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file  CallbackThread.h [code]
file  DriverMessaging.cc [code]
file  DriverMessaging.h [code]
file  FailsafeThread.h [code]

Describes FailsafeThread, which enforces a timeout on another thread.

file  ListMemBuf.h [code]

Defines ListMemBuf, which provides some degree of dynamic allocation of a templated type from a buffer of set size.

file  MessageQueue.cc [code]

Defines MessageQueue, which provides mechanisms for sending shared memory regions between processes.

file  MessageQueue.h [code]

Defines MessageQueue, which provides mechanisms for sending shared memory regions between processes.

file  MessageQueueStatusThread.cc [code]
file  MessageQueueStatusThread.h [code]
file  MessageReceiver.cc [code]
file  MessageReceiver.h [code]
file  MutexLock.cc [code]

Defines MutexLock, a software only mutual exclusion lock.

file  MutexLock.h [code]

Defines MutexLock, a software only mutual exclusion lock.

file  PollThread.cc [code]
file  PollThread.h [code]
file  ProcessID.cc [code]

Declares the static ProcessID::ID, that's all.

file  ProcessID.h [code]

Defines ProcessID - simple little global for checking which process is currently running, kind of. (see ProcessID::getID() ).

file  RCRegion.cc [code]

Implements RCRegion, which provides compatability with the OPEN-R type of the same name.

file  RCRegion.h [code]

Describes RCRegion, which provides compatability with the OPEN-R type of the same name.

file  RegionRegistry.h [code]

Defines RegionRegistry, which keeps track of currently available shared memory regions.

file  SemaphoreManager.cc [code]

Implements SemaphoreManager, which initializes, manages, and releases a set of System V style semaphores.

file  SemaphoreManager.h [code]

Defines SemaphoreManager, which initializes, manages, and releases a set of System V style semaphores.

file  SharedObject.cc [code]
file  SharedObject.h [code]

Defines SharedObject, a wrapper for objects in order to facilitate sending them between processes.

file  Thread.cc [code]

Describes the Thread class and its AutoThread templated subclass.

file  Thread.h [code]

Describes the Thread class and its AutoThread templated subclass.

file  ThreadedMessageQueue.h [code]

Describes ThreadedMessageQueue, which.

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Generated Mon May 9 04:59:27 2016 by Doxygen 1.6.3