SoundBufferTime = 32
 the number of milliseconds per sound buffer... I'm not sure if this can be changed
const fmat::Column< 3 > AgentBoundingBoxBaseFrameOffset = fmat::pack(0,0,0)
 Offset needed so that the centroid of the robot is correct relative to the bounding box.
const fmat::Column< 3 > AgentBoundingBoxHalfDims = fmat::pack(304.8/2, 304.8/2, 0)
 Half of the length, width, and height of the robot.
const char *const outputNames [NumReferenceFrames+1]
 Names for each of the outputs.
const ERS2xxCapabilities capabilities
 allocation declared in RobotInfo.cc
const char *const PrimitiveName [NumOutputs]
 the joint identifier strings used to refer to specific joints in OPEN-R (but not needed for others)
const char *const SpeakerLocator = "PRM:/r1/c1/c2/c3/s1-Speaker:S1"
 use to open speaker connectio with the system
const char *const CameraLocator = "PRM:/r1/c1/c2/c3/i1-FbkImageSensor:F1"
 use to open camera connection with the system
const float DefaultPIDs [NumPIDJoints][3]
 This table holds the default PID values for each joint. see PIDMC.
const unsigned char DefaultPIDShifts [3] = {0x0E, 0x02, 0x0F}
 These will control the shift values given to the system. see PIDMC.
const float MaxOutputSpeed [NumOutputs]
 These values are Sony's recommended maximum joint velocities, in rad/sec.
const float outputRanges [NumOutputs][2]
 This table holds the software limits of each of the outputs.
const float mechanicalLimits [NumOutputs][2]
 This table holds the mechanical limits of each of the outputs.
Output Types Information

Corresponds to entries in ERS2xxInfo::PrimitiveName, defined at the end of this file, these are the primary grouping

Right now all binary joints are slow, but perhaps this won't always be the case... hence the IsFast/Slow bitmasks to select which type, in order to be more general

const unsigned NumWheels = 0
 no wheels, just legs
const unsigned JointsPerArm = 0
 no arms, just legs
const unsigned NumArms = 0
 no arms, just legs
const unsigned NumArmJoints = JointsPerArm*NumArms
 no wheels, just legs
const unsigned JointsPerLeg = 3
 The number of joints per leg.
const unsigned NumLegs = 4
 The number of legs.
const unsigned NumLegJoints = JointsPerLeg*NumLegs
 the TOTAL number of joints on ALL legs
const unsigned NumHeadJoints = 3
 The number of joints in the neck.
const unsigned NumTailJoints = 2
 The number of joints assigned to the tail.
const unsigned NumMouthJoints = 1
 the number of joints that control the mouth
const unsigned NumEarJoints = 2
 The number of joints which control the ears (NOT per ear, is total).
const unsigned NumButtons = 11
 the number of buttons that are available, see ERS2xxInfo::ButtonOffset_t
const unsigned NumSensors = 1+3+1+5
 1 dist, 3 accel, 1 thermo, 5 from power, see ERS2xxInfo::SensorOffset_t
const unsigned NumLEDs = 22
 The number of LEDs which can be controlled.
const unsigned NumPIDJoints = NumLegJoints+NumHeadJoints+NumTailJoints+NumMouthJoints
 The number of joints which use PID motion - everything except ears.
const unsigned NumBinJoints = NumEarJoints
 The number of binary joints - just the ears (Aperios only).
const unsigned NumOutputs = NumPIDJoints + NumBinJoints + NumLEDs
 the total number of outputs
const unsigned NumReferenceFrames = NumOutputs + 1 + NumLegs + 1 + 1
 for the base, paw, camera, and IR sensor reference frames
const float BallOfFootRadius = 27.922f/2
 radius of the ball of the foot
const float CylinderOfFootRadius = 24.606f/2
 radius of the cylinder of the foot
const bool IsFastOutput [NumOutputs]
 true for joints which can be updated every 32 ms (all but the ears on a 210)

