Files |
file | [code] |
| Implements BatteryCheckControl, which will spew a power report to stdout upon activation.
file | BatteryCheckControl.h [code] |
| Describes BatteryCheckControl, which will spew a power report to stdout upon activation.
file | BehaviorActivatorControl.h [code] |
| Defines BehaviorActivatorControl, which can either start, stop, or toggle a behavior when activated.
file | [code] |
| Defines BehaviorReportControl, which reads the set of currently instantiated behaviors and sends a report to sout.
file | [code] |
| Implements BehaviorSwitchControlBase - a control for turning behaviors on and off.
file | BehaviorSwitchControl.h [code] |
| Describes BehaviorSwitchControl<BEH> and its common superclass BehaviorSwitchControlBase - a control for turning behaviors on and off.
file | [code] |
file | ConfigurationEditor.h [code] |
| Defines ConfigurationEditor, which provides interactive editing and loading/saving of a plist::Collection.
file | [code] |
| Implements ControlBase from which all items in the control system should inherit.
file | ControlBase.h [code] |
| Defines ControlBase from which all items in the control system should inherit.
file | DumpFileControl.h [code] |
| Defines DumpFileControl, which when activated, plays a sound selected from the memory stick.
file | [code] |
| Describes EventLogger, which allows logging of events to the console or a file.
file | EventLogger.h [code] |
| Describes EventLogger, which allows logging of events to the console or a file.
file | [code] |
| Implements FileBrowserControl, which displays the contents of a directory.
file | FileBrowserControl.h [code] |
| Describes FileBrowserControl, which displays the contents of a directory.
file | FileInputControl.h [code] |
| Defines FileInputControl, which allows the user to browse files and select one, which is then stored in a string.
file | [code] |
| Implements FreeMemReportControl, which gives reports on free memory size at various (configurable) rates.
file | FreeMemReportControl.h [code] |
| Describes FreeMemReportControl, which gives reports on free memory size at various (configurable) rates.
file | [code] |
| Implements HelpControl, which recurses through the menu system and outputs the name and description of each item.
file | HelpControl.h [code] |
| Describes HelpControl, which recurses through the menu system and outputs the name and description of each item.
file | LoadCalibration.h [code] |
| Defines LoadCalibration, which will load calibration parameters from a text file into a forward and backward matrix.
file | LoadPostureControl.h [code] |
| Defines LoadPostureControl, which presents a file selection submenu, and then loads the specified posture.
file | LoadWalkControl.h [code] |
| Defines LoadWalkControl, which when activated, loads a set of walk parameters from a file read from cin.
file | MCValueEditControl.h [code] |
| Defines MCValueEditControl, which allows you to modify a value in memory, much like ValueEditControl, but will check out a MotionCommand first to maintain proper mutual exclusion.
file | [code] |
| Implements MoCapLogger, which provides display and logging of mocap data.
file | MoCapLogger.h [code] |
| Describes MoCapLogger, which provides display and logging of mocap data.
file | [code] |
| Defines MotionReport, which DESCRIPTION.
file | [code] |
| Defines NetworkStatusControl, which will display current network status such as wireless signal strength.
file | NullControl.h [code] |
| Defines NullControl, which does absolutely nothing (handy for fake items in a menu).
file | PlaySoundControl.h [code] |
| Defines PlaySoundControl, which when activated, plays a sound file.
file | [code] |
| Describes PostureEditor, which allows numeric control of joints and LEDs.
file | PostureEditor.h [code] |
| Describes PostureEditor, which allows numeric control of joints and LEDs.
file | [code] |
| Defines ProfilerCheckControl, which causes the WorldState::mainProfile and WorldState::motionProfile to display reports to sout.
file | [code] |
| Implements RebootControl, which causes the aibo to reboot (very short - one function separated out to limit recompile of the OPENR headers).
file | RebootControl.h [code] |
| Defines RebootControl, which causes the aibo to reboot.
file | RunSequenceControl.h [code] |
| Defines RunSequenceControl, which when activated, loads and runs a motion sequence from a file name read from cin (stored in ms/data/motion).
file | SavePostureControl.h [code] |
| Defines SavePostureControl, which when activated, saves the current position to a file name read from user (default is /ms/data/motion...).
file | SaveWalkControl.h [code] |
| Defines SaveWalkControl, which when activated, saves walk parameters to a file specified from cin.
file | [code] |
| Describes SensorObserverControl, which allows logging of sensor information to the console or file.
file | SensorObserverControl.h [code] |
| Describes SensorObserverControl which allows logging of sensor information to the console or file.
file | [code] |
| Implements ShutdownControl, which causes the aibo to shutdown (very short - one function separated out to limit recompile of the OPENR headers).
file | ShutdownControl.h [code] |
| Describes ShutdownControl, which initiates the shutdown sequence.
file | [code] |
| Defines SimulatorAdvanceFrameControl, which requests the next camera frame and sensor data, for use when running in simulation.
file | [code] |
| Implements StringInputControl, which prompts for and stores a string from the user.
file | StringInputControl.h [code] |
| Defines StringInputControl, which prompts for and stores a string from the user.
file | ToggleControl.h [code] |
file | [code] |
file | TorqueCalibrate.h [code] |
| Defines TorqueCalibrate, which provides an interface for making measurements to correlate PID duty cycle and actual force output for each of the motors.
file | ValueEditControl.h [code] |
| Defines ValueEditControl class, which will allow modification of a value through a pointer.
file | ValueSetControl.h [code] |
| Defines ValueSetControl class, which will assign a value through a pointer upon activation.
file | [code] |
file | WalkCalibration.h [code] |
| Describes WalkCalibration, which allows interactive calibration of a walk engine.
file | [code] |
| Implements WalkEdit, which provides an editor for the CMPack-based Aibo walk engine.
file | WalkEdit.h [code] |
| Describes WalkEdit, which provides an editor for the CMPack-based Aibo walk engine.
file | [code] |
| Implements WaypointWalkControl, which allows interactive control and execution of a set of waypoints.
file | WaypointWalkControl.h [code] |
| Describes WaypointWalkControl, which allows interactive control and execution of a set of waypoints.
file | XWalkEdit.h [code] |