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Kinematics Class ReferenceForward and inverse kinematics calculations using Tekkotsu output indices. More...
Inheritance diagram for Kinematics:
![]() Detailed DescriptionForward and inverse kinematics calculations using Tekkotsu output indices. You should read the Kinematics tutorial to get a general understanding of the math involved and diagrams for usage with supported robots. This class involves all aspects of the forward kinematics: calculations concerning locations and orientations in space given a known set of joint configurations. There is a global instantiation of Kinematics named kine, which can be used to perform these calculations regarding the joint positions currently in state. To perform kinematics on a hypothetical set of joint values, use PostureEngine or one of its subclasses. PostureEngine also adds inverse kinematic functions, which will allow you to determine joint angles in order to reach a given point. Wherever a reference frame index is requested, you can simply supply one of the output indexes in the usual manner: However, there are also a number of points on the body which are not joints, but should have their own reference frames, such as the base frame, or the camera. These frames have their own indices, listed in the robot info file for the model in question (such as ERS7Info.h), with names ending in Example code: // Find the ray from the camera to whatever the near-field IR is hitting: fmat::Transform T = kine->linkToLink(NearIRFrameOffset,CameraFrameOffset); fmat::Column<3> camera_ray = T*fmat::pack(0,0,state->sensors[NearIRDistOffset]); float x; // x will be in the range ±1 for resolution layer independence float y; // y ranges ±y_dim/x_dim (i.e. ±1/aspectRatio) config->vision.computePixel(camera_ray[0],camera_ray[1],camera_ray[2],x,y); Finally, for each model we have created a database of "interest points" -- locations of notable interest on the body of the robot. These may be of use to people attempting to use the limbs to manipulate objects. To access these interest points, call getInterestPoint with the name of the interest point, obtained from the diagrams. Note that you can pass a comma separated list of interest point names and the result will be the midpoint of those interest points: kine->getInterestPoint(BaseFrameOffset,"LowerInnerFrontLFrShin,LowerOuterFrontLFrShin");
Definition at line 68 of file Kinematics.h.
Member Typedef Documentation
we'll be using the hash_map to store named interest points Definition at line 290 of file Kinematics.h. Constructor & Destructor Documentation
Constructor, pass the full path to the kinematics configuration file. Definition at line 71 of file Kinematics.h.
Copy constructor, everything is either update-before-use or static, copy is normal init. Definition at line 76 of file Kinematics.h.
Destructor. Definition at line 40 of file Kinematics.cc. Member Function Documentation
Returns a matrix for transforming from the base frame to link j frame.
Definition at line 118 of file Kinematics.h. Referenced by RawCam::drawShapesIntoBuffer(), projectShapeToCamera(), and PostureEngine::solveLinkVector().
returns a transformation to account for standing pose, where the origin of the "local" space is the projection of the base frame origin along the ground plane normal Definition at line 44 of file Kinematics.cc.
returns a transformation to account for standing pose, where the origin of the "local" space is the projection of the base frame origin along the ground plane normal Definition at line 131 of file Kinematics.h. Referenced by baseToLocal(), Grasper::ReleaseArm::doStart(), and localToBase().
Calculate the leg heights along a given "down" vector (0 is level with base frame). This can be based on either the gravity vector from accelerometer readings, or if that may be unreliable due to being in motion, you could do some basic balance modeling and pass a predicted vector. This uses the interest point database to find the lowest interest point for each leg
Definition at line 115 of file Kinematics.cc. Referenced by findUnusedLeg().
Find the ground plane by fitting a plane to the lowest 3 interest points.
Definition at line 173 of file Kinematics.cc.
Find the ground plane by fitting a plane to the lowest 3 interest points. This function merely calls the other version of calculateGroundPlane with the current gravity vector as the "down" vector.
Definition at line 159 of file Kinematics.cc. Referenced by baseToLocal(), DualCoding::MapBuilder::calculateGroundPlane(), LookAtMarkers::Search::doEvent(), LookAtMarkers::TrackMarker::doEvent(), localToBase(), DualCoding::Lookout::processSearchEvent(), projectToGround(), DualCoding::MapBuilder::projectToLocal(), and DualCoding::Lookout::setupTrack().
checks that statics have been initialized, and calls initStatics if they are missing Definition at line 261 of file Kinematics.h. Referenced by init().
Find the leg which is in least contact with ground.
