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DynamicMotionSequence Member List

This is the complete list of members for DynamicMotionSequence, including all inherited members.
advanceTime(unsigned int x)MotionSequenceEngine
autopruneMotionCommand [protected]
byteswap(T &dstc, const T &srcc)LoadSave [protected, static]
calcOutput(OutputCmd &ans, unsigned int t, const Move &prev, const Move &next) const MotionSequenceEngine [protected]
checkCreator(const char *creator, const char buf[], unsigned int len, bool isLoading=true) const LoadSave [virtual]
checkCreator(const char *creator, FILE *f, bool isLoading=true) const LoadSave [virtual]
checkCreatorInc(const char *creator, const char *&buf, unsigned int &len, bool isLoading=true) const LoadSave [virtual]
checkCreatorIncT(const char *creator, const char *&buf, unsigned int &len, bool isLoading=true) const LoadSave [virtual]
checkInc(int res, const char *&buf, unsigned int &len)LoadSave [static]
checkInc(int res, const char *&buf, unsigned int &len, const char *msg,...) __attribute__((format(printfLoadSave [static]
checkInc(int res, char *&buf, unsigned int &len)LoadSave [static]
checkInc(int res, char *&buf, unsigned int &len, const char *msg,...) __attribute__((format(printfLoadSave [static]
checkIncT(int res, const char *&buf, unsigned int &len, const char *msg="LoadSave::check underflow",...) __attribute__((format(printfLoadSave [static]
checkIncT(int res, char *&buf, unsigned int &len, const char *msg="LoadSave::check underflow",...) __attribute__((format(printfLoadSave [static]
chkAdvance(int res, const char **buf, unsigned int *len, const char *msg,...) ATTR_deprecated __attribute__((format(printfLoadSave [static]
clear()DynamicMotionSequence [virtual]
creatorSize(const char creator[]) const LoadSave [virtual]
cursMotionSequenceEngine [protected]
curstampsMotionSequenceEngine [protected]
decode(LoadSave &x, const char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
decode(LoadSave &x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
decode(double &x, const char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
decode(double &x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
decode(float &x, const char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
decode(float &x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
decode(long long &x, const char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
decode(long long &x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
decode(unsigned long long &x, const char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
decode(unsigned long long &x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
decode(long &x, const char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
decode(long &x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
decode(unsigned long &x, const char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
decode(unsigned long &x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
decode(int &x, const char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
decode(int &x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
decode(unsigned int &x, const char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
decode(unsigned int &x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
decode(short &x, const char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
decode(short &x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
decode(unsigned short &x, const char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
decode(unsigned short &x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
decode(std::string &x, const char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
decode(std::string &x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
decode(char *&x, const char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
decode(char *&x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
decode(char &x, const char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
decode(char &x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
decode(unsigned char &x, const char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
decode(unsigned char &x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
decode(bool &x, const char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
decode(bool &x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
decodeInc(T &value, const char *&buf, unsigned int &cap)LoadSave [static]
decodeInc(T &value, const char *&buf, unsigned int &cap, const char *msg,...) __attribute__((format(printfLoadSave [static]
decodeInc(T &value, char *&buf, unsigned int &cap)LoadSave [static]
decodeInc(T &value, char *&buf, unsigned int &cap, const char *msg,...) __attribute__((format(printfLoadSave [static]
decodeIncT(T &value, const char *&buf, unsigned int &cap, const char *msg="LoadSave::decode underflow",...) __attribute__((format(printfLoadSave [static]
decodeIncT(T &value, char *&buf, unsigned int &cap, const char *msg="LoadSave::decode underflow",...) __attribute__((format(printfLoadSave [static]
dirtyDynamicMotionSequence [protected]
doStart()MotionCommand [protected, virtual]
doStop()MotionCommand [protected, virtual]
DynamicMotionSequence(const char *filename)DynamicMotionSequence [explicit]
encode(const LoadSave &x, char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
encode(const LoadSave &x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
encode(const double x, char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
encode(const double x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
encode(const float x, char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
encode(const float x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
encode(const long long x, char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
encode(const long long x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
encode(const unsigned long long x, char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
encode(const unsigned long long x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
encode(const long x, char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
encode(const long x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
encode(const unsigned long x, char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
encode(const unsigned long x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
encode(const int x, char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
encode(const int x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
