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00001 //-*-c++-*-
00003 #include <iostream>
00004 #include <vector>
00005 #include <fstream>
00007 #include "DualCoding/ShapeRoot.h"
00008 #include "DualCoding/ShapeEllipse.h"
00009 #include "DualCoding/ShapeBlob.h"
00010 #include "DualCoding/ShapeLine.h"
00011 #include "DualCoding/ShapePoint.h"
00012 #include "DualCoding/ShapePolygon.h"
00014 #include "ShapeLandmarks.h"
00016 using namespace std;
00018 void PfRoot::loadLms(const std::vector<ShapeRoot> &lms, bool isWorld, std::vector<PfRoot*>& landmarks){
00019   int id;
00020   int type;
00021   rgb color;
00022   bool mobile;
00023   deleteLms(landmarks);
00024   landmarks.reserve(lms.size());
00025   for (unsigned int i = 0; i<lms.size(); i++){
00026     id = lms[i]->getId();
00027     type = lms[i]->getType();
00028     color = lms[i]->getColor();
00029     mobile = lms[i]->getMobile();
00030     switch ( type ) {
00032     case lineDataType: {
00033       const Shape<LineData> &line = ShapeRootTypeConst(lms[i],LineData);
00034       const EndPoint &pt1 = line->end1Pt();
00035       const EndPoint &pt2 = line->end2Pt();
00036       PfLine *land = new PfLine(id, color, mobile, pt1.coordX(), pt1.coordY(), 
00037         pt2.coordX(), pt2.coordY(), pt1.isValid(), pt2.isValid());
00038       land->link = &lms[i];
00039       land->orientation = atan2(pt2.coordY()-pt1.coordY(), pt2.coordX()-pt1.coordX());
00040       land->length = sqrt((pt2.coordX()-pt1.coordX())*(pt2.coordX()-pt1.coordX()) +
00041         (pt2.coordY()-pt1.coordY())*(pt2.coordY()-pt1.coordY()));
00042       landmarks.push_back(land);
00043       if ( isWorld ) {
00044         PfLine *land2 = new PfLine(id, color, mobile, pt2.coordX(), pt2.coordY(),
00045                                    pt1.coordX(), pt1.coordY(), pt2.isValid(), pt1.isValid());
00046         land2->link = &lms[i];
00047         land2->orientation = land->orientation;
00048         land2->length = land->length;
00049         landmarks.push_back(land2);
00050       }
00051     }
00052       break;
00054     case polygonDataType: {
00055       const Shape<PolygonData> &poly = ShapeRootTypeConst(lms[i],PolygonData);
00056       const std::vector<LineData> &edges = poly->getEdges();
00057       for (unsigned int j = 0; j < edges.size(); j++) {
00058         const LineData &line = edges[j];
00059         const EndPoint &pt1 = line.end1Pt();
00060         const EndPoint &pt2 = line.end2Pt();
00061         PfLine *land = new PfLine(id, color, mobile, pt1.coordX(), pt1.coordY(), 
00062                                   pt2.coordX(), pt2.coordY(), pt1.isValid(), pt2.isValid());
00063         land->link = &lms[i];
00064         land->orientation = atan2(pt2.coordY()-pt1.coordY(), pt2.coordX()-pt1.coordX());
00065         land->length = sqrt((pt2.coordX()-pt1.coordX())*(pt2.coordX()-pt1.coordX()) +
00066                             (pt2.coordY()-pt1.coordY())*(pt2.coordY()-pt1.coordY()));
00067         landmarks.push_back(land);
00068         if ( isWorld ) {
00069           PfLine *land2 = new PfLine(id, color, mobile, pt2.coordX(), pt2.coordY(),
00070                                      pt1.coordX(), pt1.coordY(), pt2.isValid(), pt1.isValid());
00071           land2->link = &lms[i];
00072           land2->orientation = land->orientation;
00073           land2->length = land->length;
00074           landmarks.push_back(land2);
00075         }
00076       }
00077     }
00078       break;
00080     case ellipseDataType: {
00081       const Shape<EllipseData> &ellipse = ShapeRootTypeConst(lms[i],EllipseData);
00082       const Point &pt = ellipse->getCentroid();
00083       PfEllipse* land = new PfEllipse(id, color, mobile, pt.coordX(), pt.coordY());
00084       land->link = &lms[i];
00085       landmarks.push_back(land);
00086     }
00087       break;
00089     case pointDataType: {
00090       const Shape<PointData> &point = ShapeRootTypeConst(lms[i],PointData);
00091       const Point &pt = point->getCentroid();
00092       PfPoint* land = new PfPoint(id, color, mobile, pt.coordX(), pt.coordY());
00093       land->link = &lms[i];
