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Class ControlBase
ControlBase's should use ReferenceCounter so memory management is not an issue

Member EventRouter::processTimers ()
handle recursive calls

Member Graphics::drawLine (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
I think this could be a little faster by writing two cases -- one that handles mostly-vertical lines, and one that handles mostly-horizontal ones. Then the primary loop could be over integer coordinates along that axis, and only the position along the other axis would have to be calculated as floating point

Member HeadPointerMC::lookAtPoint (float x, float y, float z)
this method is an approximation, could be more precise, and perhaps faster, although this is pretty good.

Class JPEGGenerator

possible speedup by using jpeg_write_raw_data

create a common super class with PNGGenerator to hold common setup code

Member MotionCommand::interpolate (double a, double b, double x)
- replace with a more fancy spline based thing?

Member MotionCommand::interpolate (float a, float b, float x)
- replace with a more fancy spline based thing?

Class MotionSequenceEngine
We should also have an insertMotion()

Member MotionSequenceEngine::overlayMotion (const MotionSequenceEngine &ms)

should better handle conflicts with keyframes in original motion

Class PNGGenerator
create a common super class with JPEGGenerator to hold common setup code

Member PostureEngine::avgdiff (const PostureEngine &pe) const
create a version which does weighted summing? This treats weights as all or nothing

Member PostureEngine::diff (const PostureEngine &pe) const
create a version which does weighted summing? This treats weights as all or nothing

Member PostureEngine::maxdiff (const PostureEngine &pe) const
create a version which does weighted summing? This treats weights as all or nothing

Member PostureEngine::PostureEngine (const std::string &filename)
might want to make a library stored in memory of common positions so they don't have to be loaded repeatedly from memstick

Member PostureEngine::solveLinkVector (float Ptgt_x, float Ptgt_y, float Ptgt_z, unsigned int link, float Peff_x, float Peff_y, float Peff_z)

this method is an approximation, could be more precise, and perhaps faster, although this is pretty good.

Class ReferenceCounter
It would be nice if there was a way for ReferenceCounter to automatically know whether it has been allocated on the stack... is that possible?

Class SoundManager

Volume control, variable playback speed, support more wav file formats (latter two are the same thing if you think about it - need to be able to resample on the fly)

Add functions to hand out regions to be filled out to avoid copying into the buffer.

Member SoundManager::loadFile (std::string const &name)
this does one more copy than it really needs to

Class ValueEditControl< T >
needs some work to really be useful again

Member ValueSetControl::activate (MC_ID display)
make the leds flash

Tekkotsu v5.1CVS
Generated Mon May 9 04:59:04 2016 by Doxygen 1.6.3