Output Offsets

Corresponds to entries in ERS2xxInfo::PrimitiveName, defined at the end of this file

enum  LegOrder_t { LFrLegOrder = 0, RFrLegOrder, LBkLegOrder, RBkLegOrder }

the ordering of legs

enum  REKOffset_t { RotatorOffset = 0, ElevatorOffset, KneeOffset }

The offsets within appendages (the legs) Note that the ordering matches the actual physical ordering of joints on the appendage (and not that of the head's TPROffset_t's).

enum  TPROffset_t { TiltOffset = 0, PanOffset, RollOffset, NodOffset = RollOffset }

The offsets of appendages with tilt (elevation), pan (heading), and roll or nod joints (i.e. head) Note that the ordering matches the actual physical ordering of joints on the appendage (and not that of the leg's REKOffset_t's).

enum  LegOffset_t { LFrLegOffset = LegOffset+LFrLegOrder*JointsPerLeg, RFrLegOffset = LegOffset+RFrLegOrder*JointsPerLeg, LBkLegOffset = LegOffset+LBkLegOrder*JointsPerLeg, RBkLegOffset = LegOffset+RBkLegOrder*JointsPerLeg }

The offsets of the individual legs.

const unsigned PIDJointOffset = 0
 The beginning of the PID Joints.
const unsigned LegOffset = PIDJointOffset
 the offset of the beginning of the leg joints
const unsigned HeadOffset = LegOffset+NumLegJoints
 the offset of the beginning of the head joints
const unsigned TailOffset = HeadOffset+NumHeadJoints
 the offset of the beginning of the tail joints
const unsigned MouthOffset = TailOffset+NumTailJoints
 the offset of the beginning of the mouth joint
const unsigned LEDOffset = PIDJointOffset + NumPIDJoints
 the offset of LEDs in WorldState::outputs and MotionCommand functions
const unsigned BinJointOffset = LEDOffset+NumLEDs
 The beginning of the binary joints.
const unsigned EarOffset = BinJointOffset
 the offset of the beginning of the ear joints - note that ears aren't sensed. They can be flicked by the environment and you won't know. Nor will they be flicked back
const unsigned BaseFrameOffset = NumOutputs
 Use with kinematics to refer to base reference frame.
const unsigned FootFrameOffset = BaseFrameOffset+1
 Use with kinematics to refer to paw reference frames (add appropriate LegOrder_t to specify which paw).
const unsigned PawFrameOffset = FootFrameOffset
 Aibo-era alias for FootFrameOffset.
const unsigned CameraFrameOffset = FootFrameOffset+NumLegs
 Use with kinematics to refer to camera reference frame.
const unsigned IRFrameOffset = CameraFrameOffset+1
 Use with kinematics to refer to infrared (distance) sensor reference frame.

Input Offsets

The order in which inputs should be stored

enum  ButtonOffset_t {
  LFrPawOffset = LFrLegOrder, RFrPawOffset = RFrLegOrder, LBkPawOffset = LBkLegOrder, RBkPawOffset = RBkLegOrder,
  ChinButOffset = 4, BackButOffset, HeadFrButOffset, HeadButOffset = HeadFrButOffset,
  HeadBkButOffset, TailLeftButOffset, TailCenterButOffset, TailRightButOffset

holds offsets to different buttons in WorldState::buttons[]

enum  SensorOffset_t {
  IRDistOffset = 0, BAccelOffset, LAccelOffset, DAccelOffset,
  ThermoOffset, PowerRemainOffset, PowerThermoOffset, PowerCapacityOffset,
  PowerVoltageOffset, PowerCurrentOffset

holds offset to different sensor values in WorldState::sensors[]

const char *const buttonNames [NumButtons]
 Provides a string name for each button.
const char *const sensorNames [NumSensors]
 Provides a string name for each sensor.