00094       landmarks.push_back(land);
00095     }
00096       break;
00098     case blobDataType: {
00099       const Shape<BlobData> &blob = ShapeRootTypeConst(lms[i],BlobData);
00100       Point pt = blob->getCentroid();
00101       PfBlob* land = new PfBlob(id, color, mobile, pt.coordX(), pt.coordY());
00102       land->link = &lms[i];
00103       landmarks.push_back(land);
00104     }
00105       break;
00107     case markerDataType: {
00108       const Shape<MarkerData> &marker = ShapeRootTypeConst(lms[i],MarkerData);
00109       Point pt = marker->getCentroid();
00110       PfMarker* land = new PfMarker(id, color, mobile, pt.coordX(), pt.coordY(), marker);
00111       land->link = &lms[i];
00112       landmarks.push_back(land);
00113     }
00114       break;
00116     case aprilTagDataType: {
00117       const Shape<AprilTagData> &tag = ShapeRootTypeConst(lms[i],AprilTagData);
00118       Point pt = tag->getCentroid();
00119       PfAprilTag* land = new PfAprilTag(id, color, mobile, pt.coordX(), pt.coordY(), tag);
00120       land->link = &lms[i];
00121       landmarks.push_back(land);
00122     }
00123       break;
00125     case cylinderDataType: {
00126       const Shape<CylinderData> &cyl = ShapeRootTypeConst(lms[i],CylinderData);
00127       Point pt = cyl->getCentroid();
00128       PfCylinder* land = new PfCylinder(id, color, mobile, pt.coordX(), pt.coordY(), cyl);
00129       land->link = &lms[i];
00130       landmarks.push_back(land);
00131     }
00132       break;
00134     default:
00135       break;
00136     }
00137   }
00138 }
00140 void PfRoot::deleteLms(std::vector<PfRoot*>& vec) {
00141   for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++ )
00142     delete vec[i];
00143   vec.clear();
00144 }
00146 void PfRoot::findBounds(const std::vector<PfRoot*> &landmarks, 
00147        coordinate_t &xmin, coordinate_t &ymin,
00148        coordinate_t &xmax, coordinate_t &ymax) {
00149   if ( landmarks.size() == 0 ) {  // should never get here
00150     cout << "Error in PFRoot::findBounds -- empty landmark vector" << endl;
00151     return;
00152   }
00153   xmin = xmax = landmarks[0]->x;
00154   ymin = ymax = landmarks[0]->y;
00155   for ( size_t i = 1; i<landmarks.size(); i++ ) {
00156     if ( (*landmarks[i]).x < xmin )
00157       xmin = landmarks[i]->x;
00158     else if  ( landmarks[i]->x > xmax )
00159       xmax = landmarks[i]->x;
00160     if ( landmarks[i]->y < ymin )
00161       ymin = landmarks[i]->y;
00162     else if  ( landmarks[i]->y > ymax )
00163       ymax = landmarks[i]->y;
00164   }
00165 }
00167 void PfRoot::printLms(const std::vector<PfRoot*> &landmarks) {
00168   for (unsigned int i = 0; i<landmarks.size(); i++)
00169     cout << *landmarks[i] << endl;
00170 }
00172 void PfRoot::printRootInfo(std::ostream &os) const {
00173     os << "id=" << id
00174        << ", x=" << x
00175        << ", y=" << y
00176        << ", mobile=" << mobile;
00177   }
00179 ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const PfRoot &obj) {
00180   obj.print(os);
00181   return os;
00182 }
00184 void PfLine::print(std::ostream &os) const {
00185   os << "PfLine(";
00186   printRootInfo(os);
00187   os << ", x2=" << x2
00188      << ", y2=" << y2
00189      << ", length=" << length
00190      << ")";
00191 }
00193 void PfEllipse::print(std::ostream &os) const {
00194   os << "PfEllipse(";
00195   printRootInfo(os);
00196   os << ")";
00197 }
00199 void PfPoint::print(std::ostream &os) const {
00200   os << "PfPoint(";
00201   printRootInfo(os);
00202   os << ")";
00203 }
00205 void PfBlob::print(std::ostream &os) const {
00206   os << "PfBlob(";
00207   printRootInfo(os);
00208   os << ")";
00209 }
00211 void PfMarker::print(std::ostream &os) const {
00212   os << "PfMarker(";
00213   printRootInfo(os);
00214   os << ")";
00215 }
00217 void PfAprilTag::print(std::ostream &os) const {
00218   os << "PfAprilTag(";
00219   printRootInfo(os);
00220   os << ")";
00221 }
00223 void PfCylinder::print(std::ostream &os) const {
00224   os << "PfCylinder(";
00225   printRootInfo(os);
00226   os << ")";
00227 }

Tekkotsu v5.1CVS
Generated Mon May 9 04:58:50 2016 by Doxygen 1.6.3