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00001 #ifndef INCLUDED_EmergencyStopMC_h
00002 #define INCLUDED_EmergencyStopMC_h
00004 #include "PostureMC.h"
00005 #ifdef TGT_HAS_LEDS
00006 #  include "LedEngine.h"
00007 #endif
00009 //!overrides all joints with high priority freeze, blinks tail pink/red/blue cycle
00010 /*! Uses MotionCommand::kEmergencyPriority.  Monitors the feedback on joints and
00011  *  adjusts joints to react to pressures above a certain threshold.  This allows
00012  *  you to mold the body while it's in this mode, while retaining enough stiffness
00013  *  to hold against gravity.
00014  *
00015  *  This MotionCommand is intended to always be left running.  It polls WorldState::state
00016  *  for a double-tap on the back button, which causes it to set its joint values.
00017  *  to whatever their current state is.  LEDs are left blank, except the tail,
00018  *  which is used to indicate that the emergency stop is on.
00019  *
00020  *  A second double-tap will cause it to set all joints to 0 weight
00021  *
00022  *  The tail LEDs only ever go up to .5, so that if you really care whether the tail
00023  *  light was set by an underlying behavior/motion, you should be able to tell by
00024  *  looking closely (if blue is going from .5 to 1, that's because it's already set)
00025  */
00026 class EmergencyStopMC : public PostureMC {
00027  public:
00028   EmergencyStopMC(); //!< constructor
00029   virtual ~EmergencyStopMC() {} //!< destructor
00030   virtual int updateOutputs(); //!< checks for feedback or double tap
00032   void setActive(bool a); //!< allows you to modify #active
00033   bool getActive() { return active; } //!< returns #active
00034   void setStopped(bool p, bool sound=true); //!< allows you to modify #paused
00035   bool getStopped() const { return paused; } //!< returns #paused
00036   void setDblTapDuration(unsigned int d) { duration=d; } //!< sets #duration
00037   unsigned int getDblTapDuration() const { return duration; } //!< returns #duration
00038   void setResetSensitivity(float r) { pidcutoff=r; } //!< takes a value to set #pidcutoff
00039   float getResetSensitivity() { return pidcutoff; } //!< returns #pidcutoff
00041  protected:
00042   void freezeJoints(); //!< code to execute when locking joints
00043   void releaseJoints(); //!< code to execute when releasing joints
00044   static bool trigger(); //!< true when the trigger condition is active
00046   static const unsigned int FADE_OUT_TIME=400; //!< number of milliseconds to fade out lock on joints
00048   bool paused; //!< true if the joints are current locked up
00049   bool stilldown; //!< true if the back button was down on last updateJointCmds
00050   bool active; //!< true if the EmergencyStopMC is monitoring the back button (if false, won't pause on a double-tap)
00051   unsigned int period; //!< period of cycles on tail LEDs
00052   unsigned int timeoflastbtn; //!< time of the last button press
00053   unsigned int timeofthisbtn; //!< time of the current button press
00054   unsigned int timeoflastfreeze; //!< the time estop was last turned on
00055   unsigned int timeoflastrelease; //!< the time estop was last turned off (may be in the future if still fading out control of joints!)
00056   unsigned int duration; //!<the maximum time (in milliseconds) of consecutive button-down's to count as a double tap
00057   float piddutyavgs[NumPIDJoints]; //!< a running average of PID feedback ("duty"), so one bad reading doesn't cause a movement, need a consistent pressure
00058   float pidcutoff; //!<abs pid duty cycle above which we just reset joint to current
00059 #ifdef TGT_HAS_LEDS
00060   LedEngine ledengine; //!< used to do LED effects on the tail
00061 #endif
00062 };
00064 /*! @file
00065  * @brief Describes EmergencyStopMC, overrides all joints, allows modelling, blinks tail
00066  * @author ejt (Creator)
00067  */
00069 #endif

Tekkotsu v5.1CVS
Generated Mon May 9 04:58:38 2016 by Doxygen 1.6.3