Definition at line 147 of file Kinematics.cc.
Returns the location of a named point, relative to any desired reference frame.
You can pass a comma separated list of interest point names and the result will be the midpoint of those IPs. If an interest point is not found, a std::runtime_error is thrown. Definition at line 89 of file Kinematics.cc.
Returns the location of a named point and the link it is attached to.
If name is not found, link will be -1 and ip will be all 0's. Definition at line 67 of file Kinematics.cc. Referenced by getInterestPoint().
returns the KinematicJoint structure for the specified Tekkotsu output or reference frame offset Definition at line 98 of file Kinematics.h. Referenced by ArmController::ArmController(), CBracketGrasperPredicate< N >::CBracketGrasperPredicate(), RRTNode3DR< N >::CollisionChecker::CollisionChecker(), RRTNode2DR< N >::CollisionChecker::CollisionChecker(), Grasper::computeGoalStates(), XWalkParameters::computeNeutralPos(), Grasper::PlanArmApproach::doStart(), ArmController::doStart(), Grasper::MoveArm::executeMove(), Grasper::getCurrentState(), IKCalliope::IKCalliope(), HeadPointerMC::lookAtPoint(), HeadPointerMC::lookInDirection(), ArmMC::moveOffsetToPoint(), ArmMC::moveOffsetToPointWithOrientation(), ArmController::setJoint(), ShapeSpaceCollisionCheckerBase< N >::ShapeSpaceCollisionCheckerBase(), ShapeSpacePlanner2DR< N >::ShapeSpacePlanner2DR(), and ShapeSpacePlanner3DR< N >::ShapeSpacePlanner3DR().
Definition at line 100 of file Kinematics.h. Referenced by Grasper::PlanBodyTransport::doStart(), Grasper::ArmRaise::doStart(), Grasper::ArmNudge::doStart(), Grasper::PlanArmApproach::doStart(), Grasper::PlanBodyApproach::doStart(), ArmController::pointPicked(), and ArmMC::setFingerGap().
Returns a pointer to the root of the kinematic tree. Definition at line 95 of file Kinematics.h.
Called by constructors to do basic setup - first call will read Config::motion_config::kinematics from disk, future initializes reuse static roconfig. Reimplemented in PostureMC. Definition at line 23 of file Kinematics.cc. Referenced by Kinematics().
initializes static variables -- only call if not staticsInited Definition at line 34 of file Kinematics.cc. Referenced by checkStatics().
Returns a matrix for transforming from link frame j to base frame.
Definition at line 109 of file Kinematics.h. Referenced by baseToLink(), LookAtMarkers::Search::doEvent(), LookAtMarkers::TrackMarker::doEvent(), KoduInterpreter::GiveActionRunner::GiveActionSend::doStart(), KoduInterpreter::GrabActionRunner::ExecuteGrabAction::PrepareForAnotherGrasp::RepositionBody::doStart(), KoduInterpreter::GrabActionRunner::ExecuteGrabAction::VerifyObjectWasGrabbed::VerifyObjectInGripper::doStart(), KoduInterpreter::GrabActionRunner::ExecuteGrabAction::VerifyObjectWasGrabbed::LookAtTheGripper::doStart(), KoduInterpreter::PerceptualMultiplexor::FailureRecovery::ObjectManipRecovery::PrepareForAnotherGrasp::RepositionBody::doStart(), KoduInterpreter::PerceptualMultiplexor::FailureRecovery::ObjectManipRecovery::VerifyObjectWasGrabbed::VerifyObjectInGripper::doStart(), KoduInterpreter::PerceptualMultiplexor::FailureRecovery::ObjectManipRecovery::VerifyObjectWasGrabbed::LookAtTheGripper::doStart(), Grasper::ReleaseArm::doStart(), Grasper::Verify::CheckCross::doStart(), Grasper::Verify::CheckDomino::doStart(), Grasper::DoBodyApproach3::doStart(), Grasper::DoBodyApproach2::doStart(), DualCoding::Lookout::findLocationFor(), DualCoding::MapBuilder::getCamCrosses(), DualCoding::MapBuilder::getCamCylinders(), DualCoding::MapBuilder::getCamDominoes(), DualCoding::MapBuilder::grabCameraImageAndGo(), HeadPointerMC::lookAtJoint(), DualCoding::Lookout::processPointAtEvent(), DualCoding::Lookout::processSearchEvent(), DualCoding::MapBuilder::projectToLocal(), and DualCoding::Lookout::setupTrack().
