Classes |
class | ERS220Info::ERS220Capabilities |
| provides polymorphic robot capability detection/mapping More...
Namespaces |
namespace | ERS220Info |
| Contains information about the ERS-220 Robot, such as number of joints, PID defaults, timing information, etc.
Defines |
#define | RAD(deg) (((deg) * (float)M_PI ) / 180.0f) |
| Just a little macro for converting degrees to radians.
#define | __RI_RAD_FLAG |
| a flag so we undef these after we're done - do you have a cleaner solution?
Enumerations |
enum | ERS220Info::LEDOffset_t {
ERS220Info::FaceFrontLeftLEDOffset = LEDOffset,
ERS220Info::BotLLEDOffset = FaceFrontLeftLEDOffset,
ERS220Info::BotRLEDOffset = FaceFrontRightLEDOffset,
ERS220Info::MidLLEDOffset = FaceCenterLeftLEDOffset,
ERS220Info::MidRLEDOffset = FaceCenterRightLEDOffset,
ERS220Info::TopLLEDOffset = FaceBackLeftLEDOffset,
ERS220Info::TopRLEDOffset = FaceBackRightLEDOffset,
ERS220Info::TopBrLEDOffset = ModeLEDOffset,
ERS220Info::TlBluLEDOffset = TailLeftLEDOffset,
ERS220Info::TlRedLEDOffset = TailRightLEDOffset
} |
| The offsets of the individual LEDs on the head and tail. Note that left/right are robot's point of view. See also LEDBitMask_t.
Variables |
const char *const | ERS220Info::TargetName = "ERS-220" |
| the name of the model, to be used for logging and remote GUIs
const unsigned int | ERS220Info::FrameTime = 8 |
| time between frames in the motion system (milliseconds)
const unsigned int | ERS220Info::NumFrames = 4 |
| the number of frames per buffer (don't forget also double buffered)
const unsigned int | ERS220Info::SlowFrameTime = 128 |
| time between frames for the ears (which move slower for some reason, don't want to mix with other outputs) (milliseconds)
const unsigned int | ERS220Info::NumSlowFrames = 1 |
| the number of frames per buffer being sent to ears (double buffered as well)
const unsigned int | ERS220Info::SoundBufferTime = 32 |
| the number of milliseconds per sound buffer... I'm not sure if this can be changed
const fmat::Column< 3 > | ERS220Info::AgentBoundingBoxBaseFrameOffset = fmat::pack(0,0,0) |
| Offset needed so that the centroid of the robot is correct relative to the bounding box.
const fmat::Column< 3 > | ERS220Info::AgentBoundingBoxHalfDims = fmat::pack(304.8/2, 304.8/2, 0) |
| Half of the length, width, and height of the robot.
const char *const | ERS220Info::outputNames [NumReferenceFrames+1] |
| Names for each of the outputs.
const ERS220Capabilities | ERS220Info::capabilities |
| allocation declared in
const char *const | ERS220Info::PrimitiveName [NumOutputs] |
| the joint identifier strings used to refer to specific joints in OPEN-R (but not needed for others)
const char *const | ERS220Info::SpeakerLocator = "PRM:/r1/c1/c2/c3/s1-Speaker:S1" |
| use to open speaker connectio with the system
const char *const | ERS220Info::CameraLocator = "PRM:/r1/c1/c2/c3/i1-FbkImageSensor:F1" |
| use to open camera connection with the system
const float | ERS220Info::DefaultPIDs [NumPIDJoints][3] |
| This table holds the default PID values for each joint. see PIDMC.
const unsigned char | ERS220Info::DefaultPIDShifts [3] = {0x0E, 0x02, 0x0F} |
| These will control the shift values given to the system. see PIDMC.
const float | ERS220Info::MaxOutputSpeed [NumOutputs] |
| These values are Sony's recommended maximum joint velocities, in rad/sec.
const float | ERS220Info::outputRanges [NumOutputs][2] |
| This table holds the software limits of each of the outputs.
const float | ERS220Info::mechanicalLimits [NumOutputs][2] |
| This table holds the mechanical limits of each of the outputs.