LED Bitmasks

Bitmasks for use when specifying combinations of LEDs (see LEDEngine ) Note that left/right are robot's point of view

typedef unsigned int LEDBitMask_t
 So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.
const LEDBitMask_t FaceFrontLeftLEDMask = 1<<(FaceFrontLeftLEDOffset-LEDOffset)
 So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.
const LEDBitMask_t FaceFrontRightLEDMask = 1<<(FaceFrontRightLEDOffset-LEDOffset)
 So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.
const LEDBitMask_t FaceCenterLeftLEDMask = 1<<(FaceCenterLeftLEDOffset-LEDOffset)
 So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.
const LEDBitMask_t FaceCenterRightLEDMask = 1<<(FaceCenterRightLEDOffset-LEDOffset)
 So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.
const LEDBitMask_t FaceBackLeftLEDMask = 1<<(FaceBackLeftLEDOffset-LEDOffset)
 So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.
const LEDBitMask_t FaceBackRightLEDMask = 1<<(FaceBackRightLEDOffset-LEDOffset)
 So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.
const LEDBitMask_t ModeLEDMask = 1<<(ModeLEDOffset-LEDOffset)
 So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.
const LEDBitMask_t BackLeft1LEDMask = 1<<(BackLeft1LEDOffset-LEDOffset)
 So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.
const LEDBitMask_t BackLeft2LEDMask = 1<<(BackLeft2LEDOffset-LEDOffset)
 So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.
const LEDBitMask_t BackLeft3LEDMask = 1<<(BackLeft3LEDOffset-LEDOffset)
 So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.
const LEDBitMask_t BackRight3LEDMask = 1<<(BackRight3LEDOffset-LEDOffset)
 So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.
const LEDBitMask_t BackRight2LEDMask = 1<<(BackRight2LEDOffset-LEDOffset)
 So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.
const LEDBitMask_t BackRight1LEDMask = 1<<(BackRight1LEDOffset-LEDOffset)
 So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.
const LEDBitMask_t TailLeftLEDMask = 1<<(TailLeftLEDOffset-LEDOffset)
 So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.
const LEDBitMask_t TailCenterLEDMask = 1<<(TailCenterLEDOffset-LEDOffset)
 So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.
const LEDBitMask_t TailRightLEDMask = 1<<(TailRightLEDOffset-LEDOffset)
 So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.
const LEDBitMask_t FaceFrontBLEDMask = 1<<(FaceFrontBLEDOffset-LEDOffset)
 So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.
const LEDBitMask_t FaceFrontALEDMask = 1<<(FaceFrontALEDOffset-LEDOffset)
 So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.
const LEDBitMask_t FaceFrontCLEDMask = 1<<(FaceFrontCLEDOffset-LEDOffset)
 So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.
const LEDBitMask_t RetractableHeadLEDMask = 1<<(RetractableHeadLEDOffset-LEDOffset)
 So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.
const LEDBitMask_t TlRedLEDMask = 1<<(TlRedLEDOffset-LEDOffset)
 red tail light
const LEDBitMask_t TlBluLEDMask = 1<<(TlBluLEDOffset-LEDOffset)
 blue tail light
const LEDBitMask_t BotLLEDMask = 1<<(BotLLEDOffset-LEDOffset)
 bottom left (red - sad)
const LEDBitMask_t BotRLEDMask = 1<<(BotRLEDOffset-LEDOffset)
 bottom right (red - sad)
const LEDBitMask_t MidLLEDMask = 1<<(MidLLEDOffset-LEDOffset)
 middle left (green - happy)
const LEDBitMask_t MidRLEDMask = 1<<(MidRLEDOffset-LEDOffset)
 middle right (green - happy)
const LEDBitMask_t TopLLEDMask = 1<<(TopLLEDOffset-LEDOffset)
 top left (red - angry)
const LEDBitMask_t TopRLEDMask = 1<<(TopRLEDOffset-LEDOffset)
 top right (red - angry)
const LEDBitMask_t TopBrLEDMask = 1<<(TopBrLEDOffset-LEDOffset)
 top bar (green)
const LEDBitMask_t FaceLEDMask
 LEDs for face.
const LEDBitMask_t HeadLEDMask = FaceLEDMask | RetractableHeadLEDMask
 LEDs on head (face plus retractable light).
const LEDBitMask_t BackLEDMask
 LEDs on back.
const LEDBitMask_t TailLEDMask
 LEDs for tail.
const LEDBitMask_t AllLEDMask = (LEDBitMask_t)~0
 selects all of the leds

Detailed Description

Contains information about the ERS-2xx series of robot, such as number of joints, PID defaults, timing information, etc.