Returns a matrix for transforming from link iL to link oL.
Definition at line 123 of file Kinematics.h. Referenced by getInterestPoint(), IKCalliope::IKCalliope(), and ArmMC::setFingerGap().
returns a transformation to account for standing pose, where the origin of the "local" space is the projection of the base frame origin along the ground plane normal Definition at line 140 of file Kinematics.h. Referenced by localToBase().
returns a transformation to account for standing pose, where the origin of the "local" space is the projection of the base frame origin along the ground plane normal Definition at line 137 of file Kinematics.h.
Assignment operator, everything is either update-before-use or static, assignment is no-op. Definition at line 83 of file Kinematics.h.
A simple utility function, converts x,y,z,h to a fmat::Column<4>
Definition at line 242 of file Kinematics.h.
A simple utility function, converts x,y,z,h to a fmat::Column<3>
Definition at line 234 of file Kinematics.h. Referenced by calculateGroundPlane(), getInterestPoint(), DualCoding::Lookout::moveHeadToPoint(), pack(), projectToPlane(), and PostureEngine::solveLinkVector().
Find the location of an object on the ground with a custom ground plane specification. gndPlane must be specified relative to the base frame, in the form
Definition at line 542 of file Kinematics.cc.
Find the location of an object on the ground (the easy way from a vision object event (i.e. EventBase::visObjEGID)).
Definition at line 219 of file Kinematics.h.
Find the location of an object on the ground from an arbitrary ray r_j in reference frame j (probably CameraFrameOffset).
Definition at line 211 of file Kinematics.h. Referenced by projectToGround().
Find the point of intersection between a ray and a plane.
p_b should be of the form
For projecting to the ground plane, one of the specialized projectToGround() functions may be more convenient. Mathematical implementation: We'll convert the ray to the plane's reference frame, solve there. We find a point on the ray (ro_b) and the direction of the ray (rv_b). rv_b does not need to be normalized because we're going to find a scaling factor for it, and that factor accounts for current magnitude. Proof, p=plane normal vector, d=plane displacement, r = ray direction, o = ray offset, x = [x y z] coordinates, t = scaling factor
Find distance from the ray offset (ro_b) and the closest point on the plane. Object height is applied along the plane normal toward the ray origin (we assume the ray source is "above" ground) Find scaling factor by projecting ray vector (rv_b) onto plane normal. Intersection point will be rv_b*dist/align + ro_b, but need to watch out for case where align==0 (rv_b and plane are parallel, no intersection) Definition at line 468 of file Kinematics.cc. Referenced by projectToGround().
A simple utility function, pulls the first 3 rows of the first column, divides each by the fourth row, and stores into ox, oy, and oz.
Definition at line 249 of file Kinematics.h.
refresh the joint settings in root from WorldState::outputs Reimplemented in PostureEngine. Definition at line 554 of file Kinematics.cc. Referenced by calcLegHeights(), calculateGroundPlane(), getKinematicJoint(), getPosition(), linkToBase(), linkToLink(), and projectToPlane(). Member Data Documentation
these interest points are shared by all Kinematics classes (i.e. all PostureEngines) this is to reduce initialization time, but does mean one robot can't do interest point calculations regarding a different model robot... Definition at line 294 of file Kinematics.h. Referenced by calcLegHeights(), and calculateGroundPlane().
holds mapping from tekkotsu output index to chain and link indicies Definition at line 284 of file Kinematics.h. Referenced by calcLegHeights(), calculateGroundPlane(), getInterestPoint(), getKinematicJoint(), getPosition(), init(), Kinematics(), linkToBase(), linkToLink(), operator=(), projectToPlane(), PostureEngine::solveLink(), PostureEngine::solveLinkOrientation(), PostureEngine::solveLinkPosition(), PostureEngine::update(), and update().
determine if the joints are up to date (compare to WorldState::lastSensorUpdateTime) Definition at line 281 of file Kinematics.h. Referenced by update().
the root of the kinematic tree Definition at line 278 of file Kinematics.h. Referenced by getRoot(), init(), Kinematics(), and operator=().
initially false, set to true after first Kinematics is initialized Definition at line 287 of file Kinematics.h. Referenced by checkStatics(), and initStatics(). The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: |
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