Corresponds to entries in ERS220Info::PrimitiveName, defined at the end of this file, these are the primary grouping
Right now all binary joints are slow, but perhaps this won't always be the case... hence the IsFast/Slow bitmasks to select which type, in order to be more general
const unsigned | ERS220Info::NumWheels = 0 |
| no wheels, just legs
const unsigned | ERS220Info::JointsPerArm = 0 |
| no arms, just legs
const unsigned | ERS220Info::NumArms = 0 |
| no arms, just legs
const unsigned | ERS220Info::NumArmJoints = JointsPerArm*NumArms |
| no wheels, just legs
const unsigned | ERS220Info::JointsPerLeg = 3 |
| The number of joints per leg.
const unsigned | ERS220Info::NumLegs = 4 |
| The number of legs.
const unsigned | ERS220Info::NumLegJoints = JointsPerLeg*NumLegs |
| the TOTAL number of joints on ALL legs
const unsigned | ERS220Info::NumHeadJoints = 3 |
| The number of joints in the neck.
const unsigned | ERS220Info::NumTailJoints = 0 |
| The number of joints assigned to the tail.
const unsigned | ERS220Info::NumMouthJoints = 0 |
| the number of joints that control the mouth
const unsigned | ERS220Info::NumEarJoints = 0 |
| The number of joints which control the ears (NOT per ear, is total).
const unsigned | ERS220Info::NumButtons = 11 |
| the number of buttons that are available, see ERS220Info::ButtonOffset_t
const unsigned | ERS220Info::NumSensors = 1+3+1+5 |
| 1 dist, 3 accel, 1 thermo, 5 from power, see ERS220Info::SensorOffset_t
const unsigned | ERS220Info::NumLEDs = 20 |
| The number of LEDs which can be controlled.
const unsigned | ERS220Info::NumPIDJoints = NumLegJoints+NumHeadJoints+NumTailJoints+NumMouthJoints |
| The number of joints which use PID motion - everything.
const unsigned | ERS220Info::NumBinJoints = NumEarJoints |
| The number of binary joints - just the ears (which the 220 doesn't have) (Aperios only).
const unsigned | ERS220Info::NumOutputs = NumPIDJoints + NumBinJoints + NumLEDs |
| the total number of outputs
const unsigned | ERS220Info::NumReferenceFrames = NumOutputs + 1 + NumLegs + 1 + 1 |
| for the base, paw, camera, and IR sensor reference frames
const float | ERS220Info::BallOfFootRadius = 27.922f/2 |
| radius of the ball of the foot
const float | ERS220Info::CylinderOfFootRadius = 24.606f/2 |
| radius of the cylinder of the foot
const bool | ERS220Info::IsFastOutput [NumOutputs] |
| true for joints which can be updated every 32 ms (true for all)
values defined by OPEN-R, used to interface with lower level OPEN-R code to read sensors - DOESN'T correspond to ERS220Info::PrimitiveName
const int | ERS220Info::CPCJointNeckTilt = 0 |
const int | ERS220Info::CPCJointNeckPan = 1 |
const int | ERS220Info::CPCJointNeckRoll = 2 |
const int | ERS220Info::CPCSensorPSD = 3 |
const int | ERS220Info::CPCSensorHeadBackPressure = 4 |
const int | ERS220Info::CPCSensorHeadFrontPressure = 5 |
const int | ERS220Info::CPCSensorChinSwitch = 6 |
const int | ERS220Info::CPCJointLFRotator = 7 |
const int | ERS220Info::CPCJointLFElevator = 8 |
const int | ERS220Info::CPCJointLFKnee = 9 |
const int | ERS220Info::CPCSensorLFPaw = 10 |
const int | ERS220Info::CPCJointLHRotator = 11 |
const int | ERS220Info::CPCJointLHElevator = 12 |
const int | ERS220Info::CPCJointLHKnee = 13 |
const int | ERS220Info::CPCSensorLHPaw = 14 |
const int | ERS220Info::CPCJointRFRotator = 15 |
const int | ERS220Info::CPCJointRFElevator = 16 |
const int | ERS220Info::CPCJointRFKnee = 17 |
const int | ERS220Info::CPCSensorRFPaw = 18 |
const int | ERS220Info::CPCJointRHRotator = 19 |
const int | ERS220Info::CPCJointRHElevator = 20 |
const int | ERS220Info::CPCJointRHKnee = 21 |
const int | ERS220Info::CPCSensorRHPaw = 22 |
const int | ERS220Info::CPCSensorThermoSensor = 23 |
const int | ERS220Info::CPCSensorBackSwitch = 24 |
const int | ERS220Info::CPCSensorTailLeftSwitch = 25 |
const int | ERS220Info::CPCSensorTailCenterSwitch = 26 |
const int | ERS220Info::CPCSensorTailRightSwitch = 27 |
const int | ERS220Info::CPCSensorAccelFB = 28 |
const int | ERS220Info::CPCSensorAccelLR = 29 |
const int | ERS220Info::CPCSensorAccelUD = 30 |
Output Offsets |
Corresponds to entries in ERS220Info::PrimitiveName, defined at the end of this file
enum | ERS220Info::LegOrder_t { ERS220Info::LFrLegOrder = 0,
} |
| the ordering of legs
enum | ERS220Info::REKOffset_t { ERS220Info::RotatorOffset = 0,
} |
| The offsets within appendages (the legs) Note that the ordering matches the actual physical ordering of joints on the appendage (and not that of the head's TPROffset_t's).