This is a compatability mode, which allows dual-booting of the same memory stick on both models without needing to recompile, at the expense of (a little) runtime speed.

Typedef Documentation

typedef unsigned int ERS2xxInfo::LEDBitMask_t

So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.

Definition at line 176 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

holds offsets to different buttons in WorldState::buttons[]

Should be a straight mapping to the ButtonSourceIDs

Note that the chest (power) button is not a normal button. It kills power to the motors at a hardware level, and isn't sensed in the normal way. If you want to know when it is pressed (and you are about to shut down) see PowerSrcID::PauseSID.

See also:

see ERS210Info::HeadFrButOffset, ERS220Info::HeadFrButOffset


for ERS-7 compatibility


see ERS210Info::HeadBkButOffset, ERS220Info::HeadBkButOffset


Definition at line 271 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

The offsets of the individual LEDs on the head and tail. Note that left/right are robot's point of view. See also LEDBitMask_t.


head face side light (front left - blue) (ERS-220)


head face side light (front right - blue) (ERS-220)


head face side light (center left - blue) (ERS-220)


head face side light (center right - blue) (ERS-220)


head face side light (back left - red) (ERS-220)


head face side light (back right - red) (ERS-220)


mode indicator (back of the head - orange) (ERS-220)


back multi-indicator (left #1 - blue) (ERS-220)


back multi-indicator (left #2 - blue) (ERS-220)


back multi-indicator (left #3 - blue) (ERS-220)


back multi-indicator (right #3 - blue) (ERS-220)


back multi-indicator (right #2 - blue) (ERS-220)


back multi-indicator (right #1 - blue) (ERS-220)


tail light (left - blue) (ERS-220)


tail light (center - red) (ERS-220)


tail light (right - blue) (ERS-220)


face front light B (blue) (ERS-220)


face front light A (blue) (ERS-220)


face front light C (red) (ERS-220)


retractable head light (ERS-220)


blue tail light (ERS-210)


red tail light (ERS-210)


bottom left (red - sad) (ERS-210)


bottom right (red - sad) (ERS-210)


middle left (green - happy) (ERS-210)


middle right (green - happy) (ERS-210)


top left (red - angry) (ERS-210)


top right (red - angry) (ERS-210)


top bar (green) (ERS-210)

Definition at line 139 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

The offsets of the individual legs.


beginning of left front leg


beginning of right front leg


beginning of left back leg


beginning of right back leg

Definition at line 129 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

the ordering of legs


left front leg


right front leg


left back leg


right back leg

Definition at line 106 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

The offsets within appendages (the legs) Note that the ordering matches the actual physical ordering of joints on the appendage (and not that of the head's TPROffset_t's).


moves leg forward or backward along body


moves leg toward or away from body


moves knee

Definition at line 114 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

holds offset to different sensor values in WorldState::sensors[]

See also:

in millimeters


backward acceleration, in $m/s^2$, negative if sitting on butt (positive for faceplant)


acceleration to the robot's left, in $m/s^2$, negative if lying on robot's left side


downward acceleration, in $m/s^2$, negative if standing up... be careful about the signs on all of these...


in degrees Celcius


percentage, 0-1


degrees Celcius


milli-amp hours




milli-amp negative values (maybe positive while charging?)

Definition at line 295 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

The offsets of appendages with tilt (elevation), pan (heading), and roll or nod joints (i.e. head) Note that the ordering matches the actual physical ordering of joints on the appendage (and not that of the leg's REKOffset_t's).


tilt/elevation (vertical)


pan/heading (horizontal)


roll (rotational)


nod (second tilt)

Definition at line 121 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

Variable Documentation

Offset needed so that the centroid of the robot is correct relative to the bounding box.

Definition at line 250 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const fmat::Column<3> ERS2xxInfo::AgentBoundingBoxHalfDims = fmat::pack(304.8/2, 304.8/2, 0)

Half of the length, width, and height of the robot.

Definition at line 253 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

selects all of the leds

Definition at line 245 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const LEDBitMask_t ERS2xxInfo::BackLeft1LEDMask = 1<<(BackLeft1LEDOffset-LEDOffset)

So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.

