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00001 //-*-c++-*-
00002 #ifndef INCLUDED_ProjectInterface_h_
00003 #define INCLUDED_ProjectInterface_h_
00005 #include "Vision/colors.h"
00006 #include <string>
00008 template<class T> class MotionPtr;
00009 class EmergencyStopMC;
00011 class BehaviorBase;
00012 class FilterBankGenerator;
00013 class SegmentedColorGenerator;
00014 class RLEGenerator;
00015 class RegionGenerator;
00016 class JPEGGenerator;
00017 class PNGGenerator;
00018 namespace std {
00019   class exception;
00020 }
00022 //! A collection of the global variables which should be set by a project to use the Tekkotsu framework
00023 /*! This namespace hold a few variables needed for initialization of the
00024  *  framework, but mainly declares variables which are used by demo
00025  *  behaviors.  Although the variables are declared here, and
00026  *  some default values provided, it is up to your project to define
00027  *  the actual values used for your own project.  This provides a way
00028  *  to reassign conflicts between values provided by the framework vs.
00029  *  those you might wish to add to your project.
00030  *  
00031  *  Currently, all required members are references (so they can't be
00032  *  set to NULL and you'll get errors if you leave them out) and all
00033  *  optional settings are pointers so you can ignore them if you want.
00034  *  
00035  *  The "optional" variables are used by demo behaviors, and thus
00036  *  if you remove all of the demo behaviors, you won't need to define
00037  *  the corresponding interface values here.
00038  *
00039  *  If you want to add new ID values for your project, create a new
00040  *  'globals.h' or some such in your project -- you don't need to
00041  *  add them here since this file is shared by all projects which
00042  *  use the framework, you shouldn't need to modify it for each
00043  *  project.
00044  */
00045 namespace ProjectInterface {
00047   //! REQUIRED: you must define a behavior which will be started when the boot is complete
00048   /*! This is similar in idea to the Linux init process - it should do
00049    *  some basic initialization and then launch any other behavior you
00050    *  would like to run at boot.
00051    *  To avoid static initialization ordering issues, this is a function
00052    *  which will be called after environment setup is complete, which
00053    *  should then return a behavior to use as the startup behavior.
00054    *  This behavior should not be reference counted, and probably makes
00055    *  most sense to implement as a static local variable of the function.
00056    *  (Each call should return the same behavior) */
00057   BehaviorBase& startupBehavior();
00059   //! The active emergency stop motion command, used by various behaviors and controls to test whether they are in control
00060   extern MotionPtr<EmergencyStopMC>& estop;
00062   //! sends a command to the project, allows GUI elements of the framework to send commands to the hardware abstraction layer
00063   /*! Generally commands are assumed to be for the Tekkostu HAL command line,
00064    *  and otherwise this will be left NULL. */
00065   extern void (*sendCommand)(const std::string& cmd);
00067   //! The exception handler for exceptions which have fallen through to base Tekkotsu functions
00068   /*! You can override this to install your own handler by assigning a
00069    *  new function.  This defaults to displayException(), which
00070    *  <b>does not</b> call abort() (which would otherwise be the
00071    *  default if the exception fell through).
00072    *  @param file The file where the exception was caught (usually just pass __FILE__), or NULL
00073    *  @param line The line number where the exception was caught (usually just pass __LINE__), if @a file is NULL, @a line is ignored
00074    *  @param message An addition message, or NULL
00075    *  @param ex The exception which was caught, or NULL if it is was not a std::exception subclass
00076    *  @return true if the exception was handled, false if the exception should be rethrown */
00077   extern bool (*uncaughtException)(const char * file, int line, const char * message, const std::exception* ex);
00079   //! Displays information about an exception on #serr, provides a default value for #uncaughtException
00080   /*! You can call this directly from your own code any time you would like an exception error message.
00081    *  @param file The file where the exception was caught (usually just pass __FILE__), or NULL
00082    *  @param line The line number where the exception was caught (usually just pass __LINE__), if @a file is NULL, @a line is ignored
00083    *  @param message An addition message, or NULL
00084    *  @param ex The exception which was caught, or NULL if it is was not a std::exception subclass
00085    *  @return true, indicating the exception was handled adequately */
00086   bool displayException(const char * file, int line, const char * message, const std::exception* ex);
00088   //! allows you to override how colors are defined -- by default, this will be set to a function which passes the call to defSegmentedColorGenerator
00089   /*! As per SegmentedColorGenerator::getColorIndex(), if @a name is not valid, return -1U */
00090   extern color_index (*lookupColorIndexByName)(const std::string& name);
00091   //! allows you to override how colors are defined -- by default, this will be set to a function which passes the call to defSegmentedColorGenerator
00092   extern color_index (*lookupColorIndexByRgb)(const rgb rgbval);
00093   //! allows you to override how colors are defined -- by default, this will be set to a function which passes the call to defSegmentedColorGenerator