enum | ERS220Info::TPROffset_t { ERS220Info::TiltOffset = 0,
ERS220Info::NodOffset = RollOffset
} |
| The offsets of appendages with tilt (elevation), pan (heading), and roll or nod joints (i.e. head) Note that the ordering matches the actual physical ordering of joints on the appendage (and not that of the leg's REKOffset_t's).
enum | ERS220Info::LegOffset_t { ERS220Info::LFrLegOffset = LegOffset+LFrLegOrder*JointsPerLeg,
ERS220Info::RFrLegOffset = LegOffset+RFrLegOrder*JointsPerLeg,
ERS220Info::LBkLegOffset = LegOffset+LBkLegOrder*JointsPerLeg,
ERS220Info::RBkLegOffset = LegOffset+RBkLegOrder*JointsPerLeg
} |
| The offsets of the individual legs.
const unsigned | ERS220Info::PIDJointOffset = 0 |
| The beginning of the PID Joints.
const unsigned | ERS220Info::LegOffset = PIDJointOffset |
| the offset of the beginning of the leg joints
const unsigned | ERS220Info::HeadOffset = LegOffset+NumLegJoints |
| the offset of the beginning of the head joints
const unsigned | ERS220Info::LEDOffset = PIDJointOffset + NumPIDJoints |
| the offset of LEDs in WorldState::outputs and MotionCommand functions
const unsigned | ERS220Info::BinJointOffset = NumOutputs |
| The beginning of the binary joints.
const unsigned | ERS220Info::BaseFrameOffset = NumOutputs |
| Use with kinematics to refer to base reference frame.
const unsigned | ERS220Info::FootFrameOffset = BaseFrameOffset+1 |
| Use with kinematics to refer to paw reference frames (add appropriate LegOrder_t to specify which paw).
const unsigned | ERS220Info::PawFrameOffset = FootFrameOffset |
| Aibo-era alias for FootFrameOffset.
const unsigned | ERS220Info::CameraFrameOffset = FootFrameOffset+NumLegs |
| Use with kinematics to refer to camera reference frame.
const unsigned | ERS220Info::IRFrameOffset = CameraFrameOffset+1 |
| Use with kinematics to refer to infrared (distance) sensor reference frame.
Input Offsets |
The order in which inputs should be stored
enum | ERS220Info::ButtonOffset_t {
ERS220Info::LFrPawOffset = LFrLegOrder,
ERS220Info::RFrPawOffset = RFrLegOrder,
ERS220Info::LBkPawOffset = LBkLegOrder,
ERS220Info::RBkPawOffset = RBkLegOrder,
ERS220Info::ChinButOffset = 4,
ERS220Info::HeadButOffset = HeadFrButOffset,
} |
| holds offsets to different buttons in WorldState::buttons[]
enum | ERS220Info::SensorOffset_t {
ERS220Info::IRDistOffset = 0,
} |
| holds offset to different sensor values in WorldState::sensors[]
const char *const | ERS220Info::buttonNames [NumButtons] |
| Provides a string name for each button.
const char *const | ERS220Info::sensorNames [NumSensors] |
| Provides a string name for each sensor.
LED Bitmasks |
Bitmasks for use when specifying combinations of LEDs (see LedEngine ) Note that left/right are robot's point of view
typedef unsigned int | ERS220Info::LEDBitMask_t |
| So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.
const LEDBitMask_t | ERS220Info::FaceFrontLeftLEDMask = 1<<(FaceFrontLeftLEDOffset-LEDOffset) |
| So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.
const LEDBitMask_t | ERS220Info::FaceFrontRightLEDMask = 1<<(FaceFrontRightLEDOffset-LEDOffset) |
| So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.
const LEDBitMask_t | ERS220Info::FaceCenterLeftLEDMask = 1<<(FaceCenterLeftLEDOffset-LEDOffset) |
| So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.
const LEDBitMask_t | ERS220Info::FaceCenterRightLEDMask = 1<<(FaceCenterRightLEDOffset-LEDOffset) |
| So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.