Definition at line 184 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const LEDBitMask_t ERS2xxInfo::BackLeft2LEDMask = 1<<(BackLeft2LEDOffset-LEDOffset)

So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.

Definition at line 185 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const LEDBitMask_t ERS2xxInfo::BackLeft3LEDMask = 1<<(BackLeft3LEDOffset-LEDOffset)

So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.

Definition at line 186 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const LEDBitMask_t ERS2xxInfo::BackRight1LEDMask = 1<<(BackRight1LEDOffset-LEDOffset)

So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.

Definition at line 189 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const LEDBitMask_t ERS2xxInfo::BackRight2LEDMask = 1<<(BackRight2LEDOffset-LEDOffset)

So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.

Definition at line 188 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const LEDBitMask_t ERS2xxInfo::BackRight3LEDMask = 1<<(BackRight3LEDOffset-LEDOffset)

So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.

Definition at line 187 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

radius of the ball of the foot

Definition at line 52 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

Use with kinematics to refer to base reference frame.

Definition at line 99 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

The beginning of the binary joints.

Definition at line 96 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const LEDBitMask_t ERS2xxInfo::BotLLEDMask = 1<<(BotLLEDOffset-LEDOffset)

bottom left (red - sad)

Definition at line 202 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const LEDBitMask_t ERS2xxInfo::BotRLEDMask = 1<<(BotRLEDOffset-LEDOffset)

bottom right (red - sad)

Definition at line 203 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const char* const ERS2xxInfo::buttonNames[NumButtons]
Initial value:

Provides a string name for each button.

Definition at line 287 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

Use with kinematics to refer to camera reference frame.

Definition at line 102 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const char* const ERS2xxInfo::CameraLocator = "PRM:/r1/c1/c2/c3/i1-FbkImageSensor:F1"

use to open camera connection with the system

Definition at line 494 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

allocation declared in RobotInfo.cc

Definition at line 26 of file RobotInfo.cc.

radius of the cylinder of the foot

Definition at line 53 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

Initial value:
      { 0x16/(float)(1<<(16-0xE)), 0x04/(float)(1<<(16-0x2)), 0x08/(float)(1<<(16-0xF)) },
      { 0x14/(float)(1<<(16-0xE)), 0x04/(float)(1<<(16-0x2)), 0x06/(float)(1<<(16-0xF)) },
      { 0x23/(float)(1<<(16-0xE)), 0x04/(float)(1<<(16-0x2)), 0x05/(float)(1<<(16-0xF)) },
      { 0x16/(float)(1<<(16-0xE)), 0x04/(float)(1<<(16-0x2)), 0x08/(float)(1<<(16-0xF)) },
      { 0x14/(float)(1<<(16-0xE)), 0x04/(float)(1<<(16-0x2)), 0x06/(float)(1<<(16-0xF)) },
      { 0x23/(float)(1<<(16-0xE)), 0x04/(float)(1<<(16-0x2)), 0x05/(float)(1<<(16-0xF)) },
      { 0x16/(float)(1<<(16-0xE)), 0x04/(float)(1<<(16-0x2)), 0x08/(float)(1<<(16-0xF)) },
      { 0x14/(float)(1<<(16-0xE)), 0x04/(float)(1<<(16-0x2)), 0x06/(float)(1<<(16-0xF)) },
      { 0x23/(float)(1<<(16-0xE)), 0x04/(float)(1<<(16-0x2)), 0x05/(float)(1<<(16-0xF)) },
      { 0x16/(float)(1<<(16-0xE)), 0x04/(float)(1<<(16-0x2)), 0x08/(float)(1<<(16-0xF)) },
      { 0x14/(float)(1<<(16-0xE)), 0x04/(float)(1<<(16-0x2)), 0x06/(float)(1<<(16-0xF)) },
      { 0x23/(float)(1<<(16-0xE)), 0x04/(float)(1<<(16-0x2)), 0x05/(float)(1<<(16-0xF)) },

      { 0x0A/(float)(1<<(16-0xE)), 0x08/(float)(1<<(16-0x2)), 0x0C/(float)(1<<(16-0xF)) },
      { 0x0D/(float)(1<<(16-0xE)), 0x08/(float)(1<<(16-0x2)), 0x0B/(float)(1<<(16-0xF)) },
      { 0x0A/(float)(1<<(16-0xE)), 0x08/(float)(1<<(16-0x2)), 0x0C/(float)(1<<(16-0xF)) },

