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00001 //-*-c++-*-
00002 #ifndef INCLUDED_RawCameraGenerator_h_
00003 #define INCLUDED_RawCameraGenerator_h_
00005 #include "Vision/FilterBankGenerator.h"
00008 // to get the default camera resolution for the static allocation hack
00009 #  include "Shared/RobotInfo.h"
00010 #endif
00012 class OFbkImageInfo;
00014 //! Generates FilterBankEvents containing raw camera images directly from the system (doesn't make a copy)
00015 class RawCameraGenerator : public FilterBankGenerator {
00016 public:
00017   //! constructor, numRawLayers is the number of real layers passed from the system, numCalcLayers is the total number of layers to make available
00018   /*! The extra calculated layers are simply created by giving larger
00019    *  increments, they reference the same data (no computational cost,
00020    *  marginal memory costs... it's just nice to have more layers in
00021    *  the image pyramid.
00022    *  
00023    *  However you'll have to write your code to use the getIncrement()
00024    *  value properly if you want it to work.  Otherwise, you could
00025    *  write a de-interlace generator which will do the resampling.
00026    *
00027    *  The top most layer (largest index) is a double-scale image.  For
00028    *  the Y-channel, it is reconstructed from the 4 Y channels.  For
00029    *  the other channels, it just does a fast scaling (but these
00030    *  operations do cost, so use the top layer conservatively.
00031    *
00032    *  @see FilterBankGenerator for information on serialization format
00033    */
00034   RawCameraGenerator(unsigned int numRawLayers, unsigned int numCalcLayers,
00035          unsigned int mysid, EventBase::EventGeneratorID_t gid, unsigned int sid);
00037   //! destructor
00038   virtual ~RawCameraGenerator();
00040   static std::string getClassDescription() { return "Translates OFbkImageVectorData objects from the system into a slightly more accessible FilterBankEvent for further processing"; }
00042   //! holds id values for specifying image channel/bands
00043   enum channel_id_t {
00044     CHAN_Y,      //!< Y (intensity) channel
00045     CHAN_U,      //!< Cb (approx. blue,green,yellow) channel
00046     CHAN_V,      //!< Cr (approx. pink,red,yellow) channel
00047     CHAN_Y_DY,   //!< vertical derivative of Y channel (aka LH)
00048     CHAN_Y_DX,   //!< horizontal derivative of Y channel (aka HL)
00049     CHAN_Y_DXDY, //!< vert. & horiz. derivatives of Y channel (aka HH)
00050     NUM_CHANNELS //!< number of channels per resolution layer
00051   };
00053   //! need to override EventGeneratorBase's lazy listening -- as a root stage, need to remember each frame, just in case it might be used
00054   virtual void doStart() { FilterBankGenerator::doStart(); addSrcListener(); }
00056   //! called with system's image info
00057   virtual void doEvent();
00059   //! the memory for all layers except the double layer was allocated by system, so we just set them to NULL before calling FilterBankGenerator::freeCaches() so it won't try to delete them
00060   virtual void freeCaches();
00062   virtual unsigned int getBinSize() const;
00064   virtual unsigned int loadBuffer(const char buf[], unsigned int len, const char* filename=NULL);
00066   virtual unsigned int saveBuffer(char buf[], unsigned int len) const;
00068   virtual unsigned int saveFileStream(FILE* f) const; //!< overrridden to allow saving direct to file without an extra buffer copy
00070 protected:
00072   //! ohh, this is so yucky.  But we need to get around heap allocation bugs with large regions in Aperios :(
00073   /*! So we store the double size images statically within the class.
00074    *  What a waste of memory since we're probably not using these very
00075    *  much, and they are rather large... :(
00076    * 
00077    *  The 2.0 release had the proper dynamic allocation
00078    *  implementation, but has been replaced in 2.0.1 with this static
00079    *  allocation so it won't crash.*/
00080   unsigned char dblRes[NUM_CHANNELS][CameraResolutionX*2][CameraResolutionY*2]; 
00081 #endif
00083   virtual void setNumImages(unsigned int nLayers, unsigned int nChannels);
00085   virtual void setDimensions(); //!< resets the width, height, skip and stride values
00086   virtual unsigned char * createImageCache(unsigned int layer, unsigned int chan) const;
00087   virtual void calcImage(unsigned int layer, unsigned int chan);
00088   virtual void destruct();
00090   //! returns the value to pass to OPENR functions corresponding to the desired channel_id_t.
00091   inline static unsigned int mapChannelID(channel_id_t chan);
00093   //! Creates a double resolution version of a channel, doesn't do any smoothing
00094   void upsampleImage(channel_id_t chan);
00096   //! Creates a double resolution Y-channel from the Y and Y gradient channels
00097   void reconstructImage();
00099   //! helper functions for reconstructImage() - see documentation for that function
00100   static inline unsigned char clipRange(int val) {
00101     if (val < 0)        { return 0;         }
00102     else if (val > 255) { return 255;       }
00103     else                { return (unsigned char)val; }
00104   }
00106   unsigned int numRealLayers; //!< the number of "real" layers being sent from the system
00108   unsigned char ** layers; //!< points to the image data supplied by the system, one per layer (all channels are interleaved by row)
00109   const OFbkImageInfo ** imageInfos; //!< image info provided by the system
00111 private:
00112   RawCameraGenerator(const RawCameraGenerator& fbk); //!< don't call
00113   const RawCameraGenerator& operator=(const RawCameraGenerator& fbk); //!< don't call
00114 };
00116 /*! @file 
00117  * @brief Describes RawCameraGenerator, which generates FilterBankEvents containing raw camera images
00118  * @author ejt (Creator)
00119  */
00121 #endif

Tekkotsu v5.1CVS
Generated Mon May 9 04:58:49 2016 by Doxygen 1.6.3