00094   /*! As per SegmentedColorGenerator::getColorRGB(), if @a index is not valid, return black (rgb()) */
00095   extern rgb (*lookupColorRGB)(color_index cindex);
00096   //! allows you to override how colors are defined -- by default, this will be set to a function which passes the call to defSegmentedColorGenerator
00097   /*! As per SegmentedColorGenerator::getColorRGB(), if @a index is not valid, return color 0 */
00098   extern const char* (*lookupColorName)(color_index cindex);
00099   //! Returns the index corresponding to a color of specified name by calling lookupColorIndexByName()
00100   /*! As per SegmentedColorGenerator::getColorIndex(), if @a name is not valid, return -1U */
00101   inline color_index getColorIndex(const std::string& name) { if(lookupColorIndexByName==NULL) return -1U; return (*lookupColorIndexByName)(name); }
00102   //! Returns the index corresponding to an rgb value  by calling lookupColorIndexByRgb()
00103   inline color_index getColorIndex(const rgb rgbval) { if(lookupColorIndexByRgb==NULL) return -1U; return (*lookupColorIndexByRgb)(rgbval); }
00104   //! Returns rgb value corresponding to a color of specified name by calling lookupColorRGB(lookupColorIndexByName())
00105   /*! As per SegmentedColorGenerator::getColorRGB(), if @a name is not valid, return black (rgb()) */
00106   inline rgb getColorRGB(const std::string& name)  { if(lookupColorIndexByName==NULL || lookupColorRGB==NULL) return rgb(); return (*lookupColorRGB)((*lookupColorIndexByName)(name)); }
00107   //! Returns rgb value corresponding to a color of specified name by calling lookupColorRGB()
00108   /*! As per SegmentedColorGenerator::getColorRGB(), if @a index is not valid, return black (rgb()) */
00109   inline rgb getColorRGB(color_index cindex)  { if(lookupColorRGB==NULL) return rgb(); return (*lookupColorRGB)(cindex); }
00111   //! Returns color name corresponding to specified color index by calling lookupColorName()
00112   /*! As per SegmentedColorGenerator::getColorName(), if @a index is not valid, return NULL */
00113   inline const char* getColorName(color_index cindex) { if(lookupColorName==NULL) return NULL; return (*lookupColorName)(cindex); }
00115   //! Returns color name corresponding to specified rgb value by calling lookupColorName()
00116   /*! As per SegmentedColorGenerator::getColorName(), if @a index is not valid, return NULL */
00117   inline const char* getColorName(const rgb rgbval) { color_index c = getColorIndex(rgbval); return getColorName(c==-1U ? 0 : c); }
00119   extern unsigned int (*lookupNumColors)();
00120   //! Returns the number of colors, obtained from defSegmentedColorGenerator
00121   inline unsigned int getNumColors() { if (lookupNumColors == NULL) return -1U; return (*lookupNumColors)(); }
00123   //! A collection of the various stages of vision processing.  None of these are absolutely required, but are needed to run included demo behaviors and TekkotsuMon modules
00124   /*! @name Vision Setup */
00125   //! pointer to generator
00126   extern FilterBankGenerator * defRawCameraGenerator;
00127   extern FilterBankGenerator * defRawDepthGenerator;
00128   extern FilterBankGenerator * defInterleavedYUVGenerator;
00129   extern JPEGGenerator * defColorJPEGGenerator;
00130   extern JPEGGenerator * defGrayscaleJPEGGenerator;
00131   extern PNGGenerator * defColorPNGGenerator;
00132   extern PNGGenerator * defGrayscalePNGGenerator;
00133   extern SegmentedColorGenerator * defSegmentedColorGenerator;
00134   extern RLEGenerator * defRLEGenerator;
00135   extern RegionGenerator * defRegionGenerator;
00136   //@}
00138   //! Default source IDs for the various generators; These are given default values, but you can reassign them if you like.
00139   /*! @name Vision SIDs */
00140   //! source id for vision events from the corresponding pipeline stage or object detector
00141   extern unsigned int visRawCameraSID;
00142   extern unsigned int visRawDepthSID;
00143   extern unsigned int visInterleaveSID;
00144   extern unsigned int visColorJPEGSID;
00145   extern unsigned int visGrayscaleJPEGSID;
00146   extern unsigned int visColorPNGSID;
00147   extern unsigned int visGrayscalePNGSID;
00148   extern unsigned int visSegmentSID;
00149   extern unsigned int visRLESID;
00150   extern unsigned int visRegionSID;
00151   extern unsigned int visPinkBallSID;
00152   extern unsigned int visBlueBallSID;
00153   extern unsigned int visGreenBallSID;
00154   extern unsigned int visYellowBallSID;
00155   extern unsigned int visOrangeSID;
00156   extern unsigned int visHandSID; //!< synonym for #visOrangeSID
00157   //@}
00159   //! Allows you to request a particular layer abstractly - this isn't used by the framework, just a suggestion for clarity
00160   /*! @name Layer Resolutions */
00161   extern unsigned int doubleLayer;   //!< ERS-2xx: 352*288; ERS-7 416*320 (requires non-trivial computation)
00162   extern unsigned int fullLayer;     //!< ERS-2xx: 176*144; ERS-7 208*160
00163   extern unsigned int halfLayer;     //!< ERS-2xx: 88*72; ERS-7 104*80
00164   extern unsigned int quarterLayer;  //!< ERS-2xx: 44*36; ERS-7 52*40
00165   extern unsigned int eighthLayer;   //!< ERS-2xx: 22*18; ERS-7 26*20 (simply a bigger interleave referencing quarterLayer)
00166   extern unsigned int sixteenthLayer;//!< ERS-2xx: 11*9; ERS-7 13*10 (simply a bigger interleave referencing quarterLayer)
00167   //@}
00168 }
00170 /*! @file
00171  * @brief Defines ProjectInterface namespace - a collection of the global variables which should be set by a project to use the Tekkotsu framework
00172  * @author ejt (Creator)
00173  */
00175 #endif

Tekkotsu v5.1CVS
Generated Mon May 9 04:58:49 2016 by Doxygen 1.6.3