      { 0x0A/(float)(1<<(16-0xE)), 0x00/(float)(1<<(16-0x2)), 0x18/(float)(1<<(16-0xF)) },
      { 0x07/(float)(1<<(16-0xE)), 0x00/(float)(1<<(16-0x2)), 0x11/(float)(1<<(16-0xF)) },

      { 0x0E/(float)(1<<(16-0xE)), 0x08/(float)(1<<(16-0x2)), 0x10/(float)(1<<(16-0xF)) }

This table holds the default PID values for each joint. see PIDMC.

Definition at line 522 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const unsigned char ERS2xxInfo::DefaultPIDShifts[3] = {0x0E, 0x02, 0x0F}

These will control the shift values given to the system. see PIDMC.

Definition at line 548 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

the offset of the beginning of the ear joints - note that ears aren't sensed. They can be flicked by the environment and you won't know. Nor will they be flicked back

Definition at line 97 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const LEDBitMask_t ERS2xxInfo::FaceBackLeftLEDMask = 1<<(FaceBackLeftLEDOffset-LEDOffset)

So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.

Definition at line 181 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const LEDBitMask_t ERS2xxInfo::FaceBackRightLEDMask = 1<<(FaceBackRightLEDOffset-LEDOffset)

So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.

Definition at line 182 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const LEDBitMask_t ERS2xxInfo::FaceCenterLeftLEDMask = 1<<(FaceCenterLeftLEDOffset-LEDOffset)

So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.

Definition at line 179 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const LEDBitMask_t ERS2xxInfo::FaceCenterRightLEDMask = 1<<(FaceCenterRightLEDOffset-LEDOffset)

So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.

Definition at line 180 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const LEDBitMask_t ERS2xxInfo::FaceFrontALEDMask = 1<<(FaceFrontALEDOffset-LEDOffset)

So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.

Definition at line 194 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const LEDBitMask_t ERS2xxInfo::FaceFrontBLEDMask = 1<<(FaceFrontBLEDOffset-LEDOffset)

So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.

Definition at line 193 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const LEDBitMask_t ERS2xxInfo::FaceFrontCLEDMask = 1<<(FaceFrontCLEDOffset-LEDOffset)

So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.

Definition at line 195 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const LEDBitMask_t ERS2xxInfo::FaceFrontLeftLEDMask = 1<<(FaceFrontLeftLEDOffset-LEDOffset)

So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.

Definition at line 177 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const LEDBitMask_t ERS2xxInfo::FaceFrontRightLEDMask = 1<<(FaceFrontRightLEDOffset-LEDOffset)

So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.

Definition at line 178 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

Use with kinematics to refer to paw reference frames (add appropriate LegOrder_t to specify which paw).

Definition at line 100 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const unsigned int ERS2xxInfo::FrameTime = 8

time between frames in the motion system (milliseconds)

Definition at line 19 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

LEDs on head (face plus retractable light).

Definition at line 225 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

the offset of the beginning of the head joints

Definition at line 90 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

Use with kinematics to refer to infrared (distance) sensor reference frame.

Definition at line 103 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

Initial value:
    true, true, true, 
    true, true, true,
    true, true, true,
    true, true, true,
    true, true, true, 
    true, true,       
    true, true, true,           
    true, true, true,           
    true, true, true,           
    true, true, true,           
    true, true, true,           
    true, true, true,           
    true, true,                 
    false, false

true for joints which can be updated every 32 ms (all but the ears on a 210)

Definition at line 56 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const unsigned ERS2xxInfo::JointsPerArm = 0

no arms, just legs

Definition at line 30 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const unsigned ERS2xxInfo::JointsPerLeg = 3

The number of joints per leg.

Definition at line 34 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

the offset of LEDs in WorldState::outputs and MotionCommand functions

Definition at line 94 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

the offset of the beginning of the leg joints

Definition at line 89 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

These values are Sony's recommended maximum joint velocities, in rad/sec.

a value <= 0 means infinite speed (e.g. LEDs)

These limits are not enforced by the framework. They are simply available for you to use as you see fit. HeadPointerMC is (as of v1.6) the only included MotionCommand to actually use these values.