const LEDBitMask_t | ERS220Info::FaceBackLeftLEDMask = 1<<(FaceBackLeftLEDOffset-LEDOffset) |
| So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.
const LEDBitMask_t | ERS220Info::FaceBackRightLEDMask = 1<<(FaceBackRightLEDOffset-LEDOffset) |
| So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.
const LEDBitMask_t | ERS220Info::ModeLEDMask = 1<<(ModeLEDOffset-LEDOffset) |
| So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.
const LEDBitMask_t | ERS220Info::BackLeft1LEDMask = 1<<(BackLeft1LEDOffset-LEDOffset) |
| So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.
const LEDBitMask_t | ERS220Info::BackLeft2LEDMask = 1<<(BackLeft2LEDOffset-LEDOffset) |
| So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.
const LEDBitMask_t | ERS220Info::BackLeft3LEDMask = 1<<(BackLeft3LEDOffset-LEDOffset) |
| So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.
const LEDBitMask_t | ERS220Info::BackRight3LEDMask = 1<<(BackRight3LEDOffset-LEDOffset) |
| So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.
const LEDBitMask_t | ERS220Info::BackRight2LEDMask = 1<<(BackRight2LEDOffset-LEDOffset) |
| So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.
const LEDBitMask_t | ERS220Info::BackRight1LEDMask = 1<<(BackRight1LEDOffset-LEDOffset) |
| So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.
const LEDBitMask_t | ERS220Info::TailLeftLEDMask = 1<<(TailLeftLEDOffset-LEDOffset) |
| So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.
const LEDBitMask_t | ERS220Info::TailCenterLEDMask = 1<<(TailCenterLEDOffset-LEDOffset) |
| So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.
const LEDBitMask_t | ERS220Info::TailRightLEDMask = 1<<(TailRightLEDOffset-LEDOffset) |
| So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.
const LEDBitMask_t | ERS220Info::FaceFrontBLEDMask = 1<<(FaceFrontBLEDOffset-LEDOffset) |
| So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.
const LEDBitMask_t | ERS220Info::FaceFrontALEDMask = 1<<(FaceFrontALEDOffset-LEDOffset) |
| So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.
const LEDBitMask_t | ERS220Info::FaceFrontCLEDMask = 1<<(FaceFrontCLEDOffset-LEDOffset) |
| So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.
const LEDBitMask_t | ERS220Info::RetractableHeadLEDMask = 1<<(RetractableHeadLEDOffset-LEDOffset) |
| So you can be clear when you're refering to a LED bitmask.
const LEDBitMask_t | ERS220Info::BotLLEDMask = 1<<(BotLLEDOffset-LEDOffset) |
| bottom left (red - sad)
const LEDBitMask_t | ERS220Info::BotRLEDMask = 1<<(BotRLEDOffset-LEDOffset) |
| bottom right (red - sad)
const LEDBitMask_t | ERS220Info::MidLLEDMask = 1<<(MidLLEDOffset-LEDOffset) |
| middle left (green - happy)
const LEDBitMask_t | ERS220Info::MidRLEDMask = 1<<(MidRLEDOffset-LEDOffset) |
| middle right (green - happy)
const LEDBitMask_t | ERS220Info::TopLLEDMask = 1<<(TopLLEDOffset-LEDOffset) |
| top left (red - angry)
const LEDBitMask_t | ERS220Info::TopRLEDMask = 1<<(TopRLEDOffset-LEDOffset) |
| top right (red - angry)
const LEDBitMask_t | ERS220Info::TopBrLEDMask = 1<<(TopBrLEDOffset-LEDOffset) |
| top bar (green)
const LEDBitMask_t | ERS220Info::TlRedLEDMask = 1<<(TlRedLEDOffset-LEDOffset) |
| red tail light
const LEDBitMask_t | ERS220Info::TlBluLEDMask = 1<<(TlBluLEDOffset-LEDOffset) |
| blue tail light
const LEDBitMask_t | ERS220Info::FaceLEDMask |
| LEDs for face.
const LEDBitMask_t | ERS220Info::HeadLEDMask = FaceLEDMask | RetractableHeadLEDMask |
| LEDs on head (face plus retractable light).
const LEDBitMask_t | ERS220Info::BackLEDMask |
| LEDs on back.
const LEDBitMask_t | ERS220Info::TailLEDMask |
| LEDs for tail.
const LEDBitMask_t | ERS220Info::AllLEDMask = (LEDBitMask_t)~0 |
| selects all of the leds