encode(const unsigned int x, char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
encode(const unsigned int x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
encode(const short x, char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
encode(const short x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
encode(const unsigned short x, char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
encode(const unsigned short x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
encode(const std::string &x, char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
encode(const std::string &x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
encode(const char *x, char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
encode(const char *x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
encode(const char x, char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
encode(const char x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
encode(const unsigned char x, char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
encode(const unsigned char x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
encode(const bool x, char buf[], unsigned int cap)LoadSave [static]
encode(const bool x, FILE *f)LoadSave [static]
encodeInc(const T &value, char *&buf, unsigned int &cap)LoadSave [static]
encodeInc(const T &value, char *&buf, unsigned int &cap, const char *msg,...) __attribute__((format(printfLoadSave [static]
encodeIncT(const T &value, char *&buf, unsigned int &cap, const char *msg="LoadSave::encode overflow",...) __attribute__((format(printfLoadSave [static]
endtimeMotionSequenceEngine [protected]
erasedDynamicMotionSequence [protected]
eraseKeyFrame(Move_idx_t x)DynamicMotionSequence [protected, virtual]
getAutoPrune()MotionCommand [virtual]
getBinSize() const MotionSequenceEngine [virtual]
getEndTime() const MotionSequenceEngine
getHold()MotionSequenceEngine [virtual]
getID() const MotionManagerMsg
getKeyFrame(Move_idx_t x)DynamicMotionSequence [protected, virtual]
getKeyFrame(Move_idx_t x) const DynamicMotionSequence [protected, virtual]
getMaxFrames() const DynamicMotionSequence [virtual]
getOutputCmd(unsigned int i)MotionSequenceEngine
getOutputIndex(const char name[], unsigned int i)MotionSequenceEngine [protected, static]
getPose(PostureEngine &pose)MotionSequenceEngine
getSerializedSize(const LoadSave &x)LoadSave [static]
getSerializedSize(const std::string &x)LoadSave [static]
getSerializedSize(const char *x)LoadSave [static]
getSerializedSize(const void *)LoadSave [static]
getSerializedSize(const bool &)LoadSave [static]
getSerializedSize(const T &x)LoadSave [static]
getSerializedSize()LoadSave [static]
getSpeed() const MotionSequenceEngine
getTime() const MotionSequenceEngine
getUsedFrames() const DynamicMotionSequence [virtual]
holdMotionSequenceEngine [protected]
interpolate(double a, double b, double x)MotionCommand [protected, static]
interpolate(float a, float b, float x)MotionCommand [protected, static]
interpolate(const OutputCmd &a, const OutputCmd &b, float x, OutputCmd &r)MotionCommand [protected, static]
invalid_MC_IDMotionManagerMsg [static]
invalid_moveMotionSequenceEngine [protected, static]
isActive() const MotionCommand [virtual]
isAlive()DynamicMotionSequence [virtual]
isDirty()DynamicMotionSequence [virtual]
isSaveDegrees() const MotionSequenceEngine
isSaveRadians() const MotionSequenceEngine
lasttimeMotionSequenceEngine [protected]
list_t typedefDynamicMotionSequence [protected]
loadBuffer(const char buf[], unsigned int len, const char *filename=NULL)MotionSequenceEngine [virtual]
loadFile(const char filename[])MotionSequenceEngine [virtual]
LoadSave::loadFile(const char *filename)LoadSave [virtual]
LoadFile(const char *filename) ATTR_deprecatedLoadSave [virtual]
loadFileStream(FILE *f, const char *filename=NULL)LoadSave [virtual]
loadSaveModeMotionSequenceEngine [protected]
makeSafe(const float vels[NumOutputs], float margin)MotionSequenceEngine
MC_ID typedefMotionManagerMsg
Move_idx_t typedefMotionSequenceEngine [protected]
movesDynamicMotionSequence [protected]
newKeyFrame()DynamicMotionSequence [protected, virtual]
nextsMotionSequenceEngine [protected]
overlayMotion(const std::string &msFile)MotionSequenceEngine
overlayMotion(const MotionSequenceEngine &ms)MotionSequenceEngine
playingMotionSequenceEngine [protected]
playspeedMotionSequenceEngine [protected]
playtimeMotionSequenceEngine [protected]
postEvent(const EventBase &event)MotionCommand [protected]
prevsMotionSequenceEngine [protected]
queueMotionCommand [protected]
readWord(const char buf[], const char *const buflen, char word[], const unsigned int wordlen)MotionSequenceEngine [protected, static]
saveBuffer(char buf[], unsigned int len) const MotionSequenceEngine [virtual]
saveCreator(const char *creator, char buf[], unsigned int len) const LoadSave [virtual]
saveCreator(const char *creator, FILE *f) const LoadSave [virtual]
saveCreatorInc(const char *creator, char *&buf, unsigned int &len) const LoadSave [virtual]
saveCreatorIncT(const char *creator, char *&buf, unsigned int &len) const LoadSave [virtual]
saveFile(const char filename[]) const MotionSequenceEngine [virtual]
LoadSave::saveFile(const char *filename) const LoadSave [virtual]
SaveFile(const char *filename) const ATTR_deprecatedLoadSave [virtual]
saveFileStream(FILE *f) const LoadSave [virtual]
saveStream(std::ostream &os) const LoadSave [virtual]
setAutoPrune(bool ap)MotionCommand [virtual]
setExplicitPose(const PostureEngine &pose)MotionSequenceEngine
setHold(bool h=true)MotionSequenceEngine [virtual]
setNextFrameTime(Move_idx_t p[NumOutputs], Move_idx_t n[NumOutputs]) const MotionSequenceEngine [protected]
setOutputCmd(unsigned int i, const OutputCmd &cmd)MotionSequenceEngine
setPose(const PostureEngine &pose)MotionSequenceEngine
setRange(unsigned int t, Move_idx_t &prev, Move_idx_t &next) const DynamicMotionSequence [protected, virtual]
setSaveDegrees() ATTR_deprecatedMotionSequenceEngine
setSpeed(float x)MotionSequenceEngine
setTime(unsigned int x)MotionSequenceEngine
setTranslator(EventTranslator *q)MotionCommand
shouldPrune()MotionCommand [virtual]
start()MotionCommand [virtual]
startedMotionCommand [protected]
startsMotionSequenceEngine [protected]
stop()MotionCommand [virtual]
stringpadLoadSave [static]
updateOutputs()DynamicMotionSequence [virtual]
~DynamicMotionSequence()DynamicMotionSequence [virtual]
~LoadSave()LoadSave [virtual]
~MotionCommand()MotionCommand [virtual]
~MotionManagerMsg()MotionManagerMsg [virtual]
~MotionSequenceEngine()MotionSequenceEngine [virtual]

Tekkotsu v5.1CVS
Generated Mon May 9 04:59:06 2016 by Doxygen 1.6.3