Definition at line 555 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

Initial value:
      { RAD(-120),RAD(120) },{ RAD(-14),RAD(92) },{ RAD(-30),RAD(150) }, 
      { RAD(-120),RAD(120) },{ RAD(-14),RAD(92) },{ RAD(-30),RAD(150) }, 
      { RAD(-120),RAD(120) },{ RAD(-14),RAD(92) },{ RAD(-30),RAD(150) }, 
      { RAD(-120),RAD(120) },{ RAD(-14),RAD(92) },{ RAD(-30),RAD(150) }, 

      { RAD(-85),RAD(46) },{ RAD(-92.6f),RAD(92.6f) },{ RAD(-32),RAD(32) }, 
      { RAD(-25),RAD(25) },{ RAD(-25),RAD(25) }, 

      { RAD(-50),RAD(0) }, 


This table holds the mechanical limits of each of the outputs.

Definition at line 626 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const LEDBitMask_t ERS2xxInfo::MidLLEDMask = 1<<(MidLLEDOffset-LEDOffset)

middle left (green - happy)

Definition at line 204 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const LEDBitMask_t ERS2xxInfo::MidRLEDMask = 1<<(MidRLEDOffset-LEDOffset)

middle right (green - happy)

Definition at line 205 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const LEDBitMask_t ERS2xxInfo::ModeLEDMask = 1<<(ModeLEDOffset-LEDOffset)

So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.

Definition at line 183 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

the offset of the beginning of the mouth joint

Definition at line 92 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

no wheels, just legs

Definition at line 32 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const unsigned ERS2xxInfo::NumArms = 0

no arms, just legs

Definition at line 31 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

The number of binary joints - just the ears (Aperios only).

Definition at line 46 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const unsigned ERS2xxInfo::NumButtons = 11

the number of buttons that are available, see ERS2xxInfo::ButtonOffset_t

Definition at line 41 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const unsigned ERS2xxInfo::NumEarJoints = 2

The number of joints which control the ears (NOT per ear, is total).

Definition at line 40 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const unsigned int ERS2xxInfo::NumFrames = 4

the number of frames per buffer (don't forget also double buffered)

Definition at line 20 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const unsigned ERS2xxInfo::NumHeadJoints = 3

The number of joints in the neck.

Definition at line 37 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const unsigned ERS2xxInfo::NumLEDs = 22

The number of LEDs which can be controlled.

Definition at line 43 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

the TOTAL number of joints on ALL legs

Definition at line 36 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const unsigned ERS2xxInfo::NumLegs = 4

The number of legs.

Definition at line 35 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const unsigned ERS2xxInfo::NumMouthJoints = 1

the number of joints that control the mouth

Definition at line 39 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

the total number of outputs

Definition at line 47 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

The number of joints which use PID motion - everything except ears.

Definition at line 45 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const unsigned ERS2xxInfo::NumReferenceFrames = NumOutputs + 1 + NumLegs + 1 + 1

for the base, paw, camera, and IR sensor reference frames

Definition at line 48 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const unsigned ERS2xxInfo::NumSensors = 1+3+1+5

1 dist, 3 accel, 1 thermo, 5 from power, see ERS2xxInfo::SensorOffset_t

Definition at line 42 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const unsigned int ERS2xxInfo::NumSlowFrames = 1

the number of frames per buffer being sent to ears (double buffered as well)

Definition at line 22 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const unsigned ERS2xxInfo::NumTailJoints = 2

The number of joints assigned to the tail.

Definition at line 38 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const unsigned ERS2xxInfo::NumWheels = 0

no wheels, just legs

Definition at line 28 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

Names for each of the outputs.

