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EventLogger Class Referenceallows logging of events to the console or a file, also provides some remote logging facilities over logSocket, required by Storyboard tool More...
Inheritance diagram for EventLogger:
![]() Detailed Descriptionallows logging of events to the console or a file, also provides some remote logging facilities over logSocket, required by Storyboard tool Users' behaviors can call logMessage(), logImage(), and logWebcam() to insert the corresponding data into logSocket via an XML 'event' node. The protocol used with logSocket is:
Each of those commands should be terminated with a newline - i.e. one command per line After a After a All other commands give no direct response - listen can be executed before the specified StateNode is yet running, and ignore doesn't care whether or not the specified StateNode was actually being listened for. The format of the model is: <!DOCTYPE model [ <!ELEMENT model (state*, transition*)> <!ELEMENT state (state*, transition*)> <!ELEMENT transition (source+, dest+)> <!ELEMENT source (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT dest (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST state id CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST state class CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST transition id CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST transition class CDATA #REQUIRED> ]> The format of status updates following a listen command is: <!DOCTYPE event [ <!ELEMENT event (fire*, statestart*, statestop*)> <!ELEMENT fire (EMPTY)> <!ELEMENT statestart (EMPTY)> <!ELEMENT statestop (EMPTY)> <!ATTLIST fire id CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST fire time CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST statestart id CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST statestart time CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST statestop id CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST statestop time CDATA #REQUIRED> ]> The 'event' node is also used for the results of logImage(), logMessage(), and logWebcam(). Definition at line 88 of file EventLogger.h.
Member Typedef Documentation
the type of listen Definition at line 192 of file EventLogger.h.
the type of queuedEvents Definition at line 195 of file EventLogger.h.
the type of the behavior registry (BehaviorBase::registry) Definition at line 190 of file EventLogger.h.
the type of transStack Definition at line 198 of file EventLogger.h. Constructor & Destructor Documentation
constructor Definition at line 32 of file EventLogger.cc.
destructor Definition at line 54 of file EventLogger.cc. Member Function Documentation
called by wireless when there's new data Definition at line 366 of file EventLogger.cc. Referenced by EventLogger().
checks to see if logfilePath differs from the StringInputControl's value and switches it if it is Definition at line 221 of file EventLogger.cc. Referenced by processEvent(), and refresh().
deletes each slot item and clears the slots Reimplemented from ControlBase. Definition at line 210 of file EventLogger.cc. Referenced by ~EventLogger().
opens a custom (embedded) menu to toggle individual EGIDs Reimplemented from ControlBase. Definition at line 67 of file EventLogger.cc. writes an xmlNode out over logSocket, freeing node when complete uses doc if provided, otherwise makes a new temporary one which is then deleted again before the function returns Definition at line 452 of file EventLogger.cc. Referenced by dumpQueuedEvents(), and spider().
dumps elements of queuedEvents over logSocket, popping and freeing as it goes Definition at line 443 of file EventLogger.cc. Referenced by logImage(), logMessage(), logWebcam(), and processStateMachineEvent().
searches currently instantiated StateNodes to find the one named name Definition at line 306 of file EventLogger.cc. Referenced by runCommand().
returns logSocket Definition at line 104 of file EventLogger.h.
returns port Definition at line 107 of file EventLogger.h.
just to prettify the data sent out - probably should make this a null-op to save bandwidth after debugging is done Definition at line 301 of file EventLogger.cc.
returns true iff n or one of its parents is found in listen Definition at line 292 of file EventLogger.cc. Referenced by processStateMachineEvent().
send the current camera image over the log socket Definition at line 138 of file EventLogger.cc.
send a string over the log socket Definition at line 170 of file EventLogger.cc.
request that the desktop side take a picture with the webcam (if available) Definition at line 192 of file EventLogger.cc.
sends all events received to stdout and/or logfile Implements EventListener. Definition at line 108 of file EventLogger.cc.
if there is a remote monitor listening for state machine transitions, this will send them over this is called by the StateMachineListener, which is subscribed to only those machines which have been requested by the remote monitor Definition at line 380 of file EventLogger.cc. Referenced by EventLogger::StateMachineListener::processEvent().
called when the child has deactivated and this control should refresh its display, or some other event (such as the user pressing the refresh button) has happened to cause a refresh to be needed Reimplemented from ControlBase. Definition at line 102 of file EventLogger.cc. Referenced by doSelect().
parses commands sent from callback() Definition at line 317 of file EventLogger.cc. Referenced by callback().
sets port Definition at line 110 of file EventLogger.h.
sets the status char of slot i to c Definition at line 215 of file EventLogger.cc. Referenced by checkLogFile(), and doSelect(). dumps all of the transitions and subnodes of a given statenode if parent is NULL, will dump the results over logSocket, otherwise adds the xml tree as a child of parent Definition at line 243 of file EventLogger.cc. Referenced by runCommand(). Member Data Documentation
a set of state machine names which should have their subnodes monitored Definition at line 193 of file EventLogger.h. Referenced by isListening(), processStateMachineEvent(), and runCommand().
if a filename is given, events are logged to here Definition at line 176 of file EventLogger.h. Referenced by checkLogFile(), doSelect(), and processEvent().
address of the logfile, if any (empty string is no logfile) Definition at line 173 of file EventLogger.h. Referenced by checkLogFile().
events which are logged will be sent over this port in an xml format. See eventlog.dtd in the docs directory Definition at line 179 of file EventLogger.h. Referenced by dumpNode(), EventLogger(), getLogSocket(), indent(), logImage(), logMessage(), logWebcam(), processEvent(), processStateMachineEvent(), runCommand(), and ~EventLogger().
reference count for logSocket -- when this hits 0, close the socket Definition at line 185 of file EventLogger.h. Referenced by EventLogger(), and ~EventLogger().
port number logSocket will listen on Definition at line 182 of file EventLogger.h. Referenced by EventLogger(), getLogSocketPort(), and setLogSocketPort().
if logImage/logMessage/etc. are called during a transition, need to queue them until the transition event is complete Definition at line 196 of file EventLogger.h. Referenced by dumpQueuedEvents(), logImage(), logMessage(), logWebcam(), processStateMachineEvent(), and ~EventLogger().
handles state machine transitions if the Storyboard GUI (or other remote monitor) is listening for state machine events Definition at line 134 of file EventLogger.h. Referenced by runCommand().
the instance which will handle network communication Definition at line 124 of file EventLogger.h. Referenced by EventLogger(), EventLogger::StateMachineListener::processEvent(), and ~EventLogger().
if another transition occurs during the processing of another, have to recurse on processing the new transition first Definition at line 199 of file EventLogger.h. Referenced by logImage(), logMessage(), logWebcam(), and processStateMachineEvent().
controls the level of verbosity - currently 0 through 2 Definition at line 188 of file EventLogger.h. Referenced by EventLogger(), and processEvent(). The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: |
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