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00001 //-*-c++-*-
00002 #ifndef INCLUDED_string_util_h
00003 #define INCLUDED_string_util_h
00005 #include "attributes.h"
00006 #include <string>
00007 #include <vector>
00009 //! some common string processing functions, for std::string
00010 namespace string_util {
00011   //! uses the standard library's "locale" to convert case of a single character
00012   char localeToUpper(char c);
00014   //! uses the standard library's "locale" to convert case of a single character
00015   char localeToLower(char c);
00017   //! returns lower case version of @a s
00018   std::string makeLower(const std::string& s) ATTR_must_check;
00020   //! returns upper case version of @a s
00021   std::string makeUpper(const std::string& s) ATTR_must_check;
00023   //! returns @a str with @a pre removed - if @a pre is not fully matched, @a str is returned unchanged
00024   std::string removePrefix(const std::string& str, const std::string& pre) ATTR_must_check;
00026   //! removes whitespace (as defined by isspace()) from the beginning and end of @a str, and returns the result
00027   std::string trim(const std::string& str) ATTR_must_check;
00029   //! returns true if @a str begins with @a prefix
00030   bool beginsWith(const std::string& str, const std::string& prefix);
00032   //! returns true if @a str ends with @a suffix
00033   bool endsWith(const std::string& str, const std::string& suffix);
00035   //! Returns @a tgt if it is an absolute path or @a rel is empty, otherwise drops trailing file (if any) from @a rel and appends @a tgt
00036   /*! This assumes final path component is a source file, referencing a self-relative path,
00037    *  so make sure @a rel is a path to a file, or has a trailing '/' otherwise the final directory
00038    *  component will be stripped. (Doesn't actually do any disk operations to test for the file.) */ 
00039   std::string makePath(const std::string& rel, const std::string& path);
00041   //! convert input string into vector of string tokens
00042   /*! @param input string to be parsed
00043    *  @param delims list of delimiters.
00044    *
00045    *  Consecutive delimiters will be treated as single delimiter,
00046    *  delimiters are @e not included in return data.
00047    *  Thanks http://www.rosettacode.org/wiki/Tokenizing_A_String#C.2B.2B */
00048   std::vector<std::string> tokenize(const std::string & str, const std::string & delims=", \t");
00050   //! parses the input string into an arg list, with corresponding offsets of each arg in the original input
00051   bool parseArgs(const std::string& input, std::vector<std::string>& args, std::vector<unsigned int>& offsets); 
00053   //! replaces ~USER prefix with specified user's home directory, or ~ prefix with current HOME environment setting; returns str if no valid expansion is found
00054   std::string tildeExpansion(const std::string& str) ATTR_must_check;
00056   //! returns true if @a str matches @a re (assumes 'extended' regular expression, not 'basic'), false otherwise and throws std::string message on error
00057   /*! @param str The string to match
00058    *  @param regex The (extended) regular expression which should be parsed and executed
00059    *
00060    *  This compiles the @a regex and then executes it... for repeated usage of the same
00061    *  regular expression, you could be better off compiling it yourself and using the regex library directly. */
00062   bool reMatch(const std::string& str, const std::string& regex);
00064   //! returns true if @a str matches @a re (with optional @a flags to control interpretation), false otherwise and throws std::string message on error
00065   /*! @param str The string to match
00066    *  @param regex The regular expression which should be parsed and executed
00067    *  @param flags pass flags for regex (e.g. REG_EXTENDED)
00068    *
00069    *  This compiles the @a regex and then executes it... for repeated usage of the same
00070    *  regular expression, you could be better off compiling it yourself and using the regex library directly. */
00071   bool reMatch(const std::string& str, const std::string& regex, int flags);
00073   //! Converts a int representation of an IP to a string
00074   std::string intToStringIP(int ip);
00075   //! Converts a string representation of an IP to an int
00076   int stringToIntIP(std::string ip);
00078   //! returns the number of utf8 code points found in the string
00079   /*! This does not do any verification of the validity of the codepoints. */
00080   size_t utf8len(const std::string& str);
00082   //! returns demangled version of a symbol name
00083   std::string demangle(const std::string& symbol);
00085   //! convert int to string so robot can speak numbers
00086   std::string int2str(int const n);
00087 };
00089 /*! @file
00090  * @brief Describes some useful functions for string manipulation in the string_util namespace
00091  * @author ejt (Creator)
00092  */
00094 #endif

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Generated Mon May 9 04:58:51 2016 by Doxygen 1.6.3