Definition at line 320 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

Initial value:
      { RAD(-117),RAD(117) },{ RAD(-11),RAD(89) },{ RAD(-27),RAD(147) }, 
      { RAD(-117),RAD(117) },{ RAD(-11),RAD(89) },{ RAD(-27),RAD(147) }, 
      { RAD(-117),RAD(117) },{ RAD(-11),RAD(89) },{ RAD(-27),RAD(147) }, 
      { RAD(-117),RAD(117) },{ RAD(-11),RAD(89) },{ RAD(-27),RAD(147) }, 

      { RAD(-82),RAD(43) },{ RAD(-89.6f),RAD(89.6f) },{ RAD(-29),RAD(29) }, 
      { RAD(-22),RAD(22) },{ RAD(-22),RAD(22) }, 

      { RAD(-47),RAD(-3) }, 



This table holds the software limits of each of the outputs.

Definition at line 599 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

Aibo-era alias for FootFrameOffset.

Definition at line 101 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const unsigned ERS2xxInfo::PIDJointOffset = 0

The beginning of the PID Joints.

Definition at line 88 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

Initial value:




the joint identifier strings used to refer to specific joints in OPEN-R (but not needed for others)


The offset consts defined in this file correspond to this table and will make life easier if you feel the need to reorder things, but they aren't used perfect everywhere
In particular, assumptions are made that the pid joints will be in slots 0-numPIDJoints and that the fast outputs (ie NOT ears) will be in slots 0-NumFastOutputs
There may be other assumptions not noted here!!!

These entries DON'T correspond to the CPC index numbers defined in WorldState (this only lists joints, and in a different order defined by OPEN-R, that one has sensors as well

Definition at line 435 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const LEDBitMask_t ERS2xxInfo::RetractableHeadLEDMask = 1<<(RetractableHeadLEDOffset-LEDOffset)

So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.

Definition at line 196 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const char* const ERS2xxInfo::sensorNames[NumSensors]
Initial value:

Provides a string name for each sensor.

Definition at line 309 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const unsigned int ERS2xxInfo::SlowFrameTime = 128

time between frames for the ears (which move slower for some reason, don't want to mix with other outputs) (milliseconds)

Definition at line 21 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const unsigned int ERS2xxInfo::SoundBufferTime = 32

the number of milliseconds per sound buffer... I'm not sure if this can be changed

Definition at line 23 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const char* const ERS2xxInfo::SpeakerLocator = "PRM:/r1/c1/c2/c3/s1-Speaker:S1"

use to open speaker connectio with the system

Definition at line 491 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const LEDBitMask_t ERS2xxInfo::TailCenterLEDMask = 1<<(TailCenterLEDOffset-LEDOffset)

So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.

Definition at line 191 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

Initial value:

LEDs for tail.

Definition at line 238 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const LEDBitMask_t ERS2xxInfo::TailLeftLEDMask = 1<<(TailLeftLEDOffset-LEDOffset)

So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.

Definition at line 190 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

the offset of the beginning of the tail joints

Definition at line 91 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const LEDBitMask_t ERS2xxInfo::TailRightLEDMask = 1<<(TailRightLEDOffset-LEDOffset)

So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.

Definition at line 192 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const char *const ERS2xxInfo::TargetName = "ERS-2xx"

the name of the model, to be used for logging and remote GUIs

Definition at line 25 of file RobotInfo.cc.

Referenced by Controller::init().

const LEDBitMask_t ERS2xxInfo::TlBluLEDMask = 1<<(TlBluLEDOffset-LEDOffset)

blue tail light

Definition at line 199 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const LEDBitMask_t ERS2xxInfo::TlRedLEDMask = 1<<(TlRedLEDOffset-LEDOffset)

red tail light

Definition at line 198 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const LEDBitMask_t ERS2xxInfo::TopBrLEDMask = 1<<(TopBrLEDOffset-LEDOffset)

top bar (green)

Definition at line 208 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const LEDBitMask_t ERS2xxInfo::TopLLEDMask = 1<<(TopLLEDOffset-LEDOffset)

top left (red - angry)

Definition at line 206 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

const LEDBitMask_t ERS2xxInfo::TopRLEDMask = 1<<(TopRLEDOffset-LEDOffset)

top right (red - angry)

Definition at line 207 of file ERS2xxInfo.h.

Tekkotsu v5.1CVS
Generated Mon May 9 04:59:22 2016 by Doxygen 1.6.3